SchoolBus.Rocks Your Literature -GEN Dr. Stone Party EDM: Mavericks’ Stone World Alexander The Great

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翰林院儿歌 – 石纪元主题曲重建文明
choolBus.Rocks Your Literature -GEN Dr. Stone Party EDM: Mavericks’ Stone World
Age Group: Toddlers, Pre-K, & K-2 Kids, or Foreigners
Abstract: A rock-inspired anthem celebrating science, courage, and teamwork as young mavericks rebuild civilization in a post-apocalyptic world.
Genre: College Rock, EDM, Dance – Duet
Artist: Alexander The Great “ATG”
GEN Courseware Training Stats:
Total Words: 389;
Average Singing Speed: 130 Words Per Minute, Medium Range;

▶ We were ridin’ on that SchoolBus.Rocks,
When the world went still, tick-tock, tick-tock!
Green light flash, and we all turned to stone,
Woke up in a jungle, all alone.

But here comes Senku, that science king,
With his mind on fire, he’s got everything.
He’s a Maverick, breaking every rule,
Leading the way with the power of cool!

We’re the Mavericks, livin’ in a stone-cold world,
Rebuildin’ with fire, gotta give it a whirl!
From Global Elites Network to the campfire spark,
We’ll light up the future, with a bang in the dark!
Yeah, we’re Mavericks, ready to ignite,
With courage, adventure, and science in sight!

Taiju’s got strength, like a boulder in the ground,
But it’s his heart that’s tougher, always stickin’ around.
He’ll break the chains, yeah, he’ll set us free,
With Senku’s brain, there’s nothin’ they can’t be!

Yuzuriha, so steady, she’s calm as the tide,
In a world of chaos, she’s the heart inside.
Together they’re legends, from old school halls,
Gonna rebuild it all, we’ll rise from the falls!

They’re cookin’ up knowledge like a science stew,
From the SchoolBus.Rocks lab, they’ll break through!
Blowin’ minds with their stone-age tricks,
Turnin’ vines to ropes and sticks to bricks!

We’re the Mavericks, livin’ in a stone-cold world,
Rebuildin’ with fire, gotta give it a whirl!
From Global Elites Network to the campfire spark,
We’ll light up the future, with a bang in the dark!
Yeah, we’re Mavericks, ready to ignite,
With courage, adventure, and science in sight!

Hey kids, don’t wait — be a leader like them!
It’s not just about brocks or liftin’ heavy stems.
It’s heart, it’s grit, it’s leadin’ the pack,
In this stone-cold world, there’s no turnin’ back.

So grab your gear, fire up that dream,
In the SchoolBus.Rocks, we’re buildin’ the team!
Learn from the Mavericks, they’re showin’ the way,
Tomorrow’s leaders, we’re rockin’ today!

We’re the Mavericks, livin’ in a stone-cold world,
Rebuildin’ with fire, gotta give it a whirl!
From Global Elites Network to the campfire spark,
We’ll light up the future, with a bang in the dark!
Yeah, we’re Mavericks, ready to ignite,
With courage, adventure, and science in sight!

From stone to sky, we rise and roll,
Like Mavericks, we’re takin’ back control.
Science, courage — that’s our code,
In this brave new world, we’re ready to go!

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