Dinosaur Simulator – KAIJU ARCHELON / GAMERA Showcase | Is it Worth the DNA?

Yo what’s up guys so this is just going to be a quick little showcase on kaju archelon I already pretty much showcased everything else like kaju helicoprion parasaur Argentino uh so this is is going to be on our Kaiju archeron it’s literally just a video dedicated to this but I’m

Telling you guys this skin is freaking sick yesterday I thought oh it’s not worth 10K it was worth the 10K so this is the normal swimming animation this is the Sprint Up and down looks very nice like the whole model in general just really nice uh so I think people said this thing’s name was gamra gamra I don’t know but anyways this is the eating animation just looks really cool in my opinion at least like I just I just love

How this model looks uh so now it’s it’s really this is like the main thing that carries it so boom this yeah this this thing can fly uh I guess in the kaisra universe or something this thing is gamra is a flying turtle I don’t I don’t

Know I don’t really watch Kaiju that much but this thing is freaking sick look at it like if you see this thing coming towards you what are you going to do realistically nothing you you can’t do anything you see a flying turtle coming towards you what are you going to

Do but this thing is really overpowered because it has 90 armor keep in mind this thing is flying at you a freaking tank keep in mind a tank 90 armor 86 damage 1,600 Health this thing could probably beat hybrids let me see the range yeah the range isn’t even that bad

It’s not the best but it’s not the worst and it does bleed as well surprisingly a good amount of it to be honest will this be able to combat Aurora though that’s my question honestly I could see it I could see it because one it has a crap

Ton of armor so I don’t think even Aurora can bleed it which I mean Aurora’s biggest or one of its biggest weapons is it’s bleed come on keep it realistic bleed is what honestly either carries Aurora or gives it a big Advantage obviously the damage and the

Range is one thing but bleed is is another thing and if you have this much armor one you’re going to take less damage two you’re going to I don’t even think it can get bled and if it can it’s by maybe hybrids or you know like AV

Things like that nature but this thing is just sick look at it freaking Jets coming out of its legs like it’s it’s I think his legs literally turn into like Jets it it does that’s sick that’s actually sick the legs like retract into it body and then Jets come out this thing is

Actually sick does it have custom callws though is the r I think this I don’t think this is Arch alone’s calls we need do R again this is G G Again then the C let me just confirm really quick cuz I don’t think Arch alone has those calls yeah okay so they are different that’s like gamra Exclusive Calls so if you guys didn’t get that the Kaiju Arch alone I really recommend you get it cuz one is going limited on the

29th I’m pretty sure uh tell me if I’m wrong but I think the 29th and I don’t know if it’s going to be tradeable if it isn’t I mean I don’t know that’s kind of kind of sucks but I I can see it be tradeable why not make it

Tradeable but yeah that was kaidra arone if you guys want like a PVP video on the new skins like kaij helicoprion uh this the Argentino all that type of stuff just let me know cuz I could definitely do that and uh yeah see you guys next video

Peace I can’t think clearly when you hear my head when you going under you turn to under I again I can’t
