能幹貓也憂鬱ep08 | 學習日文單字 | 提升你的日語 | 聽力技巧 – 口說技巧 – 動漫詞彙#TheMasterfulCatIsDepressedAgainToday #デキる猫は今日も憂鬱

#能幹貓今天也憂鬱 #TheMasterfulCatIsDepressedAgainToday #デキる猫は今日も憂鬱



Hello everyone! In today’s video, we will learn 10 useful Japanese words from this amazing anime. These words are not only commonly used in everyday conversation but will also help you understand the anime’s plot better. If you’re interested in the full episode, check it out here


If you enjoy our content, don’t forget to subscribe to the channel and have fun learning Japanese with me!

お巡りさん (おまわりさん)

びっくりした (びっくりした)

ケガ (けが)

騒がしい (さわがしい)

レジ (れじ)

鈍っちゃって (にぶっちゃって)

常連 (じょうれん)

痴話 (ちわ)

もしかして (もしかして)

狂う (くるう)

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