Are We In The Middle of New Creation | Sri Aurobindo and the Mother | Dr. Alok Pandey | #sangamtalks

she says for example all these ideas of athetic Purity I have got up at 4:00 taken a bath and therefore now I’m reciting a mantra and therefore I’m special second she said things like hold your breath the sanctity of marriage now this is a shocker I’m sure what has happened with the children they don’t know which way to turn the old authority of the old world based on ego I’m your dad therefore you must listen to me the child says I don’t care so we say kalyug has come but no it is the first step towards satyug in the age of codification daper we had so many methods even yoga was codified the eight limbs of this yoga and 10 limbs just imagine something so beautiful as moving to the Divine is codified you have to sit like this you have to be bold straight as if Divine cares you can’t revive the form in which the old creation was there if you try to do it by the form it won’t work out what you have to revive is the spirit that’s how shindu says recover the Aran Spirit not just in thought but in [Music] life it’s my great privilege and honor to welcome and introduce our speaker Dr alok Pandi Dr alok Pand m is a well-known Authority on Shri orindo and the mother’s writings especially on the subject of yoga psychology education and health a medical doctor who has specialized in Psychiatry he has served in various capacities in the Indian Air Force before taking voluntary retirement and settling down permanently in the Shri arabindo ashram here in pondicheri and today he’s going to talk to us about the number seven in the light of Shri orindo and the mother especially as the seventh creation that uh is now upon us and that we are now a part of and how that is different from the past six months so welcome Dr aluk the seventh creation and the number seven we know that in vic lore the number seven has a very special place and uh how does the number 100 come from the Vic perspective we have the seven planes of Consciousness sat Mah and man PR and physical that’s sh or matter each of these planes contain all the others so it becomes 7 * 7 so it becomes 49 and then if you take it that there is The Descent of Consciousness from the origin right down into the material and state and below then becomes uh 49 and and the ascent the returning ladder then it becomes twice the number 49 98 and then you have one which is the origin and uh the other side where it has lapsed into inconscious so you have 100 so that’s the origin of number 100 but that’s a different story alog together we have sap synos sap Rivers the Seven Rivers which flow all beautiful internal symbols of an in Journey the Vic rishis we know they clothed they saw a deeper significance in everything and they clothe our inner journey in symbolic outer language those who were not adhikari they caught the outer and those who were um ready for a deeper understanding they were initiated into the inner mystery that’s how it has been all over uh we know about the VI Cas they have been similar something corresponding in other places but with that we come to this seventh creation and it starts how did it start this seventh creation what it means is there have been six Pras dissolutions before this sth creation has come into existence uh evidence we have very indirectly at least science does speak about five five or possibly six Ice Ages which may or may not correspond to that but more or less it does speak about the there is uh recounting of the great flood in which masses of humanity were destroyed in not only Indian thought but in Western thought in uh the ark of Noah the stories of you know gilgames and many others which point towards a great flood which had probably wiped off the previous civilization not all was wiped out though because something remained and that’s why when a new civilization starts it picks up very rapidly the threats that have been lost in the journey because the Deep essence of things is never lost Whenever there is a destruction and I take this simple example that when you are trying to build something and it gets broken or destroyed whether it be a relationship or it be it be a world so is everything lost no wisdom is never lost it is gained strength is never lost it is gained so you come back to life with a greater wisdom and a greater strength so that’s the whole journey about forms get dismantled but then there’s a learning which has gone through that process and it comes back in a new creation that’s the whole process so uh this seventh creation according to Indian thought account uh starts in a very interesting way so there is this King whose name is satat meaning thereby he is the one who has taken a vow of Truth so that itself starts from there and but in his kingdom there are all kinds of people and one day as he goes to the river to take a bath he sees a little fish and the fish tells him King King please take me to the palace and he takes the fish to the palace and puts it in a nice bowl and then then as he turns back again the fish tells him that no no I need a bigger bigger bowl because I’m growing so it puts him in a nice little place much bigger with water and as he turns it calls him again I have grown bigger and so he puts in a pond and then the river and finally back to the Sea sounds very strange what kind of a story is this anyways we’ll come to that but the story continues and then the fish tells him that look here after fish is none other but Lord Vishnu has come as a fish in the form of fish matar and the fish tells him that look after 7 days there is going to be sever downpour and everything will be drowned in that so however I am bidding you to take a make a Ark a boat and put all the specimen uh in the boat all the different animals plants sap rishis the seven sages sage like people and and then you steer so who will steer the fish says I’ll come you tie the rope to my horn and I’ll steer you through and he starts making a boat as he’s beginning to make a boat people call him mad they even start you know stoning him what kind of a logic is this sth day everything will be destroyed how can it be okay we have had downpour but things will be destroyed and you have to build a boat you must be hallucinating consult a psychiatrist but he makes the boat nevertheless he has that faith in in his heart that I had a revelation from Lord Vishnu and uh that’s how it is and then the downpour begins he takes now again there are people who say Okay downpour it chance maybe but it is going to destroy civilization that’s a bit too much but anyways the announcement has gone and people come and get into the boat many look at him and laugh at him that they are going to drown in the ocean fools so and nevertheless with these few people he goes and the fish appears the tie to the fish the fish has a battle to make and on the way it meets an assura known as Hy and what is that Asura done he has drowned The Vedas in the ocean so the fish rescues the Veda destroying this assura and then they don’t know where they are going so there are the sap rishis who guide at the same time Vishnu appears in everybody’s heart and begins to guide them and finally they reach the shores of the Ganges and then a new civilization has to start now this story of course like most Indian stories uh conceals a lot of deep truth it’s about the end of a civilization very straight meaning is when the Consciousness really has started bursting Beyond its limits and it wants to grow so the fish is growing rapidly there is a very rapid uh pace of growth which marks the end of a civilization and beginning of another we see this happening today don’t we even children tell us we want more space they may or may not understand what it means but they want more space wives they want more space they’re not happy being inside the kitchen husbands have no choice but to get some space they also want more space and everybody wants more space so this is happening all over the world because their Consciousness is growing and expanding and everything that is is available becomes small Earth becomes small so we venture into space we venture into Moon we venture into Mars we are venturing into the sun we venturing into the galaxies but inwardly also the Paradigm in which we liveed that has crashed 60s we have FL children we have the Revolt which Beatles and many others they express the anguish and at the same time we don’t know what is new but everybody is seeking for something some way of life which is other than the world that religion and science had built by the power of the Mind mind had built on one side a world of religion to control our outer life ethics morality based on religious doctrines and science for outer life to um make a life comfortable everything and now that has begun to collapse people are able to see through it both and that’s the collapse which we are witnessing and that collapse is there in the story who is still who will get into the boat now we remember mother speaks about the great flood many of us may not be conversing there’s a whole great description of the great flood which she’s actually witnessing in her inner experience and she speaks about the supramental ship this ship has been built it’s ership and she says that these were people who are being taken from this side to the other that other side is not Nirvana or some other plane of Consciousness Beyond but there’s a shift within man to a higher plane of Consciousness who is ready who is not ready so as she is taking people are going in the ship she see there are beings who are trying to see who is ready and who is not ready and she described that there were few people some from asham some out side some different places and then she laughs almost uncontrollably she says what I saw made me laugh what did she see the disciple asked he says many of the values that we hold very sacred especially in today’s Times have no value from the supermental standpoint I don’t know whether I should mention or not because it can be quite a shocker say it okay mother didn’t say it first time then after some time disciples said mother what did you see she didn’t say so but it documented she says for example all these ideas of athetic Purity I have got up at 4:00 taken a bath and therefore now I’m reciting a mantra and therefore I’m special second she said things like hold your breath the sanctity of marriage now this is a shocker I’m sure but anyways it’s gone why not because marriage cannot be special it can be but it has turned into an institution of falsehood your heart is elsewhere your body is elsewhere because you are bound by a legal Bond you see in India it was an inner thing since we have talked about marriage fire the secret fire but now it’s a legal contract this is the kind of degeneration that has taken place people don’t separate why because it’s a legal contract it involves problems so they continue to live a life of untruth unri I won’t use the word falsehood deviating from the deep inner truth and that happening in every sphere of life deviating from the own inner truth so what happens now when they step up into the boat Vishnu appears in the heart as the one who gives the yoga within the heart and from the heart they begin to discover which way we are going where are we going the deeper heart of course there is a superficial heart which is subject to turmoils and turbulences very interesting and then The Vedas have to be recovered what is Veda so vaa is not a book or it’s not a book only lest I heard some sentiments vda is a book but what is that book about it’s about the secret knowledge which is embedded in creation Veda is everywhere Veda is written in mud and stone and stars and flows and Moon and Sun and Earth and Beast and bird and man V is everywhere it is a secret knowledge V the end of that knowledge is in everything that’s how things are ordered that’s the super mind actually the secret knowledge and Consciousness which is embedded that’s why everything keeps to an ordered Rhythm that’s why the seed grows into a tree which is predetermined it’s not a random accident random accidents would lead to suddenly a mango tree out of that a rose coming up we don’t see that they just imagine genes are following in ordered steps that’s why there is a rhythm and this Rhythm continues till the time is there for a new Rhythm so the story of this seventh cre so vas have to be recovered they have you know he recovers the vas and gives it this story is very interestingly shind hints at in his poem The Rishi those who would love love poetry and who would love to see um what is the knowledge that came at the beginning of this seventh cycle me go back and read this poem The Rishi it’s about the Earth is destroyed there’s an ice age and um probably that cycle was being played out in Arctic Zone and it connects very well with all the migration and Etc but I’ll not go into that so there King Manu Manu is in Indian conception each age or the four yugas are governed by the son of sua Surya is the creator he appoints a Manu Manu is the Thinker and he Direct the minds of humanity to move in a certain way so Manu go and ask thei what do I do there’s nothing no one so the Rishi gives him the secret knowledge how he should what he has to do and with that knowledge Manu goes on and establishes the kingdom king satat of that age he is given a boon and the Boon is that in the next cycle you will become the next Manu he is a human but he becomes the king of mankind to govern and direct Mankind and the name of this Manu of the seventh creation is shradhha now the story is complete who gets into the boat of the new creation Now I’m transposing it into this this is the seventh creation entering into its phases what what normally would bring pra but why does pra happen at all let’s touch upon that very briefly so we know there are four Cycles satuk tra daper kalog so in the age of Truth The Divine appears or Lord Vishnu is a Vish is a preserver but Divine appears in the heart of human beings so that’s why it is the age when every human being is impelled by the truth within his heart that’s why it is satyug because everybody knows the truth and is impelled by truth so nothing is needed formally after the destruction he has appeared and a new civilization starts where truth is held inside the heart but over a period of time it’s very difficult to hold Truth for a long time and it’s not enough that it one holds it in the heart every layer must be touched so we have tra there is it one step below so the age of silver so what happens in the Silver age so after the Gold age so there we have the truth is embodied by the Raja chakrawarti Raja so we have Raja ramachandra if the king is holding the truth it will affect the Kingdom so that’s why it is called in ramayana why the kingdom was so beautiful because one person one man’s Perfection still can save the world world one person the king chakra there were no ills simply because he held the truth in his heart he acted according to that not by any moral social standard but by the truth that he saw and that’s a whole story which because Ramana is the story of transition from the animal to the human humanized Humanity animal type Humanity to a humanized then after that goes one step down daer the Bronze Age so there from the mind the Raja who is the king it enters into the vital of man and it’s the age when the truth has to be worked out in the vital and we know how the vital is therefore it needs codification so Vishnu comes now as the great codifier they have rules regulations laws Etc you Humanity uses precisely those rules regulations to do everything possible toward the end of daper and at the end of daper Sri Krishna gives the Gita dapa ends and we enter the age of Kali that is Iron Age Now what is the characteristic of iron is there’s no rule no regulation the king is useless I mean nobody holding truth why this is allowed it is allowed because a new creation May develop now in kog it touches Rock Bottom in matter so on one side we discover wonderful things at a material Level but on the other side human consciousness is so much covered by matter and materialistic Vision scientific materialism positivism everything possible Under the Sun everything has to be seen through the lens of matter so that’s kalyug and when it becomes extreme then that has to be destroyed but this time the mother assures us it will not be destroyed so completely as it devastatingly as in previous Cycles things will go away there’s no doubt when she assures us she doesn’t say that everybody will be saved and we can have bonami party and CH let’s go together in the boat no she says that she says who will be the ones who is ready for this new creation who will collapse in the story itself of King satra is first hint first hint is those who have faith is there in our scriptures also everywhere they will make a leap of faith when King satra tells them that look this creation will be destroyed this new who will come they say you are a fool so there are people who will say to all of us you are a fool this place that place small number of of humanity yes only if few can come in the boat though this is now ship mother has arranged a ship big ship and there will be sometime she says that that who will be saved those who have found that with all that Humanity can give us we can imagine all that it can give not only now in the future they would still feel its limitations they would feel the limitations of science as well as religion the limitations of all that we can be provided it’s not a question of whether we are actually provided or Not Human mind can conceive and they feel within them an urge for something new something different not a fashionable new but a new way of life something new and that’s why we see this arge has been caught by number of people and they are just exploring and experimenting they’re exploring and experimenting because they unhappy with the old world order but they don’t understand the New World Order and therefore there comes the importance of teachers like all here and you know this this not a Kum it is a Kum very beautiful but it is a yagya where people come explore otherwise see today old world is going away it’s gone the values are gone because like div Divine does it he removes it so what has happened with the children they don’t know which way to turn the old authority of the old world based on ego I’m your dad therefore you must listen to me the child says I don’t care so we say kalyug has come but no it is the first step towards satuk that can get respect provided he is authentic this is the word provided he is not a hypocrite it applies to moms also but moms are gen generally authentic I’ve seen women somehow are a lot more genuine because they are more heart- centered but men are more the crookedness comes maybe I don’t know that’s my understanding maybe I know more men mind centered so they devise crooked ways to do things so children don’t care so the old world is bre but so we call it night why because all the values are gone at least in India we know like I’ve have been brought up in a very traditional family where the first thing we were taught on getting up is touch the mother earth and then when food was made first I used to go give food to the cow to the crow to the dog to God and then eat touch the feet of the parent before going out I used to say I’m going to take blessings I used to take blessings all that is gone why because something new is coming which is much more beautiful much more truer than what we can imagine because all these institutions had become subject to falsehood and that’s how I experienced it I experienced it when you know in in our society the Brahman the Learned they had to be they very special people and I saw through it and I said I’m not going to touch the feet of this scoundrel so parents were very unhappy so the real knowledge was lost it became scriptural knowledge so if you ask questions which are uncomfortable they were very angry how dare you ask I an authority on this or that it’s gone so the old world was based on the mind and the ego and it has taken us as far as it could take from that first age right down to and now a new age is Dawning upon mankind who is ready those who are no more satisfied with all that the old world can give and we can imagine everything under the Sun from uh you know the wheelbarrow to the artificial intelligence and therefore they are seeking for something new they see it through it and this seeking for something new opens the door when mother was asked what should we do to qualify for this new world we have so many methods of yoga see in the age of codification daper we had so many methods even yoga was codified the eight limbs of this yoga and 10 limbs just imagine something so beautiful as moving to the Divine is codified you have to sit like this you have to be bold straight as if Divine cares so you see everything was codified strictly every system of yoga mapped out macadamized beaten out and fixed in a book which you have to read and somebody has to teach you exactly the way it is done all that is broken why because yoga also had entered into shackles now it is liberated so look at it how mother says what is this new yoga who is ready for the new world she said two things are needed only two things of course I’m not talking of the ultimate two things call and the grace which shinda speaks about but mother says because not all are so fortunate to have the call for the new creation for the Divine and have the grace they are different Cate they have the red carpet VIP thing so but in general not all are fortunate to you know even conceive of divine or believe in the Divine she said two things are needed one she says do not cling and then she explains he says even people who say they do not cling still cling old ideas habits patterns everything we cling and now those things are being broken down no section of humanity living isolated from the rest they being broken down when people used to travel from India abroad so they were told everything you can do study everything don’t come with a gorame don’t marry and come that now these things are there so there are no fixed patterns all the four types the chat which had its own meaning but I’m not going into it is broken now the Divine had put it and he broke the mold why because now all four have to come in each individual each has to be lumine disciple of Truth each has to be shind describes it a prophet a lover a king a warrior of the Soul each one has to be also a lover who gives in plenty to this creation and each has to be a sudra carrying the spirit of service so all the old patterns have been these patterns were like in some sections of humanity certain kind of work was being done it had its meaning and purpose without a doubt but it has been broken you can’t revive it because all have to now come in each one of us who is moving toward the new creation so if we cling to the old idea I’m a Brahman your child will say I don’t care Dad I’m not going to have your name I actually asked my son do you want this he said no way I said thank God so it doesn’t have aame but you need to have two names I said Arya is okay okay he said yeah Arya is something very special no Arya the true manhood of man and yutu so he became there no P so I very happy that you know this is New Creation new age don’t want of course you need two names but it need not beame this is something new people are trying to you know they are even naming themselves as they grow up these are steps so do not cling to the past to the old ways democracy is an old way for God’s sake another shocker it won’t work mother says it’s shindo gives her uh one of the ball it’s in a inner Vision in 60s and he gives her a ball and says it is worn out can you change it and she says I knew it is democracy it has outlived its purpose it won’t work it is something else but that’s a different discussion we’ll not go into that but all the old methods of organizing the world and life are gone how much we may want it won’t come back and if we try to do it we’ll make a mess of things like the story of Daka and Sati so we know that Daka is a prajapati he again he’s one of those uh beings of the mental world who are given to organize the world prajapati so he’s a subtle World being so he creates order in this uh world so his daughter Sati is love Shiva now he loves Sati but Shiva has no order he’s free he doesn’t own even a car and yet they call him as the you know so powerful he said what kind of in my order the greatest of great must have a Mercedes they must have a tuxedo Shiva is moving around with you know Mikala what kind of how can you say that he is so she falls in love they get married and then he holds a yagya yagya was a means to govern yagya literally meant everybody comes and gives their best and then it goes to all this is a yagya in that sense so everybody comes and gives their bit and then it goes to all in the fire of as aspiration for a beautiful new creation outer details not withstanding so he invites Sati because he loves her but he doesn’t invite sha why because he scared of Sha Sha will come he’ll spoil everybody they will see Shiva and get all the wrong ideas Shiva come Shiva Shiva doesn’t come he tells Sati cautions her look here this sounds fishy so goes and when she goes and she sees his father her father is insulting Shiva she can’t stand it and she plunges into the fire and she dies and when she dies she was enraged WTH and one lock of his hair virbhadra he comes and destroys the entire Army of prajapati and prajapati’s head is is removed then everybody requests so they fix a goat’s head sh recount the story in batam so what happens with the goat said in a big hurry surgeons are all in a hurry oh my God oh my God what’s happened what happened so she was okay put a put any animals head we I’ll revive him that head is gone that ego has to go so they put a goat’s head but in a hurry the Divine surgeons Gods okay not they fix it the other way around so when prajapati moves forward he thinks he’s moving backward and actually when he seems to go backward he’s actually moving forward Paradox and what about Sati she comes back Shiva for a long time carries a body filled with grief till Vishnu cuts the body into pieces and they become the Shakti pit and then sati’s reborn as Parvati daughter of the mountains the nav duras so I want nav Dura is that special she’s born as the energy in matter Divine energy in matter Shala going through all the stages brahmacharini Chandra sidri that’s I think someone else will take that so again we see the same thing in the story you can’t revive the form in which the old creation was there if you try to do it by the form it won’t work out what you have to revive is the spirit that’s how shirinda says recover the Aran Spirit not just in thought but in life and he says that we have to break the molds of the past but we have to safeguard the spirit if you if the spirit goes nothing remains break the molds of the past but the spirit is the springboard towards new molds of the future which are going to emerge and who will be ready for that one is says do not cling because they are gone don’t try to revive the past forms spirit is fine past form is that okay vaa this particular Mantra to be chanted this way it has its meaning okay fine but live the V inside the heart look at creation and discover the Divine in every element that’s what Veda is about from where will flow natural ways of life love things because there is the Divine element in them not because your ego is associated with them awaken this inner fire of aspiration and cast everything into it that must go break this head full of ego if you don’t do it yourself somebody will do it probably your child whom you just can’t fight so do not cling second thing she says thirst thirst for Progress mankind may not understand Divine Maybe a big word but progress everybody understands progress we can progress along the same old lines I have more money I have car I have this or progress vertically whatever I have acquired so far in terms of knowledge in terms of capacities of the heart head life body can I improve upon it this capacities that’s one kind of progress can I break from the limitations of the human consciousness into Uncharted boundaries or Beyond boundaries that is another kind of progress so progress thirst for progress and then she says if you have these two then the extravagances of an American Youth are a path you heard of those people bikers wandering here there what kind of people they’re looking for something they don’t know that is a path why because if you have the fire for as progress we see that in aille unending progress one of the things unending progress not to be satisfied with anything that I have done it first of all Nobody Does it the door is one but that’s yoga we will not touch upon that so thirst for Progress that’s what is required so the old civilization is done dying and a new is being born where is it dying we can see it all over on the outside where is the new civilization emerging look into the hearts of human beings into the children into their eyes until we still spoil them with the poison and the milk of old world if you don’t do it very naturally very spontaneously the world is unfit now for these new children I see them all over and every time my heart feels such beautiful new creation is emerging and our schools our teaching system has become so redundant no wonder she gave name to the school last school then future school then Foundation school no school finally what she meant is not school in the traditional way all that schooling through a typical Blackboard through it’s something new which is coming let them learn in a very natural way with the environment with life and let it be connected with life organically let them come and ask questions like in gurukul there should be people who can direct them based on their degree of quest They will receive the knowledge not as a uh you know stuffing them with information something from the mother this is in I think 1918 probably she’s in Japan she’s addressed ing the women of Japan more than 100 years before and what is she seeing this before the first world war and second world war started which actually collapsed the entire Old World Order collapsed with that that’s why we see that there was a sudden uh loss of values people didn’t know where to go because the entire they had lived on religion Science and Industry which is going to save us 1900 and everything led to such a gory destruction so she’s addressing that them then she says something very beautiful we are living in an exceptional time at an exceptional turning point of the world’s history never before perhaps did mankind pass through such a dark period of hatred Bloodshed and confusion she was obviously forcing because 14 had started but what was going to come was much much much worse but what is she bringing during that time and at the same time never had such a strong such an Ardent hope awakened in the hearts of the people indeed if we listen to our heart’s voice we immediately perceive that we are more or less consciously waiting for a new reign of justice of beauty of harmonious Goodwill and fraternity Justice reminds me just having a small conversation I said age of Truth before it comes there will be an age of Justice you will have to do cour correction in many things can’t help it several Humanity has suffered it’s not about you and me having suffered but Humanity has suffered several kinds of Anguish Injustice to groups of people Injustice towards women Injustice towards various section the Fallen section the downtrod and all this has to be counterbalanced that’s how Vishnu comes balancing so it’ll take various forms forms of ignorance for but it will all come then the beauty and truth comes otherwise people with a heavy heart with a vindictive heart with vengeance they can’t as you were rightly saying it’s it’s healing in therapy you have to remove those P points and uh painful knots then only you are ready for something which is trer and deeper of course if you turn to the mother she does it all just saying how it’s happening at the cosmic level and this seems in complete contradiction with the actual state of the world but we all know that never is the night so dark as before the dawn may not this Darkness then be the sign of an approaching Dawn and as never was night so complete so terrifying maybe never will Dawn have been so bright so pure so Illuminating as the coming one after the bad dreams of the night the world will awaken to a new Consciousness he speaks about it right then and there the civilization which is ending now we talk about old world and new world but we use it very Loosely everything new is not new world every fashion is not a new creation the difference is in the standpoint the ground on which we stand the civilization which is ending now in such a dramatic way was based on the power of Mind mind dealing with matter and life mind can solve all the problems of life we have debates discussions seminars once I very humorously asked and perhaps you know in one of those discussions I me I generally avoid this is something very special so uh I asked look here we are here apparently to solve the problems of the world tell me have you been able to solve the problem in your home so no the answer is obvious we don’t have to go far as mother says when the world Union was created it was created with three people they fought with each other so mother says they want to create World Unity but they fighting with each other what is the basis of unity it is the Divine self and no other you can try to understand respect mutually all this is old you can have Interfaith dialogues it is old in every Interfaith dialogue the person who belongs to One Faith is trying to put a very nice show you know we are so liberal this that and com did I convince them this is the falsehood it won’t work out because humanity is to discover its origin that’s how mother said how can Humanity become one she says by discovering its origin let’s get past everything else and go back to the human aspiration that’s how the life Divine starts what is our aspiration our aspiration is not to belong to a religious Doctrine or to belong to a pH philosophical system or a school of thought or a government or a party none of this they are instruments what is that human aspiration what it has been what it has been to the world we have not to discuss here but a new Reign is coming that of the spirit after the human the Divine yet if we have been fortunate enough to live on Earth at such a stupendous unique time as this one is it sufficient to stand and watch the unfolding events it’s is it enough to say yes M and shind spoke about the new creation yeah yeah it’ll come in its own time meanwhile let me continue with life as it is she says is it enough to watch all those who feel that their heart extends further than the limits of their own person and family that their thought EMB races more than small personal interests and local conventions all those in short who realize that they belong not to themselves or to their family or even to their country but to God who manifests himself in all countries through mankind these indeed no that they must rise and set to work for the sake of humanity for the Advent of the Dawn and the dawn has come we know that 29th February 1956 very special day we are approaching that dawn of a new creation and still we are watching we are listening to The Crow and the which cries when the dawn comes we are ring the and the crow but not opening the doors and windows to the Sun that is directly entering through all the resistances of our human life for in truth saviors they will be as each being of this new type will not live either for himself or for state or Society for the individual ego or the collective ego but for something much greater for God in himself and for God in the world so this is the the new creation has already whispered it has knocked it has opened doors there are people who have heard the call some have pulled the curtains looking toward the new Sun others have joyously stepped out into the fields each one is moving at the pace which is predetermined but unfortunately many are still asleep May men awaken from their Slumber and greet the new dawn okay thank you so much so thank you uh Alo G as always so Illuminating and can you speak again a little with some emphasis on how the last six Creations went through a dissolution that’s the meaning of the word PR and how is it that this time we may avoid it okay so uh I’ll give an image about the pr why it happens so ultimately the original plan if I may use the word plan is a wrong word actually but because we use Mental language the original impulse to creation is eam baham the one wants to become many many what not many human beings or bird and beast but many divinities but that cannot be suddenly because you can’t even have an individuality as long as you are connected with him it will merge into the Divine so he sends each Ray of his glory far in into space down into the inconscient from where it must awaken and in matter the journey will continue because that’s how individualities are created matter is the one that makes my me so much feel separate from others otherwise emotionally intellectually we can still feel a kind of Oneness but materially it’s so difficult it’s actually impossible so uh in con because matter on one side it obscures the sense of the Divine and therefore it is the most best suited medium for creating a sense of individuality distinct from everything else but in trying to create distinctness it creates separateness which is an illusion we all know that everything is interconnected even materially but it was necessary so that Consciousness that idea of many divines emerging out of one is embedded in matter it starts evolving through the different spaces of our human first through the animal fish and turtle we know that story and uh that story of this very four yogas and then as it comes to the human now it enters the critical phase of evolution what is that critical phase critical phase like in any uh nuclear reactor you have a moment when it enters into a phase when it can’t be uh pulled back it has entered it has to go this way or that way so it enters a critical phase so when it enters a critical phase what it means is matter now ready to finally manifest the Divine because the entire manifestation finally has to be on the basis of matter so you may have an inner realization people have had but that’s not enough in mind life heart material existence can it manifest so it goes to a point when it enters a critical phase it’s like do or die so I take the image of a uh you know people who throw hammer throw or what do they do if you look at people doing the hammer throw they are moving it like this no so supposing you take a Time LAX photog Ry you will feel at this point it is in front and here oh it has gone behind but what is it doing it is gathering momentum through these swings and Cycles it is gathering momentum and a time comes when their escape velocity will be such that will go past the barrier so Humanity coming down the stair and going back that’s why we see every Sato is higher than the previous it doesn’t go back from kalyug to dapa to tra to sat it goes Kal is a launching pad to enter a new SAT why because everything is it’s Anarchy and out of that anarchy the Divine can better imerge in the heart of creatures then when there are codifications so he himself destroys so each of these Cycles with the pra is that there is a preparation which has gone thus far and not further and then when it comes back it comes with a greater momentum like the person who is going to throw is gathering momentum so so far six Cycles Humanity has evolved to a point it gathered momentum and then a time comes when that’s what the mother says that’s the leap of faith and the indications are there as I said when it has gathered momentum enough that at least a few or a large let’s hope large section of human escapes from the limits of the human consciousness collectively and the matter their body is ready to embody and manifest the new light the bodies are also changing forms are becoming more and more androus mother spoke about it even the you see in Air Force we used to have cockpits uh why the women were not allowed at one point of time so it’s because the cockpit was designed to odate the men men were taller so you know because they have to it has to fit into the human structure now the women have become taller they are breaking many of the records everywhere physically men and women even physical level and thanks to this travel and all kinds of acculturation body is getting used to and the The Shield which is ozone layer people are very worried about it and and the gas is emission human body is being taxed to the ultimate capacity for a new emergence it may sound very strange but when the plant kingdom was stuffed with too many trees there was a w of plants where they discuss the problem what was the problem carbon dioxide was in extreme shortage you know plants breathe carbon dioxide they were dying off too much oxygen so they didn’t know what to do rules regulations everything fortunately they asked some plants old like people tree they’re closer to Krishna as he says and the banan tree that’s how our mythologist say ashwat tree they went to ashwat tree said you tell us what is God’s intention we are going to be destroyed and ashat goes to Krishna and comes back he oh don’t worry don’t worry what is it you focus on evolving something out of the plant what is that what kind of a solution are you sure you not taking some bang or something and you h no no no you told me as the ashat tree I’ve gone to Krishna and got this message most trees didn’t believe they kept fighting passing laws real rules like this much you will breathe you can’t but some trees took it seriously they evolved into animal life animal life breathes oxygen and releases carbon dioxide a new balance was created upon Earth everything that that is happening and will happen will hasten the new creation including when solar Outburst took place solar flares I’m forgetting was it the year 1960s mother spoke about it she said it is good even when people were going mad she said they are breaking all these old patterns so everything that is happening and will happen is going to hen the new creation we have to have the faith and the aspiration and go towards it of course some people keep worrying and complaining and trying the old method that’s their business so based on that aluk g a very deeper question which not everyone hears about those in integral yoga know um the four assur forces which triggered the evolution so in the seventh creation what will happen with these anti- Divine forces which apparently to have been taken care of two are still there yes could you speak to that all have been taken care so what are these four uh undivine forces or anti- Divine forces whichever way you put it in the last analysis nothing remains as anti- Divine but yes it it can be said so who are these four asuras so The Story Goes that uh as creation Advanced further and further leaping From The Heart Of God let me put it a little better how I like leaping From The Heart of Love love so at it went further and further each started going his own way like four children of the same mother each going in his own Direction some may forget the parents some don’t care they have gone far and wide whatever it is so it went further and further till a Time came when a veil was put on this and the veil was necessary because without the veale they’re always Papa I have a problem Mama I have a problem parents are most happy when children don’t I mean this should be most happy when grownup children don’t call them then all is well all that you need is just write a smiley or something you don’t want to know anything more if they keep calling Mama I have a problem then parents wonder I mean so so they had to be there to forget this also was an act of the Divine but the moment you forget the source source will never forget you how much ever children may forget mothers never forget Source never forgets you but children can forget so and that’s part of the plan that’s how they grow up into adults so so to Creation by forgetfulness plunged Into Darkness we can equally say the Divine Consciousness deliberately entered a state of self Oblivion but I’m putting it a little more in a simple way and when creation which came in such a Grandeur and beauty and simplicity and spontaneity Godlike it entered into self Oblivion Oblivion then what happened all the four Great powers that went out what are the four Great Powers Indian perspective saand sat chit Tapas Anand sat is existence or you may call truth because it’s the true substance chit is consciousness and Tapas is force and anandha is bliss so what it became it became its opposite so sat became untruth UNM false we may use the word like the word UNR because that’s there in the upnishad and what happened to Consciousness unconsciousness lot of suffering today is because of unconsciousness and then what happened to Tapas weakness this idea I weak I’m useless helpless is the action see these ASAS act like that and Ananda became suffering so when we love suffering we are siding with this assura when we say that by sleeping on bed of nails I’m going to arrive at God we are actually going into his lap all suffering is a contravention of Divine Law but pleasure is a perversion of the Divine truth which makes it worse but nevertheless pain and pleasure and indifference are disguises all that now sat truth all that connects with the Divine the origin if we live our life simply with this idea that we are all have a common origin life would be so different matter also has that origin Divine is in all therefore it must be treated with respect but what does this falsehood does it puts a veale world is different God is different this is different that is different forever divided so it create division what does force becomes weakness or Consciousness becomes unconsciousness Force become weakness all this idea which Arjuna had at the beginning of what can I do how will I do what this that and he says what has come over you delusion MOA MOA makes us feel weak and then finally Anand has become suffering but then after all originally God’s children they started the creation what will they create the Dark Worlds patal Lo so the Divine mother herself plunged into it and who went along with her a portion of her heart because the God said we will go and she the the second line came in that is the gods and this God said that we will help pulling creation out but uh we need something from the Divine mother which can sustain us we don’t think we are capable of doing it alone out of her heart poured a drop of that love that love will develop into the psychic being essence of psychic being is that love and that’s why the moment your psychic being awakens you recognize the Divine mother as the Divine mother nobody has to tell you nobody has to convince you it knows it recognizes so it plunged into creation all the gods came the god Ag and S they had a great role to play why ag ag is the urge for Progress AG a go ahead a so it keeps pushing us thirst for Progress that started pulling creation out and S Ananda the maximum Joy one can ever get in life is by progress that’s why after some time when things become mechanical we feel stifled so this progress so instead of seeking happiness if we see progress happiness will be given to us as by default it designed in creation so Ag and s Lead the journey and then slowly slowly they recover back so what happened to these assuras they are also coming now who all coming Divine mother who had plunged into creation the four asuras sticking on like olden days in the um trains people sticking on in India sticking on to the outside sitting on top scking on no ticket nothing but they are Ras but they all have to come Indian socialism is like that socialism if you look at it it’s in the best sense spontaneous socialism okay okay okay and we used to say ah TI come in come in come in general compartment that’s how we have grown up doesn’t matter you have a ticket you don’t have a ticket rule not rule but come come sit and they will take your own seat sit a little bit you know find a place so anyway so these asuras are Tagalongs and along with that is psychic being so now we have these three fellows together or three elements one is the psychic being the other is the assuras why because they want to change and the most important is the Divine mother and then the gods who are all around sometime these Gods fight with the demons sometime they work together to bring out the nectar before the nectar comes poison that all that is a wonderful story and I love stories I’m resisting my temptation to recount all these stories but anyways as creation begins to come out it has reached a point where asuras have reached a final stage so what is that final stage either they accept dissolution or conversion it is there even the story of jij were discarded from the home of Vishnu because they didn’t understand uh they asked the identity card from a sage they so Sage says you are working here you don’t can’t recognize you have not even awakened that much intuition that you can differentiate a sage so he tells them go into the worlds of fear and and suspicion so they go to Vishnu now what is what will he do he said you people have been doing this you once asked identity card of Lakshmi G also so I have no choice you go through it but I will come and rescue you you can come either in three lives or seven lives see the number seven so three lives they said okay okay three lives sounds better he said but hold on three lives yeah three lives you will be like a I will come to wrestle with you I’ll destroy you completely so they said doesn’t matter I will come back Seven Lives the path of fulfillment Divine fulfillment I think we all chose for seven lives so so what happens to these asuras as you said finally the mother had all of them around her since her childhood she says they were tag along with her because they they know where they can get relief redeemed rather and that is a story of a life many aspects who these assuras we’ll not go into that we’ll not go into the human Representatives that’s a long subject but essentially asuras are hostile to the divine plan what C characterizes the Asura most is it would not want the divine plan to work out at any level it will do everything to block it and stop it that is whether in an individual a group collectivity wherever asuras are against the divine plan because they know if the divine plan succeeds so they want to hold creation so the two asuras who finally agreed for conversion where the asuras of unconsciousness and suffering so these two agree and two which didn’t agree were death and falsehood but this is how it is spoken but if you read through the agenda right till the end in one of he shoots the assur of death Death Dies so what is the significance fear of death will go slowly we will begin to discover Ways and Means for prolonging life and eventually getting rid of death so death is done with for sometime it’ll be an instrument as long as necessary and that’s there in savitri also what about falsehood it says okay I know I have no choice all my fellows friends have gone but I know I will surrender so basically in principle it is agreed but before I dissolve I’m going to create as much chaos as I can mother just laughs okay I am going to have the last call she gives a hint in 1972 I think 25th December message where she says before dying fals suit Rises to its full swing indicating that the time has come it is going to die another message men countries continent the choice is imperative truth or the abyss so people ask Mother why did you just smile should have just thrown it away he said yes but all of you are harboring it falsehood in your heart if I give it a tight slap all of you will collapse because you are being fed by all the halwa gulab jamun And Pastry and cake from these asuras and because you are harboring them I helpless if I destroy it most of you will collapse your energy comes from the Asura so that’s for she says okay you want to do that way do it you are going to go away so all the four if you really look through our writings is very clear that work is done but falsehood has said that it will try its best but every time it tries its game will be exposed by truth for instance in the case of Corona and the vaccines in the case of hypocrisy and insincerity in international dealings she spoke about it in the case of spreading fear so over a period of time this fellow is getting exposed mother said it’s an age of Truth and do not try to do anything which you want to keep hidden because it’ll become public nobody is safe see how it started with the impeachment of the American president I’m not going behind the conspiracies and other things who could have imagined and Everywhere You Do Something There is some hidden camera of chitr somewhere Watching God knows who has God and planted it is an age of truth and only they will get across who practice this truth truth is not about simply outer truth my land my no that is UN fact un truth follow that truth in your heart the true way of life truth in speech truth in thought don’t speak if you don’t have to speak truth in thoughts truth in feelings truth in actions don’t try to put up nice figure sir you’re so wonderful but deep inside when will this fellow that won’t work out it’s the age of Truth so all of them are one way or the other taken care of yeah

In this talk, Dr. Alok Pandey discusses about the new creation that is currently underway touching on the subject of consciousness and the rapid pace of change. He takes us through the Mother’s vision of the supra-mental ship akin to the ship made by the King Manu before the great flood. He also describes the reason behind Pralay and the cycle of four Yugas – Satyug, Tretayug, Dwaparyug and Kalyug and how each kalyug is the jumping board for a new satyug. Delving further, he uncovers the story of King Daksha and Sati, which serves as a poignant metaphor for the need to revive the Aryan spirit and embrace continuous progress without clinging to the past. Throughout the video, Dr. Pandey navigates through profound themes, including the emergence of the new civilization and the cyclical nature of humanity’s evolution. We explore the idea that the new world is not entirely new but rather a continuation of the evolutionary journey of consciousness and matter. The video culminates with a thought-provoking discussion on what the Asuras represent, leaving viewers with a deeper understanding of the complex interplay between consciousness and the evolution of humanity.

About the Speaker:
Dr. Alok Pandey is a distinguished figure recognized for his expertise in the writings of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, particularly in the domains of Yoga, Psychology, Education, and Health. With a professional background as a Medical Doctor specializing in Psychiatry, he has contributed significantly in various roles within the Indian Air Force before opting for voluntary retirement. Settling permanently in the serene ambiance of the Sri Aurobindo Ashram in Pondicherry, Dr. Pandey continues to share his profound insights and knowledge with seekers and enthusiasts alike.

Topics Covered:
00:00:00 Breaking of Age Old Notions
00:01:22 Introduction of Dr. Alok Pandey
00:02:15 Relation Between 7 and 100
00:04:10 Start of Seventh Creation
00:09:88 Consciousness and Rapid Pace of Change
00:11:40 The Mother Talks of Supramental Ship
00:16:40 Story of King Manu
00:17:47 Reason of Pralay – The 4 Yug
00:21:25 Destruction of Old World and Faithful Ones
00:26:35 Who is Ready for The New World?
00:31:44 Story of King Daksha & Sati
00:35:16 Revive the Aryan Spirit – Don’t Cling and Progress
00:38:38 Where is the New Civilization Emerging
00:43:50 New World is not Truly New
00:48:27 Humanity : Consciousness and Matter
00:52:17 Each Pralay is Beginning of New Satyug
00:56:07 The 4 Undivine Forces
01:03:50 What Does Asuras Represent

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  1. Sanatanphobes , please stay away from watching this video….this is the ultimate truth…sanatan is satya and satya is Sanatan 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾