Subsistence MP Wussy Server – Season 2 – Part 2 – Live Stream!

e e e e e e for welcome back to the channel everybody apologies for that slight delay we’re uh we’re getting there slowly but surely we are currently in January at the uh back end of the W of the winter and we just going to do a mega chilled out session tonight and uh potentially get into February uh in this session which means that the lake will uh not be frozen over anymore and we can get in and do our thing right him and uh we’re potentially going to have the 44 join us too which will be cool and whatnot so uh let’s get a crack on we are ready to get a move on with that everything here is looking good for now at least uh it’s coming up to evening now so we’re not going to get an awful lot done but what we can do let’s get some wood on the go Envy has jumped into G too let’s just go grab what we can I still reckon I I was I was kind of toying and teasing Envy last night I was saying that he should uh move over to uh to that little Headland over there that one there he should build his base there and then he can connect up to all of our power and whatnot that’ll be cool got two shots in look at him go hello doggy have toy with him where’d he go damn it out of bullets that’s disappoint to that’s why I don’t do hunting in Winter don’t like it anyway right so the plan is to um depending on how much uh how many days we’ve got left I think we’re going to go into February really really soon uh to finish off this glass section here um it is a as you can see okay so it’s half a plank there is uh so it’s half a plank worth extra so what’ll happen is when you put the roof on there’ll be a Gap this width so we’ll put a flat piece on the top right down the middle which might actually look kind of cool something a little bit different but we’re a long ways off of that because we’ve got to get a whole lot of sandstone to make that happen uh but yeah and then the other plan is to eventually uh do this side here uh exactly the same as that U but to have this kind of like um seasonal time so December in real life the Christmas tree will come out so we’ll put the Christmas tree up we’ll get the sofas out this will be like a chilled out area here put another wood burer in here somewhere somehow make it look pretty cool I think so but anyway and this will be our kitchen area obviously we’ll keep that there is a potential to move this to over here move this wood bur out a little bit further this way to give more central heat here and put another fridge in h that is definitely way way way way down the line first things first is the power um we would like to get basically double what everything that we have now each person double up on everything U because we need a need a good constant Supply in this way what’ll happen is anybody can run whatever they want for however long they want we don’t want to use the power hack it is there as as a backup I haven’t used it in ages um so it is there as a backup should we need it um but for now we’re doing pretty good I think he flow what is he flow he flow you you had he throw he flow he flow he flow maybe it’s it’s a different type of language for hello hey 44 how you doing hey Flo correct I knew it bloody knew [Laughter] it it’s some bizarre language for hello put your chopper away mate all right let’s get that cooking um my strategy is during winter is do small game like rabbits chickens get some wood fiber a very minimalist don’t even go out and get um obsidian every now and then I go out get some lithium and so on Silicon but other than that very seldom venture out very far I know it seems stupid but hey whatever and like I say uh I think we are very close to uh to Winter uh to uh to Summer sorry well to Janu February God damn it speak fat boy speak [ __ ] hell I just want to keep those because I extra onions and make some liver and onions like I’ve got there just top that up tomato soup is looking good for now um we need to get these fellas working I can’t see them that’s why we have this boom I should probably reposition these back a little um I should have chosen the lower line ones but it’s okay I can still see um got to get these going and then need things to help them get don’t need to waste electricity on that get it right boy yeah my brain’s not working properly whenever does it you know what I mean you know I may in love the warden can attested that can’t you Warden yep told you yep okay so I think it’s going to get to February really soon that’s what I think yeah So the plan is um make capacitors smelt what we can um get all the necessary bits together to make it all happen um semiconductors look at that yes it’s lovely in’t it so obsidian is now a thing but we’ve got bits and pieces which is all good we can make uh circuit boards um we need to Jesus I forget what is it like three circuit boards per thing something stupid yeah so it’s a slow process man so if we can get uh get all of the stuff smelt in and everything like that and start instead of using circuit boards for flood lights Trev uh start hoarding these circuit boards so that we can start building so there’s one we should be able to do another there we go so there’s two circuit boards we’re just going to leave it down there um got enough pearls to keep us uh busy for a bit thankfully it only takes one Pearl yes so we got some of that happening um that’s a silica War okay so we’ got some silica and we’ve got some lithium next is Obsidian um I refuse to go anywhere near the area to go get obsidian in Winter I’m a ww yeah so watch a terrific qualifying session and jumping backwards and forwards to see the rugby our national team the spring box beat Wales uh not overly convincing I actually switched back to the F1 rather than watch the rugby so that kind of says everything first half was a bit sketchy the second half of this of the first half was a bit sketchy but uh a win’s a win I guess uh it’s good to get a run out get rid of the cobwebs the rust and all that I think it’s still going to be tough for the next three tests against the Irish here in South Africa that’s going to be [ __ ] brutal um I think we’ll be lucky if we win that series okay so we got medicinal potatoes uh potatoes Tomatoes uh potatoes is the one I want the most so let’s get them fired up and watered and whatnot um a water pump is on the cards at some point it’s actually nice to the light on really isn’t it um we just water the rest oh [ __ ] forgot of course let’s keep an eye on that electricity out 1.36 yeah I’m not surprised it’s 13,000 we’re okay uh I’ll switch them off because really I can see what I’m doing I would personally rather have that on build up that mass uh we got the oil biofuel slap in there turn it on to counter this over here so there we go so it’s a slower out and when the morning comes we’ll have sunlight and wind power hopefully yes you heard correctly I did say wind [Music] power all right let’s do this thing he n now let’s see what he says I ain’t never moving down again already got our water do a little bit of veggies oh I need to make some more H bones man it’s a it’s a quick easy meal got to get them onions happening I want to make some more liver and onions too I really want to step away from using the the power hack I don’t think we’re quite ready yet for that maybe when it gets warmer there you go see the seed is planted I said he should move there this little Headland over here even right here and over there combine it all together with his jacuzzi his bow penis thingy jacuzzi over there right of here connected up to us perfect we pull our resources and whatnot it’ be good I wonder maybe Envy knows if he’s listening are are you actually listening to chat Envy let’s see if he response do our thing oh I haven’t even looked at the Discord yet you got my stream up um if let’s say if Q or I Whoever has a water pump can we pump and irrigate all the way through to the other bases will it stretch that far or is there a limitation also is there a limitation on how many BCU extend as you can have you never hit a limitation okay I thought there was a limitation on the BCU extenders I mean to be fair we have used a fair whack so maybe they lifted that is it in yet this is where I reckon you should build mate we got a nice little Al Cove over here I reckon right here on this little Headland area over here right over here by this rock you can put up your uh your penis pool somewhere around here good spot to build man keep topping up the wood Come On th out already hello hello hello how you doing how was your sausage pasta oh it was nice can you have a little bit of it anyway but it was really nice anyway nice how’s Michael doing he’s still sitting waiting to go up for his stream at the moment so yeah I’m streaming as well so oh nice oh hello 44 streaming oh God the warden’s burping nice lovely lovely is it yeah she’s right old go I think I might burp in a minute actually takes one to no one yeah right it’s just going to be one of those tonight can interject on everything yeah make it make it a her stream rather than a My Stream yeah but nobody can hear her yep she don’t know that though oh all right there we go chat there’s the F Falls channel to go get a different point of view of what is going on white wolves that we yeah I think we are super close to uh February de plane de plane I hear it I hear it oh I hear it as well where the hell’s that then it’s just come sounds like it’s coming over the lake or to the right of the lake oh no there is no that’s a bird over the 44 Lake is it over the 44 Lake ah okay yeah just G just gone past it going up north area noreast it’s hard to see in this oh no it’s bloody hard oh I don’t hear it anymore all still going we haven’t had a decent crash in a long time it’s def going up north though going up to Little Pond in the fields uhhuh going to go across dragon and where’s base okay just hit that base come to their base now it’s going east it’s going it’s coming back down a little bit I reckon it’s going to crash it might do it’s going a really weird c i it’s going to come on this bloody Mountain again you know oh for God’s sakes why always on that freaking Mountain I don’t know but it’s heading towards it oh god well it’s not worth oh no it didn’t there you go it’s literally uh right where the legs of the where the where their Pond their big pond is MHM it’s literally um God uh it’s in Clear Springs Clear Spring Clear Springs Clear Springs let’s have a look all right okay oh okay I know where that is that’s where the um lithium is yes oh no that that’s just above that little horrible Forest Area it is indeed all right I’m on my way on my way I’m on my way I’m on my way I’m on my way I need food what off okay oh [ __ ] I turn it off sorry darl shock horror yeah that happens here too okay turn the other off all right I’m on my way to the uh to the crash side it’s the only time I’ll go venturing not is for a plane if it was up in the mountain I wouldn’t have bothered but seeing that it’s low decently lad I’m just passing 44 P now I’m going my way over as well I’m going to run up that hill where the lithium is just to the right of it okay God the warden is singing running up their hill now Jesus passing boxes hello Mr moose don’t believe I’ve used all my you get you’ll get that oh there’s a white wolf avoid that [ __ ] d avoid that [ __ ] bag yeah but it’s turning into a white art oh no it’s not allow which is which is not good okay I’m I’m being brave even for me shut up w a shotgun in the face otherwise yeah just come past past the 44 Pond yeah I’m in the I’m in the fields okay that’s white wolf do a little bit of walking now oh je it it it doesn’t matter in we because we’re sharing everything that’s why we connected oh yeah whatever we get benefits us all we’re sharing the love that’s it oh that was a bit nice and Loud wasn’t it BL me hello chicken bloody lucky cuz I put my um bit on the wall it fell off once not oh okay how’s it all going not too bad actually I’m eating my microphone so you’re eating your microphone I’m eating my microphone don’t send pictures of me doing that because that can be doed really close to my mouth God you’re making me lose me way 44 I’m might be to catch up with you then yeah exactly I know your PES and your tactics I know what you’re doing you’re toying with me man my pigy I even know where the hell I am all these box I’m going past I know I’m running past them too I’m like oh that’s hurting not stopping to pick them up oh I can out that one had to pick it up get that energy back up oh I can pick that up got it okay I’m at top of the um Pond by Hotel wiia oh Blood Out isus 10 damn it yeah dude it’s freaking cold I’m just above you actually yeah I’ve kept low because of the temperature oh I don’t care I should care really shouldn’t I shut up wolf yeah shut your face wolf God I’m getting blue death as well damn it oh you’re getting the blue death too holy [ __ ] dude come down I’m coming down be so seven shut it Wall come on behave minus six that should do it should get the green death thing now yep hello Rose I love you oh yeah and you wolf oh bad wolf a white one hey piggy piggy piggy run piggy piggy piggy piggy run now where that plane is crashed we got to be careful of mountain lion that’s okay got 44 with name on yeah even I’m getting the blue death I just come down a bit lower again y got the plane s playe crash inside there is there I see it on the map anyway got W up my ass okay got the face box oh there is there once again load of [ __ ] in the Box I’ll leave the other box to you wherever it is might be around somewhere yeah weather is getting worse hi oh no it’s over where is it I can’t even see it where is it oh is I got it oh you got it okay oh got circuit board a that’s a good one to get a grenade um um a tank moloto couple of bandages and the rest it ammo yeah that’s exactly what I got mainly ammo and some glue and stuff like that I got a py that help towards yep down get down bloody lower now yeah it’s 10° already Jesus wi out out where you at you on your way back down on the down on the pond okay and it’s seven seven down here yeah I see you he yeah I’m it y right behind you I can’t even see the bloody where we go I’ll go yeah don’t worry I know I know exactly where we go I’ll follow you then that oh box very gunpowder honestly hey dragon hey that’s their base over there to our left yep oh I’ve got no stamina left yeah it’s taking a while to build back up yep you just love this weather mhm got a seed over here or a potato or something potato seed can you say you needed seeds I do yeah cool need to break some of my stuff down to make more T more seeds anyway so yeah I just I just had a a shower in a shave and now my top lip is bloody freezing oh no shaved it off oh oh oh oh white wolf did aead yeah I see him there this is the fields now oh them ores are looking at me like take me yeah I saw him on the way over s some on the way over anyway yeah CP got it at least it’s only minus five true good what it’s clearing up a little bit good us for that probably got that cold over there yeah oh wolf to our right that’s a pig that’s a pig yeah Dead Ahead wolf what a white wolf that way I hate them things yeah I don’t like them either Ro H oh shut up shut up stupid wolf lock box following us is he [ __ ] S I want this lock box no I’ll keep an eye yeah oh [ __ ] [ __ ] Jesus those was a bit [ __ ] tough wasn’t he yeah they normally are okay there’s a a bunch of stuff here weapons Parts I’m not giving up not a [ __ ] chance in hell tomato needs wooden planks uh what else is it there we go cool I’ve been waiting for weapons parts for like ever I’ve got three in my box if you want oh I’ve got three of them no that’s all good okay fine I’m trying to I’m trying to get to the uh the lever action fine you can have mine I don’t want them for anything else I’ve got me 44 that’s all I wanted nah you want to upgrade your 44 man keep your weapons Parts yeah believe me you’re going to want to upgrade that 44 it’s going to be worth it oh look at that box up there bloody hell it’s got a lot of crap in it yeah yep lot of crap yeah gunpowder no don’t gunpowder and then an arrow well I guess an arrow is okay got 15 arrows already follow the fence line yep -9 Jesus Christ yep how do you get – 9 and I gotus 8 no it’s – 8 no it’s – 9 just a minute ago there it isus 9 and a wolf Dead Ahead Arch Rock y white wolf to the left yeah I saw that scrap I did see here much his health bar yeah oh another scrap nice and now we know where we are yay all right knew where we were anyway no I know oh B ra blessing there you are yeah I was walking for a bit my stamina [ __ ] it’s up to 111 I’m 96 and 97 so let’s getting there getting there slowly yeah it’s good okay cool I think the trick to it is um to keep feeding yourself like high-end meals to keep upgrading the house of the mouse nice nice actually it is really good actually come on Ice Break On Through one of these going to make so you fall through that you know yeah you should really there’s your rose hips oh I won’t put the apples in there you got no room for apples I Got No Room for apples yeah no cook that on that though grab a grab a liver and onions and a um we go grab a Liv onions in a tomato soup dude okay get your health up that’s why it’s there yeah my salon has gone to 112 now after you having that meal go I don’t know yay I got seven weapons Parts woo getting there slowly righty rope adhesive scrap cloth Nails uh health kit just put that um this circuit board in your in your box on your on your on your bit not your goodness me I’ll put I’ll put the um oxygen tank in the uh other bit as well the oxygen thingy uhhuh cool here we go yeah why didn’t that transfer over come on now thank you it’s cold up there all right what can on let’s see my all right I’ll be back in the F okay oh god listen to that crack of ice Jeepers I know it’s cuz I jumped off the top thereit he made a real loud crack if I had to do that in real life I think my ankles would just break yeah I think mine would as [Laughter] well snap crackle and pop indeed yeah Warden when are we getting strawberry pops again I you take a picture you have to take a picture of it when you do take a picture and send it to you so you can see what it looks like yeah indeed yeah they did actually change the recipe why they have to go and change a recipe I don’t know and it hasn’t been the same since oh right okay you don’t really want them then do you no not really but I mean I I like cocoa pops well what you going to do okay I got three more Soups On The Go oh yeah looking good what box out the window why do you throw a box out the window didn’t do it on purpose I went to do so and I threw it out the window instead oops oh de my shotgun shells I throw them out the window don’t throw those out the window Jus oh no okay obsidian is what we’re going to need next but for now for now we can’t do [ __ ] D okay obsidian don’t we yeah I have to go to that Master area what white war on my place white war on my place growling at me that’s Charlie that’s the replacement for Charlie oh that’s Charlie replac good point about that yeah unpleasant bastard isn’t he just a little bit the wooden’s making a fire Jeepers wow you said she doesn’t feel C it’s it is cold tonight the I’m sitting shivering who’s who’s friend oh my friend be right back hang on a minute okay thought I heard somebody running around outside get some water or ice there that cold out I’m back welcome back oh what you get up to H nothing it’s um the one the man that does my garden come over and said thank you for for using the electric at that all right okay oh that’s nice of him oh he’s lovely actually he’s um autistic and that but he loves doing Gardens and stuff so he does my garden for me he’s he’s a lovely duck he is lovely actually oh put this in thing in The Jig tank free out there yeah brother just getting my ready there we go there’s some more uh tomato soup if you need to take any and there’s some hash bres and whatnot I need to wash my hands please wash your hands please wash your hands it is pretty damn cold up there damn it is rather Brazen a r nipply out there about four minutes get all set [Laughter] up fine you’ll be fine he’ll be fine you’ll be all right on the night yep got me water good on the food meat don’t really have see this is why I do a little bit of rabbit hunting CH hunting just top up on the protein you got any staks in there have you I don’t have any stakes in there because I haven’t been hunting big game oh right B psych over um have a living onion man it’s fine it’s why it’s there that give you a nice boost it’s yeah it’s usually I like just get like two chickens or two rabbits and just kind of snack on that at night and then have the uh have the the big stuff when you go out and you know you get knackered yeah true yeah in the morning I’m going to depending on the weather head over to that obsidian hideous place I’ll go chop trees and stuff yeah there is actually oh yeah there’s 600 in the over there that’s all right still chop more that’s what I’ve been doing like every day I just been like doing like maybe 50 like do like maybe 10 or 20 trees that kind of thing other roads we need though oh that’s the obsidian is what you need to make the the semiconductors or the capacitors whichever one’s which obsidian day time look at that it makes you feel cold with there snowfall though it’s going to be cold no it’s 4° here three one it’s one St here zero right here by the end yeah wait till the sun come out hopefully it’ll be decent just B ahead darling you normally do [Laughter] what do you like you’re doing it as well I’m only doing it because you’re doing it copy cat yeah yeah see learn from the best do you your helmet on cuz I’m going Venture in the big world and I need my special needs helmet need special needs helmet do you yeah to protect my my we brain your delicate brain very delicate very small hard to find hard to [Laughter] find where the [ __ ] is my pickaxe gone I know my first one’s gone where did it go to did I drop it off somewhere no I I wouldn’t be surprised if I put it in a chest somewhere or something stupid enjoy your stream darl have a good one he’s gone already he gone he gone giggity gone Dragon will be going going as well enjoy your stream Dragon oh is it hell is hell the next three days so there it is I knew my pickaxe two wow there’s two boxes together are they want to be together two boxes together o o oi all right and if you can hear the chitter chatter in the background I do apologize chat seems like the uh the the two women in my house are very vocal to right for whatever reason well I can’t hear them so you’re fine means chat won’t be to hear them yay I get very conscious of um extra outside noise because I can hear them really loudly and it’s and it [ __ ] irritates me yeah but I hear mine loudly as well so juniper berry I want you in my belly only if he’s in a jam oh I got some Jam in the cupboard up at the top above the stove if you want five now um I I keep that for like um when you do like a long journey yeah very good idea actually I W touch it it’s uh it’s it’s handy it’s very very handy for those long Jour there it goes there it goes running across going into the background see [Music] white you gone attention of wolves do that looking for little animals if I can find any all right I’m heading to the uh above Lake 44 Pond 44y py stairway from me white wolf going to see if I can get some lithium while I’m in the vicinity [ __ ] off stupid wolf why you just sort off back to solder all right let’s see if we can get some lithium here bring the Bears back actually yeah I prefer the Bears to the white wols actually well you can see them what’s the difference oh like that one there okay Walky yeah you’re a white one I thought you were I’ve seen any Little Critters though yeah the very few and far between I’ll keep looking anyway get some bigger game yeah the only reason why I don’t go for the bigger game a AKA wolves and whatever else is because I hate using the water to wash my hands and there’s only a very limited amount of that I don’t want to take like 10 things of water with me hello Mr Chicken bit of food finger looking food okay oh mat now good morning ker and my blue-eyed angel voice person can I say good morning my blueeyed angel voice voice person the one that’s the one [Laughter] smiled shut up dog nobody wants to hear you no go come to me anyway come on get all SL down thank you wolf I see you wolf oh two wolves two white wolves together we know what they’re we know what they’re up to yeah they keeping warm in one way or another oh I wish I was a white wolf naughty white wolves oh I see obsidian up there son of [ __ ] oh son of [ __ ] [ __ ] kid too high up for you I’m going to go for it no no I I should be okay it’s as long as there’s no should have taken your heat pack with you I know I didn’t have any in the Box do I you got three three in the um box next to the next to your cooker [ __ ] I assumed you knew they were in there you put them in there ah [ __ ] off see wolf there wolf yeah oh Jesus this is getting [ __ ] horribly wrong I need that obsidian so I got to take care of these fellas yeah no little flaming Critters at all there’s the girl I see her Panther lion M line thing not I just shot her up the ass oh she’s flying in the air that’s that’s handy there we go got her when they fly in the air you can’t hit them properly I know well I got two for one so I got a mountain line plus nice where that chicken go he come back chicken I want to eat want to kill you five s out of that yeah can’t get five out of them nice I’ve done three the three and I’ve done three in a row before now I’ve got 15 senu out of all of them all together nice okay another bit of dinner obsidian peing number two oh another Juniper Barry another [ __ ] wolf says this is why I hate this area ready wolf now if anything comes in the tax I’ll got no water oh no this is why I hate doing this take extra take extra water with you get up there you bastard minus8 and I’m getting the blue death why am I getting the blue death at minus8 that’s completely utter bollocks shouldn’t be you should be covered for that you darling you okay I’m getting quite a few boxes come up there well that’s cool oh is there a chicken there oh sh scared it you want a rabbit come back both of you give me a rabbit pky rabbit exactly what you mean yeah got chicken rabbit go you going to swallow that oh where did that bloody thing go come up here somewhere first rabbit I’ve seen there’s nothing there let’s have a look around here quickly all animal meat on me I don’t want to go bad so let me do this quickly hey Mr wbit where are you where are you you pky wbit you wasy wbit you wasy wabbit that’s quite good inter oh there he is gotcha nice o boxes I cannot deny boxes no definitely not two I will get them no matter what crap they’ got in them well you know electronic components are always welcome indeed all righty let’s see if I can get to the top of that Hill again [ __ ] recognize where the hell I am we be lucky and get some lithium hopefully and there’s two of them right there one of them at least sorry [Applause] I’m you wow shoot bamb she disappeared who Bambi oh okay she went shooting yeah I know but she just disappeared anyway that’s weird what like despawn right okay and then she’s down by the river the hell okay glitchy you must remember one thing we are on the experimental Branch here too oh are we why experimental yes so why because the server we’ve said it’s experimental so that we get the uh the test stu oh the oh the test stuff yeah good point actually well according to what dragon said we should be getting the update this week coming I don’t know I don’t know what it is though but it’ll be interesting to see what he adds and whatever there it’s not lithium that’s [Music] iron [ __ ] off wolf [ __ ] off wolf growling at me grumpy [ __ ] you still chasing me yes you are get I think in winter time they chase you for longer as well they’re definitely more aggressive than what they used to be I think they still I think they just chase you for longer anyway sometimes there’s some lithium up here too hopefully nope not today Jesus dog you need to check your lungs dude all right that fire go there we got space for that I should go to Five we got a steak some blueberries nice okay let’s get that out drink that up there she is she’s got things a liing onion we go leveled up again nice nice go grab some get yourself all sorted I don’t need anything actually all right all right let’s get this obsidian 12 obsidian that’ll work let get that there that in I’m just going to about a minute all righty get back guys like I started yet back anyway and he hasn’t started just yet s yeah cool check on make sure they’re running okay for a minute just doing some [ __ ] bollocks here that the water needs [ __ ] doing all Jesus you can’t talk a bit louder though my mark doesn’t pick it up very yeah I don’t have all right I’m back apologies for that come back to uh get the TV back on the uh Netflix account the household account right daytime’s still right still got a bit of time okay let take that bit of wood bit of rabbit hunting that kind of thing yeah I put what do I and get chickens cuz there no room for rabbit in here I just cook them and then eat them oh okay there’s three chickens in there three chickens oh need to get not not whole chickens I know hello doggy yeah I’m like 10,000 miles away from you 10,000 miles away from you and you still jump up and still get me [ __ ] jackass a box up there need hunting in the winter oh look it’s less snow for sure yeah it’s getting there is it it sure is so a electrical part and a and a help bar that’s all right is it def did you get infected no luckily enough there’s a l room there if you want oh probably won’t be able to eat it actually yeah take it with you okay Sun’s going down anyway it is yeah let’s do a little bit of choppy choppy box never deny a box and a chicken got chicken I don’t want to get the chicken get the chicken there’s no need to get the chicken okay I’ll get the chicken come here chicken I’m running off you come on let’s do this come on chicken let’s go let’s go come on we’re on the ice just you and me I even see the chicken there it is oh yeah got it Hey cuz that one was run FR they disappeared we need an animal house that’s what we need you said you weren’t going to get one I know I was definitely going to get one because oh yeah the chicken meal in the baking tray oh yeah it is worth it and I’m thinking of putting it right down here mhm just here yep nice you got enough just right sort of room for that as well is it yeah but I don’t know what it takes to make that’s the only thing and it’s probably going to be so good boards yeah probably not one oh is that all it takes oh [ __ ] man I can make that [ __ ] at all just Nails scrap rope and rope and what that seems so simple doesn’t it really what else does it take go on tell me it takes eight wood planks 12 Nails seven scrap and two rope okay that’s it fing let’s [ __ ] do it then oh the planks got to take the planks dumb ass and it’s been made it is indeed and then we got to upgrade it that’s where the metal ingots come to it yep cuz we want to go organic right organic yeah free range fre range r h even you put it down there that they won’t um run away anyway so there you go got a chck yay chicken you got a chuck chuck yeah it’s ingots to upgrade what all does it take all oh also takes two padded cloth as well two padded cloth y uh two ingots two padded cloth eight no five scrap six wood planks and two adhesive for the Go free range okay so two paded cloth planks adhesive adhesive yeah two two adive yeah six planks I think it is see that properly eight five scrap yeah then the two ingots that’s that’s to go free range exactly Jesus oh actually oh actually talking to which I might actually have two ings in my place I can make them that’s not a problem well I made them to help with this place didn’t I go I’ll make them to you so don’t don’t don’t rush out okay all fine fine I won’t then screw you then fat boy inde a going to call you that oh no you’re not going to call me that I’m going to call me that you I know you always do it always always in Forever it’s away doggy run away doggy run away you get then there you go def be a good girl now she’s still snuggling let snug bugle all righty first upgrade Go free range [Music] woo next oh yeah the next to all the nasty ones in it inot and alloy yeah that’s glitched it’s sh oh go it’s not gone now I put all the um obsid in the electric in the bench thing it’s all exciting chat you see yeah it’s all terribly exciting not it why no sound I haven’t got sound what do you mean no sound don’t know oh maybe that’ll be better what have you done I had it on the be right back got sound why do I do that sorry about that I had it on the wrong screen can you hear me now it happened oh s hello storms how are you doing why do you not tell me dude that’s the second time it is isn’t it yeah come on come on man you’re supposed to be helping us here yeah I’m good thank you well you’re better now oh better now can now people can hear me yeah I’ve been Ching on like nobody’s business nobody I said oh well wasn’t very important anyway but there you go couldn’t have been yeah I guess you know boring person anything but I just joined a minute ago okay fair enough oh fair enough then yeah yeah we won’t hold it again I’ll I’ll let you off then and we are upgraded in everything we can have three animals the fec’s tray and the works yeah all done wow look could you busy be I know right have to go find some more animals now yes see if we can block this off a little bit this time yeah this time now the food got to keep these [ __ ] things Happy Well I can e use my beds to feed see the spotlight is actually working out perfectly now it does actually especially for here I mean you can see the chicken they Popp can’t you yeah which is good can you get access to it from there no no ah damn okay not not from the top anyway yeah maybe if I crouch oh I can if I crouch okay cool nice if Crouch you can standing up like this you can’t do it that’s good then it’s a little bit handy still need to put some sort of low low area there though for when we actually go grab the chicken to yeah they put them out of their misery yeah you can’t he you can’t it doesn’t make Gates or anything like that who oh yeah no he doesn’t yeah I know yeah I know it’s annoying that isn’t it yeah just a bit that’s but it’s embedded in it I think you do it I don’t think I can you know what I’m trying to do right going to work you got to have the foundation there and that is of the stupidest things that I find about this game yeah but you can remove it afterwards yeah I know but it’s still [ __ ] stupid there a pain in it’s a pain in the ass actually yeah so I’ve got to create a foundation or a floating I don’t need a foundation I just need a half wall half ceiling piece so let me take the ceiling that you’re standing on there careful thought work I think it has to be a I think it has to be a foundation thank you if I do that nice cup of tea oh nice cup of tea DEC tea as well yeah it’s it’s got to be I do it can you no it’s it’s it’s got to be it’s got to be the right type of um ceing piece maybe you can grab one of these foundations and just mess with it where did it go see it’s it’s not going to work cuz it has to be the same sort of style of foundation I’ve got a curved wall ah so that’s not going to work so it has to be a curved ceiling piece let me try a curve ceiling piece and see what I can see if it works that way let’s pick this back up again take this with me anyway just put it there for now okay take this here see if we can do this if we can uh that’s not going to work either um oh no wait you know what it might work if I it’s not the right angle it’s got to be like is it like that I don’t know what you’re trying to do what are you trying to do actually if you go to his um stream you’ll be able to see what he’s doing yeah it’s it’s been [ __ ] is what it is I’m trying to put in a curved wall right so in order to put in a curved wall you’ve got to have a curved foundation for it to sit on mhm so this wall that you see here was attached to that Foundation right so that’s how it attached to it so the logic would be that you put in um let’s move this Foundation out the way and there is no logic to this game so there’s that to so okay so that’s so this wall here attached to the bottom of this Foundation that you’re on right now yes so the idea is you put in a curved piece next to it and it should there therefore attach the curved W then attach the bottom I’m just trying to it’s very difficult for me to see from here see there’s nothing for it to attach to see it kind of fits there kind of locks in there in place but that’s not where I want it to be it’s going to be in line with this wall piece that we have here so that’s not going to fit so for some reason it’s not sitting on the edge which is annoying um friendly put curved Walling yeah well that’s that’s what I’m trying to do so the only way I can get around it is putting no hang on a minute no no no you don’t need to hang on a minute yes I do why it’s not going to work why not it’s not going to work I know exactly what you’re going to try and do now do yeah what am I going to do go on then do it that’s why I’ve always hated building in this [ __ ] game um no that’s going to bring it around like that isn’t it don’t want it there you want it to go so I want it like that so you see this wall here it’s kind of kind of where I want it to be but not quite so it’s got to be and every time we [ __ ] do it it’s got to be like that come on game work with me here it’s got to be in Lo this thing here kind of oh I see what you’re doing like that and then we take the cve wall that I’ve got and then it should attach to the bottom what the [ __ ] man do that Jesus game [ __ ] me but it doesn’t you see what I mean yeah I know what you mean [ __ ] stupid piece of [ __ ] plank [ __ ] what that and then you move this way right and then you wall stays right yep so now you want a straight wall right so you take a straight Foundation and you [ __ ] off so you now got to kind of maneuver it so that it ties up with what you were doing earlier mhm there straight wall and it’s probably not going to sit exactly correctly so I got to push this probably back a bit yeah and that’s the shitty part now where Straight is it so it’s at some point it’s not going to meet up exactly what you’re about to see right now so you see see it’s just a little but out which is not a big thing that’s not CH though so we move this out the way really that’s not too bad TR you can live with that that’s pretty good it’s pretty decent yes happy yep yep yep let’s get rid of that okay now yep that back and now we want a half size wall so we can see what we doing right how you can do that okay so just by this tree would be absolutely ideal so we want it a little bit lower than half size so we can jump over but still stop the animals yeah we go a little something is that straight enough probably y a wolf over there yeah maneu that out the way yay slippy slidy did Mo it again try and get it a little bit straighter something like thate why you can’t just attach a wall to a wall without there any being any foundations left you would have thought so right would have done so now we take a half wall where’s the half floor was where did you delete the half floor it was a ceiling not a wall you should have got it was supposed to go back here oh crap as if we don’t have wood true the is what are we looking at here is it the right way around yes it is so like that mhm so it still stops them from jumping in but it doesn’t stop us from from jumping over hopefully so now oh yeah you can do that got to do the next one just like there got to go to there a little bit beyond come on detach you [ __ ] watch the master at work oh I don’t know about that how far you going over with that going to go all the way to the other side okay cool boxes this whole front in then yeah nice what this actually does is it also when we when if the hunters ever come back back on at least we got some sort of protection as well true that if the hunters overc com that’s a big if very big if all right I need planks and cordage back up to my place if I got any over there there is a walkway under here somewhere somewhere it’s just it’s just covered by the snow at the moment well the I actually somewhere there’s a there’s a wall or a walkway a bridge 13 wood and I’ve oh already got three cordage let me make some more up could have something in the chest here something I think yeah I can make sub subsistence building Master Class oh God no it’s more like a disaster class he gets are in the end with it though he does get do some quite good builds actually even though he even though he doesn’t think so I don’t think so I’ve seen way better yeah you do good 13 um 13 planks and there’s six Cordes to start off with oh thank you I’ve got some crafting now too can we jump we can jump over that’s okay cool yeah I was I was contemplating putting steps down but if we can jump over no fine actually oh yeah yeah even over the uh cat your catch your feet on it oh not on that b part by the trees okay told ow wolf has got me wolf has got me wolf has got me right down by the tree be right yeah all right how’s that chicken doing I’ve being quiet though very quiet it’s got a little bit of water a little bit of food we got some manure which is good that’s good then be good for the plants yeah yeah it wasn’t me reloading than’s repeating on me at the moment now it comes the fun part trying to get the what’s that try and get the Hy right actually should be able to do it if I just attach it to this like that at least the side will just be a straightforward piece it’s not going to be a curve do anything yeah true hey Bill hope you’re doing well friend I bill looking from afar got the B eyes cominging uh oh oh hey I bild’s watching Big Brother’s watching good so there we go one more PL nice and it’s kind of off center because of the curved part of the wall yeah so we’ll have to we’ll just move it some some it’s fine you overlapping yeah that’s exactly uh we do that somehow make it work halfway there it’s probably too much over yeah it’s too much over sh put that there for now move this again the ideal over there come on work with me work with me here oh would be ideal you know what I don’t have to do that all I have to do is stop being an idiot doesn’t have to click it’s just got to be similar to let’s bring it closer just like that and then pick it up and swing it around exactly like that voila nice there we go last one closed area need have to close across there as well yep at the back end yep yeah just got to put a halfer in here yeah I mean I didn’t even have to do a curve to could have just been straight but you know whatever okay good half piece makes a little bit more fancy oh I don’t know about that loaf there’s a chicken now we can take three chickens now yay where’s chicken up there oh there it is I see it is you got it I see yeah as long as I don’t kill it in the prices of it yeah well whatever I mean you know if it happens it happens what can you do please don’t be dead please don’t be dead you’re dead damn it okay so that is definitely slightly over okay that not quite over there somewhere but that’s not going to work oh where was that oh that’s kind of halfway over why is that because there’s a wall there why didn’t we just bring it forward that’s a little bit easy for everybody okay so that’s a half of wall thanks let’s go get some water I think that chicken was ready it wasn’t put him in with the other chickens that are dead we could do a big wall and we’ll worry about that later Let’s Go Hunt I’ll go this way you’ll have more luck over there than I will here that’s for sure okay you want just want chck Chi or you want whatever oh whatever chickens primarily because of the eggs okay if I can chase him down then I’ll do that but I don’t want to run into a wolf prob EnV how’s the base moving going you’re moving I’m not I’m teasing him oh okay I keep telling you he needs to move down too close to us where we are uh there’s a lock box you got a lock pick no all right I see a chicken I’m going for it you’re not moving you suck man I said cuz he’s got his penis jacuzzi yeah I know but he can build his penis jacuzzi again you know you can’t use it at the moment cuz it’s frozen over stupid chicken ran into a tree and got stuck so I got it nice I like it when they do that doesn’t happen very often nice well done yeah can imagine what you had if you were with us I also got to put some more in this move move move do it oh another chicken chasing it down now by grab treat come on buddy come on buddy you more like than me then yeah on buddy come on come on and would got them P there we go I got two chickens go looking for them then I mean you can still eat them yeah try spr in the fridge yum yum yeah we got to get a move on and make more solar yeah we have yeah I think we have to wait till it THS out a bit th out absolutely and the and the white wolves have gone as well yeah they’re a bloody nightmare okay we have three chickens all doing their thing what that happens I’ll try and get another wind turbine and then I’ll start on the Sol panels again yeah yeah I’ve got three yeah have you e these guys keep them happyy very good all fed and watered to 100% nice on carrots so they’re happy keep an eye on now yep absolutely get that manure y happy TRS oh I’m looking forward to completing this glass the back uh we smelted anything at the moment or we finished no finished at the moment okay cool all right so we got some so we could um do you want to take it and make a wind turbine at your place what there’s three circuit boards here can do that’s okay yeah of course we’re all on the same thing anyway so we are yeah it’s all good go for it absolutely we’ve got the mass we got the power yep okay look at that oh that feels so good doing that whole bunch coming in nice I grab M3 then go make one yeah I’ll turn on the uh the mass fabricator and I’ll turn on the two power gens G as well so there we go all goody oh we we had the flood lights on this whole time oh what I didn’t do too much damage then did it no not at all go to inhaler darling inhaler get into my house I’m just going to go check on their streams and that to make sure they’re all like all right so the next thing chat what we got to do is get the baking tray baking tray is very expensive to get but that’s going to give us like um rack of rubs roast chicken meals that sort of thing highend meals there you go they’re all good yeah they’re all good good good nice am I do is Michael is Michael being good on the camera yeah it is it’s good actually nice awesome yeah night time which is shortly I’m going to head over to Twitch and have a little l l I’m silly what what have you done can’t do it on my I can’t do it in my place I got do it in your place I don’t have a oh my godc you oh for God’s like I totally forgot about that yeah me too oh what do you what are you like I don’t know let me see what I need to make it right I need okay right I need to write this down I’m blood isse pen and paper here we go oh been there so many times in this game I know I did have a little little bit at one point as well I doing it de we we should have pretty much everything here anyway and when you see Michael Yes Joseph is a younger version of him and they are spin image of each other I’m I’m going to I’m going to say to him you must shoot them in the balls shoot them in the balls mate okay I’m going to go and have a have a quick look so hang in there chat hang in there chat I’m going to have a little look at Lou see if he’s behaving oh he is he’s doing well actually give him a thumbs up and or middle finger he don’t get thumbs up in that game DFS assassin where why are you not on twits Assassin why not you’re not showing as live where are you he’s there somewhere and you sub to him you you I have sub to him you know what it is I’ve been [ __ ] logged out of twitch and now it’s a me what is your code I give you a code going to verify your Cod I need strap 12 scrap it’s adive I think I’ve got adive I have that there is R oh my God oh my God I had Jesus you didn’t think he’d look like that did you I did not think he would look like that one little bit one how did you imagine him um no beard uh possibly long possibly earring in um ball he hasn’t got tattoos he hasn’t got tattoos either but he’s got long hair his hair is right down his back but he is Young isn’t he oh yeah yes I did tell you that yeah you did say you like The Young Ones believe it or not believe it or not if he took his beard off he’d look even younger which is why he leaves it on because I remember him when he used to smoke he went into the into Asda went to get a packet of bags and he denied him saying he didn’t look old in a oh really serious stuff keeping a beard now yeah he’s um 36 no Jesus I I just turned the volume up oh thank God oh he’s 18 years I’m 18 years older than him well done congratulations on the follow hey hello I can’t behave myself why should [Laughter] I I’m never going to behave myself behaving myself would be boring and it would the world deprived of my immense wied that’s why I don’t get don’t understand why he doesn’t get the the views basically okay let’s head over to dragons quickly and I think I am following her Channel obviously otherwise it wouldn’t come up would it NOP there we go okay got me bits coming back fire also going over extremely flammable explody things see I’ve been cut up for ages now with all this fire it’s everywhere run on on YouTube basically so she does get a little bit of buffing but not too much here we go oh they in the corner I’ve done my bit you done yourit you say hello to I did yes yeah you did I had no [ __ ] idea that’s what he would look like it’s brilliant I you know what it is I expected way more chavy than that oh seriously no that’s what exactly what he looks like wow [Laughter] what good is that sorry you credle snatcher you I put way we got together when he was 20 he literally just turned 20 as well my God woman I know Tom good for you I mean you snag him you bag him right he is I mean we finish each other sentences and every bloody thing else really okay okay believe I got an artifact on my screen oh you’re joking wouldn’t we just saying the other day we haven’t had that y oh I had one didn’t I [ __ ] sake all right CH I’ll be right back oh I mean he we get on so well with each other anyway we really do I won’t be without him I never expected him to look like that and his mom’s two years older than me I don’t know what it was but I was thinking you look you would look like Johnny roton oh seriously no oh God no he’s got a beard and all bloody H he has yeah he’s been growing that bed for a long he’s been growing up bed for a long while actually oh look at him we are day 323 of 365 it’s got to move over to February like really right now it should do anytime anytime now shouldn’t it it’s about 25 days isn’t it in-game days as long as we’re both over 18 it doesn’t matter yeah we’re both over 18 don’t worry about that he’s he’s a year younger than my oldest daughter actually oh when you put it like that it’s wrong it does sound wrong doesn’t it but I like it so so right we got on really well together anyway so that’s all that matters right it is definely it’s really weird though you find a woman that goes with a younger blo they don’t seem to quote qu about it but you get a bloke that goes with a younger woman oh it’s all like yeah it is it’s horrible cuz when my when he worked I mean everyone said yeah go on good good on you that you got an older woman this older bloke had a younger woman and there were blaspheming in me everything really over it seriously why why shouldn’t be like that I don’t know I really don’t because she was a lot younger than him but still is is that society’s like you can’t do that that you can’t have a younger female or cuz it’s wrong or whatever I don’t know I really don’t it’s weird well turn some light on yeah turn this one off don’t need it yeah uh so did you make a winter B then I did yes I’ve done it yay put ow ow all I’ve got to do is upgrade it I’ll do that you know what we should do we should make without a whole bunch of them without upgrading them but how much younger is your wife than you though is she a lot younger than you well what is the age difference come on there’s nothing I mean if you if you are that I mean you just click with each other don’t you really if you click you click right I mean there’s something wrong with let’s say a 30 old going for a 15-year-old no that’s wrong because she’s underage both ways either way yeah and either way that’s that’s not right seven years younger yeah like my mom my mom’s got a younger man as well actually and he’s about quite a few years younger than her actually so so it runs in the jeans then it runs there you go well my mom left my dad for him and she’s still with him so shock horor okay there’s another three circuit boards there make another thingy make another one yeah if we’ve got stuff to make it make it that’s what I said we’re going to make a whole bunch without upgrading them and then we’ll upgrade them slowly okay right what do I want to make then I make another so now whatever you want 10 that down now we are running low on electronic components that is a definite I think I got some at my place so I’ll have look we do a little bit of running around in the morning again find some stuff you should be adhesive in there and one I got some bits home at my place to make them anyway so I’ll go back and make them up there I go grab them from there I bring them components while I’m at it as well electrical things I a few of them it’s a bit nly out there it’s only minus one it be fine just remember we can go up to minus I can go up to minus 6 before I start losing Health anyway so yeah my cold tolerance is 7.9 yeah cuz you got the heavier pants [ __ ] and I’ve also got the helmet as well oh does that help as well yep gives you one degree warmth ah okay I need one rope so I need to make another rope you get then dog like a f in a trance up and down that that and that and I can bring oh got 21 um electrical for you oh for us yeah for us sorry yeah for us for the community for us and [Music] Beyond I got big enough one here we go I’ve made some rope mhm might as well and I’m making some adhesive oh here I have this I have what what’s that that’s the electrical compon yeah we put them 21 of them oh lovely down there so we got 30 what’s 29 29 nice that’s good what I just add it to that that bench then in future yeah okay y do love the frosty bits go around the outside of your screen that’s quite cool it is pretty cool there more dehes we’re down to 8,000 power okay this one down go that’s next one’s out yeeha ye bloody snow again oh got four pills I can bring over as well damn snowing snowing snowing oh I can to give you them actually they said not too to do it it’s time to try and see if we can get some that silicon and everything pears in there ah there it is you now have 10 um weapons parts off way there yep he do your fidget ass I lay with me or don’t okay go down does it in bed as well she on top of the bed then she get under the covers off the covers oh she stays it all night pain he h tell it’s coming up some you hear the ice cream B go [Laughter] around I’m ance stop when I’m passing by a bit of a white out happening they’re so expensive now I don’t bother with them yeah I do like an ice cream but I’ll go away I like nice ice cream I do I like corny corn Cornish ice cream nice oh that double cream def say be wol around here I’ll piss off all you you going to chase me are you a white wolf why I never oh you [ __ ] floated oh I hate them floaters I had to do it four times yeah that annoys me it’s a white wolf as well shitthe head yeah that animal pathing it’s not good not good no made me bleed no just when you thought you were behind those days silic find any yet uh yep both sides it’s prob nor now uh I’ve got 13 on me f it’s better than nothing it’ll keep us ticking over sure he just getting them a little on often basically is it really y yeah that’s basically it think I am going to take a little munchy munchy break get some of my bra in me H me fingers dirty some lamb fat have some get my fingers dirty with some lamb fat from the lamb ribs oh lamb ribs okay yeah and then some soloin steak some sausage AR you too hor in the cob well yeah that’s it’s a little bit difficult is it why a chew I don’t like corn anyway all right you he that corn she don’t like you not don’t be I don’t like calling on the car like cor she does want to put you on the C mate you’re all right Care on the other R does [Laughter] no I think you’re lovely I think everybody’s lovely actually yes you do I could be SE and you still love me you’re [ __ ] little does she know how evil I am you’re a little [ __ ] cat you are I am totally all right let me get some of that in me some of that going there we go okay o o I’m going to stand here by the corner make sure the fire is good and it is and then I’ll be right back chat I’m going to have myself something to eat very very quickly be right back my own you’ll survive I’ve got a sneaking suspicion you’ll survive you know oh I think I probably will as well but you know why I say that what [Music] that be right back go get go get through to eat dude God’s sake it’s that your passing thought is it there you go right be right back go on [ __ ] off oh for Stu away check on my on my food that really some TI seats in water at some point they won’t die anyway so that’s good just trying to water is a plan in the ass at the moment we hav’t got any proping water could break the so get some water I suppose that how good the conversation quiet that look at that weather bloody hell no rather cold outside yes yeah once again I’ll be right back again what do you mean again I just got up to go to the microwave to microwave my barbecue I haven’t even eat no you got no now you got to go back and go get it no I’ve got it now now I’m going to sit down oh you got it now yeah okay go for it I’ll be right [Laughter] back yeah microphone on mute when never you hear you chomping even though some people might enjoy that I don’t get that that whole ASM I saw somebody on Twitch doing it she go mouth right up to the microphone and just lit make these really weird noises with her and people were loving what she was doing what the hell it’s weird people are [ __ ] idiots or something that’s for sure why ohus five [ __ ] we’re in a white out chilly that she around the old bits here nearby important I me get stuck on that hello hello I’m going to water your plants got no water I don’t know I don’t know what you’re on about mate I’m oblivious I’m raiding your plants now I’m I’m going to water them cuz I got no water on them you take ages to defrost oh it was supposed to be L was it I thought he doing a new phrase there that some okay I hate this you have to cross the snow to feed them done done okay you need some one more want you know if the water tank actually freezes over when you in the winter time as well though it doesn’t hope it doesn’t okay make got the little finished we need more obsidian more lithium is I’ll be right back in a minute guys I’m just going to get myself a drink let look at Trev instead there we go more of everything exactly I in for for uh Q is that confirmed bike Monday to Friday is now that’s it or Tuesday to Friday nice dude how do you manage that mate would an achievement back Q’s in chat he says this is my last Saturday I work next time r working Tuesday to Friday oh looky you nice one three days a dude awesome well deserved yeah definitely wow that’s brilliant just open my fridge I’m actually marinating some chicken thighs in some barbecue sauce oh my God it smells Lush that’s going to be sit there marinated for two days as well we’re not having it till Monday that’s could to be well L by the time that comes around that’s going to [ __ ] evaporate the moment you take it out the source oh I don’t care it’ be nice though smells nice already get up time a bloody day is either there there the ra coming up trees me hiccups how the chickens doing why did that come out they’re free range it’s too cold for them to come out too cold winter I think I’ve never known that before though oh there’s an egg got an egg yay now we need another fridge oh God’s sake there’s no room in here oh there is there is a bit of room not by much though well if we going to start doing like chicken roasts and chicken pie what is what is that chicken soup in it uh I can’t remember yeah chicken stew yeah that’s going to be tasty when that happens oh God yeah but we need to get the power up before we think about getting another before we get another fridge in here at least anyway really I definitely won’t be getting another fridge not for a very long time oh it’s Three Bridges to get put stuff into anyway is there so exactly exactly I just if you if you run out of room I sure one of us have room for it well come out got level three level two level two now yeah look at this cute and there we go we got some chickens and we close this little area off here I’ve still got to work on the back end over there and close that off water going need some food we’re down 25% right I’ve just watered them what do you want me to feed them carrots carrots yeah yeah I’m saving I think I’ve got some carrots on the go actually uh potatoes go you go some carrots in oh some carrots in the back over the area Okay some carrots so put the rest back there we go hey Annie you’re doing well thank you I hope you’re doing well thank you for stopping by I you to get my Discord by the way about um my Monday your Sunday evening ask her Oscar this is Oscar some of that music on last night’s radio show was pretty brutal huh oh God it’s so some of it it was really aw actually yeah some of it I’ve never heard before as well yeah neither have I that’s what I love about the show you get to listen to some different things yeah that um which one it was that one the um which now the who from Mongolia no not that one the other one wolf that one as well though that was awesome that was that’s like throat um yeah Mongolian throat yeah throat singing throat singing is quite cool actually is very cool par could as well actually oh yeah he’s play aw he does some really good Viking songs as well how did that Miss I had him right dead in my I missed one well earlier bastards I going to Chaser you actually went to the radio show and actually played some music listen back to to Ramstein he actually went to my radio show can you believe it yeah nice you had a busy day preparing for the family meal tomorrow ah your son’s birthday well happy birthday to your son then happy birthday to son I hope yeah I hope he has a very good day as well I hope he eats lots of chocolates and gives you nightmares oh where do you want this have have poo hey hey don’t you sling your [ __ ] up me mate I know we come from monkeys but this is bollocks in it I didn’t know where to put it oh you enjoy you enjoyed the last song you can’t say [ __ ] in Canada oh I said it damn it sorry oh not you sorry sorry Chad sorry Kevin Bloody Wilson Kevin Bloody Wilson can’t say see you next Tuesday in Canada can’t indeed that was aely brilliant and Michael was singing along to it as well like Wilson anyway so usual one I said no he decided to do this one instead he looking your other one the one you normally do uh which one yeah yeah the Monti I like I like to I like to vary it up a bit always got to end the show off must always end the show off with a bit of Comedy to relieve the tension definitely no tension in that though really relieves the tension he doesn’t live it home then okay all right what you kick him out like 5 years old or something sheez brutal man oh need to go out and get some hunting some small things again yeah that’s what the warden said you all that you eat that chicken you did you pig it’s came down dark night time now anyway so there there was a chicken on the lake a little while ago but then there was a wolf that was on there I could chase me you can’t say in Canada oh he’s 22 this week oh no one I’ve got 22 months and he’s already moved out the house Jesus Advance 22 years I know you Muppet behave yourself never you know this did you growl at me youngest is 17 oh the other three are gone all right yeah I’ve still got my 26y old at home and my oh my son is’s coming at 15 this year actually still by Brother’s Keeper that’s what comes to mind your brother’s keeper don’t worry about it it’s fine so never mind uh yeah it’s still January c yeah we are going to be jumping into February real soon yep real real real soon TR only know that because he had to he had a um artifact on his screen so he had to out TR to log out yeah bit [ __ ] it is a little bit [ __ ] is it should we get naked no it’s I’m taking my shoes off this time yeah oh you know what time it is oh you know what time it is you’re not going no we’re not doing a mosh pit now yeah come on now come on no I’m not doing a mosh pit he can never behave we did M yesterday wer it yeah somebody somebody clipped it there’s about five six was running jumping around in our rway B all boots on it’s quite funny about music playing as well so get chilly and you catch a cold on my penis maybe oh God P not pis you storm said um told a 12-year-old uh was time to get a job and start paying her way yesterday in front of the in-law seriously looks to would have been he would be here now put your clothes on man Christ sake there you go you used to be fun you’re not fun anymore man I am fun shut up you’re [ __ ] lucky I could take it I’m telling you I know that’s what I do and the way and the and the way you speak to me and the way I speak to you get it only only in private oh oh oh my I do believe there’s a lack of blood oh [ __ ] are you keeping your helmet on cover your blushes who what who you you kept your helmet on oh yeah totally um um you don’t you don’t recognize me yeah it’s only you and me here so nobody’s going to recognize me [Laughter] so oh no it’s too [ __ ] that he doesn’t get he doesn’t get any better believe me what me getting better than that oh okay watch I will oh go on there you go how about that take my ners off oh God no that even worse okay ready here we go there we go 1 2 3 and go jumping oh God it’s solid ice ah holy [ __ ] my pee’s cold I was going to go naked diving but I thought better of it [Music] [Music] [Music] this is him mold oh yeah this where the action happens only if you die it happens it’s cold out there can you go [Music] one way to get warm [Applause] are [Music] youing oh happened there sorry about that I’m bloody naked all I my thing just come out of um out of um distance then oh funky yeah yeah I’m out of breath now oh well digitally of course you know why that came out like that shouldn’t have done really weird I just going to put my B back screen on for a minute I need to check something it’s not bloody working either God’s sake oh I don’t know it’s not working you have to take a look at it what’s not working I don’t know my be right back screen is not working properly P has been acting up lately what’s going on there it’s um stream playing up oh stream can be a difficult bastard really can yeah I know I’ll just take a look at these sets when I finish here I haven’t got no I haven’t got no um ammo to reload it so I’ll just put it up out the way there I need to get some more shotgun shells obsidian again oh God okay it’s your turn to go get obsidian okay I’ll go okay when it gets light CH if I get chomped by a wolf I’ll blame you okay that’s fine okay don’t have tooo much of a pleasurable time though I’ll try not B all right good not without me daytime okay is coming up daytime okay yeah I’m going to head off and see if I can get some uh what’s that stuff called uh silicon and lithium y I’ll go up here then check your house for obsidian let’s go raid Q’s house let’s see what he’s got see what he’s hoarding Q’s like the biggest hoarder he isn’t he he probably yeah I think he gave you all these stuff before sure did yeah I haven’t got I did double check on that all right let’s have a look the Green Lantern here nothing in there nothing in there uh nothing in oh he has got glass though [ __ ] ton of it you bastard thank you for popping in Annie much appreciate it pearls with this with this one you never know what to expect believe me right uh oh there’s that and that there we go what you need what you want baby I got it what you need is a little respect must Chas me then go away W that’s normal wol with white pors it must be a white wolf there there is a white wolf he need we need silicon lithium we need all of it actually yeah we need all of it we’re basically everything we want everything you’ve got otherwise we come and break down your base and build right next door to us where you should be amongst us wussies I need to find some protein damn yeah let’s go hunt quickly uh fire a mate ju just hold on to it rather mate you’re going to need yeah you are definely we’ll we’ll get some don’t worry man we’ll we’ll get some we’re good to go SC and scrape something like that there some lithium uh not lithium some um oh damn it I just realized what didn’t make another pickaxe hey buddy hey buddy going ice fishing oh you got infected oh no you didn’t oh what you after oh there you are bloody wolves I hate them yep can we just get these legs unfrozen please sure if you come out we’ve got plenty mate come plenty come over yep of it as well fish did he get infected yeah he did okay well come and get it we got a a thingy for you and we’ll give you some um oh I need a pickaxe for God’s sakes how did you forget a pickaxe I didn’t mine’s nearly dead okay I’ll come to you uh just got I’ve just got two bloody obsidian here hang on white godam it I’ll make another one yeah I’m making two and then I’ll bring them to you oh that’s 13 up here D it it Breezy Breezy trousers eh yeah just a bit at 12° wait wait wait did somebody say Breezy trousers [Music] come down a bit lower PR on Jeepers it’s like The Joy of Sex with you [ __ ] hell you Joy shut [Laughter] up like come on down lower I mean okay as if this comes with an instruction manual you know I’m coming down lower not you oh you’re coming down lower well who am I to argue with what you decide to do my goodness ra rather Breezy up there I’m just above the lake next to the grub tree oh God you keep talking like that you’re really going to send me over the edge mate but I found enough scrap to make one okay can I please make these [ __ ] pickaxes now okay there we go okay I’m coming we got two for you okay thank you I meant to make it I toally forgot oh we got Kel mate we’re good yeah got that yeah got CP as well for sure and and liver didn’t I just see a wolf here somewhere probably okay um EnV in the uh the drop box there’s a um there’s some fish oil for you as well as a tonic to get yourself cured immediately two pars two tries nice well done all right all right don’t float okay where abouts are you 44 um above the 44 Pond where the grub tree is okay where the bear usually sits where the bear usually sits there’s not a bear but there is there is a white wolf around here all right just picking up boxes on my way through I know it’s fine take whatever I can get you know M got this oh God winter I’ve had a few nice boxes though which normally you don’t get hardly any really good boxes so I’ve had both yeah shitty and good ones exactly normally you only get shitty ones shitty ones yeah usually Rosy Berry in the Box nice oh an apple I’ll have that yeah there he is there I am there you go thank you very much sir all righty while I’m here remember remember to keep a couple on me oh there’s a yeah right there behind you on this little rock face right here oh look at that right there look at that look at that little bastard sitting there no I’m not seeing it really seriously yeah well I’ll take that was not there for me wow God sake how can I excuse it and I can’t okay well I better come with you in case you don’t see it something right yeah probably you see that W [ __ ] yeah yeah [ __ ] I you told you there’s a wolf up here you could have told me I did there’s two Le up there uh two obsidian up here oh okay you’re up wol and they”re gone God damn it oh they’re not they’re still there oh one of them is I’m not even interested in getting there because I don’t want to use my water [ __ ] annoying hey you’re all the way up there mhm that’s what it said m is 12 at P4 I’ll check the usual spots just in case nothing there I’ll check down low you’re checken upart oh another [ __ ] wolf Jesus you know what a chick there as well that made it cold sake oh God another wolf what is going on here in this area I know there’s lots around I know that I have to come down lower [Applause] atus 13 getting hit you better come on down I am I am coming down low it’s minus 9 well it’s better than minus 13 I guess it’s not a kitty ah there it is there it is there you are oh you found one yep usually One S of like over here as or somewhere Kitty cityy should be around here somewhere as well yeah I haven’t seen her either oh they did come out in then yeah I saw it just the other day okay might be higher up she might be there she is you found her yeah uh no good need no I’m good for Sen as well actually yeah nothing here oh there you are I run hear me now that was defly there she’s she’s basically in that direction where you’re headed okay so we just keep that there she is there she’s just over there this little Ridge here to the right see actually there she is behind the tree where I’m aiming she literally behind the oh there she is I see her thank you C okay might be some lithium there we go hey and there’s some more okay I run and that’ll be it obsidian out there did we no I’ve got seven on me uh I’ve got three damn yep pretty brutal in getting that you going up high again I’m going see if there any more I up here yeah and there isn’t damn it nope not at all sucks oh there some have some more lithium nice good job there might be some up here it’s Iron Man the irony the irony of only find in Iron oh it smells like somebody having a barbecue smelling my breath I’m smelling your breath on M is that that the mo you had earlier cuz I’m really close stop breathing on me oh you know you like it come on gives you chills I know it does you have got a good voice so give you that oh thanks I needed a good laugh why you have got a good voice okay no you have Ser can stop now no I don’t you can stop now like I said you got a good storytelling voice oh my God no yeah you have nah got it over there there’s a over there as well berries give me them berries make that jam me now jaming need to make some more Jam actually wi wolf [ __ ] off dog [ __ ] off dog stop sniffing me man he’s smelling your ribs smelling my ass is what he is oh some lithium oh yeah good job okay I see somebody running to our base and me is it NV yeah bnv there he is ring up these catches of the to day all righty no worries dude hope it helps IO it helps anyway really sound like you just pushed on the floor o what you right not nothing here [Applause] you’re just giving each other the finger oh okay I always forget which one that is actually sorry MB better be space for this stuff oh thank you we need to do plant a whole bunch of potatoes potatoes okay let’s see what we’ve got SE wise get all of that happening uh we want a bed of tomatoes for sure it’s good we want a bed of potatoes for sure a trying to crack I think every’s trying to crack the ice he’s jumping on I can’t wait for that to break open yeah me NE do not going to do the onions just yet well we haven’t done the the power hack yet what is that oh okay I guess we’ll be doing the power hack then give me that I know how whoever doesn’t matter don’t matter none who does it as long as somebody does it what have we got here oh there’s a whole bunch of potato there okay that’s a bonus what is that need to 36 onions and the and the bottom row of lers you want me to do it cuz I got the clicky clicky thingy what you happy is sit there ta do no problem I don’t have a click click but I’m quite quick at doing it anyway so oh forbid you are all you crack on then you back in there you’re an extra one there it comes that power’s coming back that’s going to take a damn long time to do I’ll be fine go quick what you think it goes 25,000 yeah you’re right you’ll be all right mate be fingle drops off I’ll let you know all right okay no worries mate it’s got to be close come on we’ve had so many days now starting to look pretty bleak in there I am going to have have to get my big game kill on actually because it’s looking pretty bleak in there [Music] mhm 13 arrows okay let’s see what I can catch Ware Ware oh one water one wolf one wolf will do y why G you oh [ __ ] I hate that when that happens [ __ ] moved as I shot yeah can you [ __ ] hold still you stupid wolf [ __ ] oh Jesus again yeah I tell you I’m I’m [ __ ] angry now gr stupid idiot just walk straight up to me didn’t even charge me Oh weird one liver one steak that’ll do h hey Chris how you doing who’s Christopher who’s Christopher who’s Christopher gamer gamer Chris really you still answered me I did you know I was going to answer you anyway I always do hope you’re doing well Chris h it for that was a screenshot moment there forever what did you do let’s just say for a moment I was being a Canadian mounting the Moose oh God I was mounting the Moose damn right brard moose knuckle you know this by CLA Morrison indeed Jesus I need bullets desperately I’ve only got three shotgun shells myself [ __ ] off you [ __ ] stupid deer I don’t know why I insist on going off this deer they alone [ __ ] annoying mhm for all oh we go nice chickens are level three nice another egg oh those LS might be done no watching don’t worry okay quite done yet aren’t we all M magic you yeah yeah we all going in blind dude yep I’ve played about an hour of it on the demo I paid a little I paid a little bit I paid a little bit longer on it but not by merch right so what don’t you want one one I’m cooking one already oh right okay I’ll put in the fridge oh hey you want this as well what you got what you got 13 as yes uh should have some ash okay I’m going to keep the ash aside for the adhesive mhm oh yeah cuz I need we need 50 P for that don’t you mhm magically just like that 25,000 power uh what level do the chickens get to 10 to level 10 that’s right mhm we say level 10 you can kill them and then um you get premium chicken and feathers and premium feathers and whatnot yeah you do is awesome indeed indeed recurve with premium arrows as long as you don’t [ __ ] m d exactly they’re not cheap are they no Jesus it’s um it’s quite pricey well I mean it’s it’s a premium Arrow it is one scrap one iron fragment one Crystal One Premium feather so it’s not too bad that’s right crystal I mean we’ve got 60 crystals where there are 56 it’s still pricey why is it snowing inside don’t I just noticed that as [Laughter] well yeah it’s warmer yeah exactly haven’t had a plane for a bit either I know it’s not I mean last plane went straight over didn’t it oh no last plane went crash for yeah feel the same way Tri so it so nothing to do yeah I mean other than your gardening or cooking or whatever I got that up to nearly 25,000 anyway so yeah I’ll think with finger though it didn’t it did oh it did wa can we change the color of the helmet um I don’t think you can you pry well can oh you put you can put the Christmas hat on don’t you s hat okay do that and as I was saying isn’t that funny and look where it is it’s from the edge of the mountain that’s close must be so cold it’s on the edge it’s where we go get the obsidian from oh okay it’s right there oh daytime daytime let’s go just make sure the fire is good I didn’t even hear it fly over NE did I must come from the other side he guarantee Kitty’s going to be there who oh there’ll be a kitty there for sure all right Kitty where you at there you at w every one wolf to our left where the hell is it go the ra right over there wait what I’m not seeing it now it’s there how weird is that I’m not seeing it at all oh it’s right up there oh oh I’m just see now it’s kind of high I got some obsidian I got grab yeah so the best thing is stay low and then run directly up yeah now oh I see it though yeah oh some more oh mm some more obsidian I’m going to go grab that yep need that anyway as well oh absolutely oh there’s two bits over there oh kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty let’s go this way two bits isus 10 it’s- 14 up here I think you better get both boxes then mine is 15 mine is 16 you get five boxes or not some weapons Parts yeah I should be able to uh I just got to find the other box quite close to each other yeah but it’s right on the edge of the cliff in it oh I see I see a w damn it yeah taking hits now circuit board I saw a circuit board okay got of all running back okay I’m getting hit from down here so yeah careful Kitty mhm got 10 obsidian though that’s good oh nice I think I think it’s spawning first thing in the morning oh there you are yep okay so out of that one circuit board two weapons Parts Metal Ingot um a health pack some cogs some 44s some 9 mils some shotgun Molotov yeah Claymore Elum yes look like you got the um circuit board that’s yes yeah that’s handy for sure is it cold here it is there’s a box there and there’s a box up there yeah but these wolves there yeah I know there you go look at that wolf up there [ __ ] bastard the very top box there’s a oh yeah I saw it yeah damn see that start with bastard there yep Dead Ahead a blueberry and a cloth yay one of the crappy boxes yeah white our left yeah yeah I saw don’t always see them things imagine if they didn’t have that health bar oh God that’ be a nightmare here we go lithium nice that’s iron but I’ll take it anyway yep some lithium behind you huh that just spawned in then yeah nice there’s a box right here I should walk behind you more often bloody hell you should take it yeah chck chck there’s a box there gra the Box money or the Box a blueberry and a feather wow iron some more iron over here something no that’s not iron that is [ __ ] I think no Zink Zink make your finger stink hey hey Zin make you stink inde [Music] I don’t think that comes out till Monday does it from what I heard what the new Seven Days to Die 1 point I think it’s 1.0 update thing you not like that game I know you don’t like game is this thing glitching up this moose probably run Moose Run Run booy runy [Applause] oh here he comes hello mie are you going to climb right over oh I bet he does no know he’s stuck yeah yay nice sorry Mr moose sorry Mr moose you big fat Goose oh okay I’m gone oh shut up no go away don’t [ __ ] with us dude we got shotguns what have you got you ain’t got [ __ ] buddy no going have to hit him once oh I can’t take any more okay coming what is it I have no idea um B whatever all right oh to bit that hello Deary you’re not going to go for try and go for a deer again are you ah I’m not going to bother stupid rabbit okay go oh box was spawned in behind you oh nice what’s I got in it and am bits ammo and ammo bits well there’s a couple of bullers boxes there I might as well open up why not God there’s a whole bunch right here I’m coming what is it Nails Nails Nails Nails and there’s another one up here what do we got what is that that all have that yep yeah I’m sure I’m sure that comes out Monday mate from what I heard I know I know they were doing a thing on Twitch um they were doing like a um talk through on Twitch think yesterday or something but I’m sure it comes out Monday I know the actual developers were talking on Twitch with it so that a rack of ribs hell yeah and what else goes here some oil there oh I’ve got a berry didn’t even see you else we got that goes there okay rest oh wait a minute yeah goes there right oh 12 weapons Parts Eight away from getting the nice lever action you my L needs some action put you get meat in the in the fridge all righty cool thank you you’re welcome put these um horns in there Atlas go in there guess what what what we got three motherboards we can put another thing up one might be an idea might be an idea yeah he’s only got um see what he’s got got um he’s got two wind and four solar panels so he could do with some more wind yeah one do it do it [Music] I need some f sounds Jesus I’m in the red okay let’s e that steak let see that L let’s drink some water let’s have some it’s going to come down to having a a jam soon going to have to spend some time cooking some soups y how’s our friends doing no water and they’re just about dead oh no damn it you check them every day then really yeah I don’t have water on go either I’ve got some water on me I can come and give them some water just don’t die Buddies don’t die don’t die please don’t die please don’t die there we go there we go they are on the edge I mean there’s like one little green bar left like the smallest little sliver of a bar babies come on water got the water there look at that little bar that’s there careful now okay cool was was a bit touching good yeah not bad shees just going to do some seep mhm come on jeez to frost already ages to cross it’s really weird yeah may my kids are actually quite smart tonight oh don’t jinx it mate oh they would you wouldn’t have much from anyway which is good and Michael’s happy Mr Viking he is indeed all right let’s see if we can make some bullets here not much what have we got we got 944s with 30 we got three shotgun shells let’s get some more shotgun shells that’s what I’m lacking as well actually shotgun shells I think I’ve got some bits some casings and that on my place I just do yeah make there you go oh you you got some yeah oh yeah okay I got five of me gun and I’ve got another three being crafted okay come get do you need a a soup um yes I will do okay thank you all righty oh we need go get some water or snow rather hope he’s coming back still R there so that’s good yeah don’t forget Chad you can head on over to 44s Channel There’s the link coming up in chat right now so you can do the same for Trevor as well oh well than [ __ ] work is it streamlabs does this from time to time doesn’t it’s not your um Cloud butt no I think it’s my touch portal ah right I I got a link on my touch portal you say uh oh I know why it’s not working you didn’t turn it on I didn’t turn it on seriously I have to do like a broadcast thing on it there you go that’s this is trebs y That’s TR one he has actually I’ve got three links down here for him actually YouTube twitch I don’t know I put a seal one for your actually GL if you ever want to listen to really really good music on a Friday go check out him here on Mixcloud because he does play some absolutely aesome music on there do it go over there follow him on that and come and watch him on a Friday evening that’s when he goes live on there it’s boring don’t do it it’s not boring it’s a very good fun actually we have a absolute blast over there we really do so come and join us over there on a Friday evening uh p.m. my no 6 P p.m. your time isn’t it no 6 p.m. your time 6 p.m my time which is B umst British standard time BST Y come and join us over there on a Friday it’s absolutely hilarious and sometimes he does requests as well but sometimes you just play some absolutely brilliant music if you like heavy metal all the heavy stuff he plays a lot of that as well which is AB brilliant actually I don’t that’s the thing I don’t really play a lot of heavy metal you do play a lot of the last night last night you didn’t know good Lord then you had a lot of request you had a lot of requests though didn’t you for different things yeah I’m still I’m still contemplating doing I I haven’t done a metal show in a very long time okay cool just metal very much storms just metal just metal only certain amount of just metal you can do though there really whether it be soft or hard got all no no no come on you got different genes of metal anyway you got soft metal you got your hard metal and all stuff like that Ain you so thank you storms yeah it’s all good corn don’t know what that was I heard yesterday then yeah listen those three songs were yours dude not mine no those are some those are some good crackers you chose man there was some good crackers he chose actually some one a couple of them I had even heard of it and they were really really good actually yeah was good was a good selection everybody chose yeah lot of fun he can’t lay down do snow angels are you doing that are y I’m just checking yeah I’m just going to have a look at [Laughter] myself great M think alike they’re healthy they are they’re healthy it’s good yeah they’re getting better AR they and they’re all level three as well yeah do you want that poop you can put their poop wherever you want to it’s only 23 but sh it in one of the um one of these show one of them EnV when you moving man we’s been you you know you want to be close to us Come Share the power go away and leave me alone why did I join the server how do I say goodbye without offending them you just say that’s a you bunch of I’m leaving well you can’t say in Canada we need more silicon we need a lot of everything about it just like a never ending grind absolute Never End grind it is for sure I miss the old way yeah I do as well the old way was so much more fun hey we’ got 1.24 coming in and there’s no even there’s not even any wind just about I’m looking at my turbines they they’re barely moving the water’s done that’s for the plants I know some as well yeah oh got stop yawning oh dear me it’s that time of evening Chad that’s I shot our bed at 6 o00 this morning didn’t I as at least you got to bed at a decent time well you’re dirty stop H how are you doing till that oh you that’s how you was in subsistence until that time mhm mhm it’s the thing this you can get carried away with this game as it is anyway well the thing is after the show I was like all wired so I was like okay I’m going to give myself like an hour to unwind and then I’ll so you had a coffee SLE so so I had a coffee and I had I basically had breakfast at midnight oh God and then woke up and then I was awake and then I was watching the flight Sim flight whatever flight Sim expo from Las Vegas which was 4 hours long so I watch that oh this and in between that I was watching um the point of view from a drum Tech on YouTube okay what he goes through every day to get drum set up for bands and stuff like that I’m just rather interested in watching that yeah actuallyy I watch things like the hoof doctor and stuff like that the hoof doctor the hoof doctor he a say where is hoof yeah what it is it’s BL that’s um he does cow’s cow’s feet you have to trim them up and stuff quite interesting actually because some of them have problems and stuff he’s in Scotland yeah hey red how you doing dude the sun is finally shining here after 14 Ines of rain well at least you had 14 Ines oh oh my God [Music] exactly exactly exactly oh that sounded like a hurt no no it didn’t hurt cracked under my feet expecting me to get me a broken leg actually that sounded I even I even win did that sound it sounded aw it wa oh outo the Sun is going down what’s going on you hey hey stuck on a crate or something there you go stupid ass crate even know why you’re there it’s meant to be filled with bottles of water that interstate highway has a lake on it now yeah what can you do so the highway from Canada and Mexico is now shut down yeah what can you do not going anywhere I guess stay at home get drunk be merry oh hi bone Merry Christmas or be pupping if you choose yeah exactly you could do that too or attempt you know practice practice makes perfect got 71 Rose hit berries now yeah I just got to get glass to get uh to make glass jars to make the jam we got no um oh this one could have got brought over actually glass what Sandstone the Sandstone yeah I got I got about 50 in my box my well we have got eight capacitors nine capacitors we can make a another motherboard so we got three motherboards by the way or circuit boards oh nice I got 59 actually nice you dirty dirty girl 44 mhm why I don’t know that’s what red says oh did he okay I question red if red says you’re a dirty girl I would agree with him fair enough you got sand in your box that’s going to be a rough ride I’m going to put this on oh what’s the strap on let’s have a look go it’s on it’s on it’s on and once again now we sit and wait keep warm storms 1980 thanks for the follower on Twitch dude I haven’t twitched for flipping ages man yeah I gave you I gave you TW I I put your Twitch and your YouTube out so I’ve got them both together I that’s just forcing me now to have to do to do twitch now I need I need to get I need to get back and do some twitch as well dude we need to carry on with your death stranding I know and this is my twitch I don’t even have your Twitch put your Twitch on my channel I can’t why not you’re you’re a thingy yeah but I I try and all Tab out everybody’s going to see my screen streams isn’t working put a solid bod back I haven’t got Sol be right back see you should have alternate I know I should have alternate I haven’t I was making a new be right back actually are you the solid one yeah I am on um canva so I just haven’t got around to finish it off at the moment thank you THS yeah I need to get back to do some more death Str I’ve only done that one episode and I’ve got 143 people people have watched it as well oh well that’s not nothing to sniff at I know that’s what I thought get a move on 44 St [ __ ] about 44 thing I’ve been doing so much on YouTube I get that’s the thing that’s the thing you get kind of carried away there’s so many multiplayer games that we’re going through exactly we haven’t finished V Rising yet either and that server is coming to an end real soon too oh is it [ __ ] we need to get on with that and then don’t we that’s the that boss yep the last boss dra dra a bloody nightmare i’ watched I’ve watched somebody um go through his um what he does oh my God it’s a nightmare oh really yeah he has uh two stages oh god really two stages oh R storms ni one storm say hopefully he’s going to start streaming and making videos again soon getting on top of this stupid sleep disorder yeah sleep disorder is not good mate it really isn’t I don’t know what you’re talking about I don’t never sleep disorder no I do though I sleep like crap most of the time I have to plot on no matter what so hopefully you will do mate once you do you have to let me know and I’ll come I have to come and watch you I would have thought that with a sleep disorder recording videos is probably far better than streaming oh you got two sleep is you got sleep sleep apnea and insomnia as well well [ __ ] me welcome mate that’s not good storm that’s that’s a shitty [ __ ] deal right there yeah it is having like them two combined worse jez blessure snowing again I see so so we’re not going out anywhere this morning are we no we’re not damn it might go toop a few trees though still in January this is ridiculous you know when you when you hit Tab and you see January there in the top left wouldn’t it be nice to have like the bar fill up to show you how close you are to the next month yes it would do indeed that’ll be nice oh really ah my my partner actually he has something very similar to that he has um 44 when the [ __ ] are you going to marry Michael and stop calling him your partner get a move on with you my Michael um he has um you were going to say it Wen you come now he go blank hey giant knob I’m not saying anything to that one giggity giggy [Laughter] G he has F my oh chronic faue chronic fatigue syndrome so I can be talking to him one minute and the next minute he’s asleep that’s how quickly he just goes basically good Lord don’t take that personally whatever you do what he falls asleep when you talk shut up God’s sake oh you get some oh you have sleep paralysis as well oh God that must be awful dude how are you still alive Jesus yeah damn oh look at that storm definitely not my my mic is quite on here not on Trev I don’t know why it is it’s me I think wait what he said my mic is quiet on my stream but on your stream it’s loud oh you need to turn something up on your streamlabs then know is up your streamlabs that can you you know where your mic auxiliary is is it showing .0 DB yes it is yeah then then maybe what you need to do is turn your mic up on the actual mic itself there’s a slide function on your mv7 you can turn the mic up you just can I yep at the top where where the where the cushion meets the metal piece yeah see it you see the little bar where the flashing lights yeah but that’s just flash not I can’t do nothing on that you can not on the plus you can’t not on the plus you just look I’m doing it right now I’m tapping I’m getting louder I’m getting louder I’m getting louder but then if I tap in the opposite direction it turns my mic down uh this one doesn’t do that we’ve both got the same mic no I’ve got I’ve got the seven plus oh Fancy Pants well boohoo for you then figure it out I will do no you’re fine mate you’re fine you know check your um check your motive mix as well you can boost your gain you can turn your gain up yeah I haven’t got that turned on have I CU it interfer with my mouth God what is going on with you but you just bought a new [ __ ] Mouse now I see why Michael gets frustrated I’m totally backing Michael now I’m not blaming him for anything any I can’t out because people are going to see my screen oh my God there is no what are you on can I have some maybe oh my god oh oh my God what are you like I don’t know I don’t know I have to I have to have a look at it but thing is though when I do recording it’s the the mic the M mic sounds fine it’s not quiet or anything so I don’t know about that I mean you sound perfectly fine here I would have thought it’ be the same on your end have you not told yourself can you turn yourself up on in Discord where’s it picking the audio up from now Discord oh no hang on a second remember I’ve had I’ve had problems with my Discord as it is oh God I’m walking away that’s it I’m done oh my God you just a world of problems when it comes to I have technical things I no cuz I had problems with my audio didn’t I I had to put an audio thing into my streamlabs because it wasn’t picking up any sound at all I had to make a sound thing for it that might be the problem actually it may very well be the problem yeah I would I would uninstall streamlabs and reinstall it I think I might have to do that actually I think I think like fully uninstall it and then reinstall it because now that you got a new mic it might pick that up automatically and and everything I’m a very quietly spoken person and I do move away from the mic quite a lot actually oh don’t you lie shelene do do you just don’t go down that don’t you lie I’ve heard you shout at keran I was very upset that day when you did that blue beautiful voice me to eat my mic put it really close to my mouth I sound out on it I know you do I’ve se you do it got put the mic out in my mouth yeah yeah you basically eat your mic you do but that’s how you get real [Music] close bloody sorry that was a naughty laugh that was okay have to do some steaks here get cold out got be going for 3 hours and 47 minutes I know but four or five but I mean we can’t do a bloody thing look at this oh no another white out weather and I’ll Envy up there in the mountain side hey but I bet it’s bloody cold up there as well it’s freezing [ __ ] nuts off you freezing your nuts off mate is he still in oh he is oh he’s still in yeah I know he was going to go eat lunch and be right back weren’t he okay well that was ages ago I don’t know if he his um still around or not and see a steak oh yes please see because this is a directional mic if I move away from it slightly y my got learn to have it in front of my face basically in the wood burner yum yum yum yum oh God I needed that oh 98 oh nice so all right let’s see what the temp is doing febrary my ass bloody coold down minus three what the hell the [ __ ] how many arrows I got left six make them count Tre what you going to go get rabbits chickens if you can find the bloody things yeah grab some wood okay it is good oh white W [ __ ] on with to see the back end of you yeah I’m going have to mess around with my my unall stream and Resort it out I think I think it’s been playing like crazy when the sound went T should have done it then really yep I think you were panicking that day because you had a stream coming up I did yeah yeah actually I was in the middle of trying to do a stream weren’t I oh God we have to try help me sort something temporary out until we could get it sorted so I just want to make it into February that’s all I want to do mhm oh an arrow will do just nicely thank you my box this time of year can’t call it bare Forest either can we Bears I mean it is pretty bare though it is pretty bare yeah so I thought you call it okay at least these Ros berries are still parting about I think they’ll be that around in February as well actually yeah cuz usually when we spawn in in March there’s no uh rosed berries exactly oh there’s a bunny there a [ __ ] did it move oh don’t squeeze yeah squeaked nice I hate it the squeak squeak you little bastard Diamond pocket yeah that’s right squeaking I’ll break your neck oh there you are yes they just I did oh okay you find anything [ __ ] all no oh hello bunny thank you bunny I’ll take you got a very large red eye that’s quite bloody that’s weird hello dear sort off lock box you got a lock pick nope God damn it I know had a chance to make one yet actually not too bad outus five it’s not too bad hey Chad you know what you want to know something chat something that I know that you don’t God I know what 44 looks like I I know what 44 looks [Laughter] like he’s just rubbing in people’s faces hey hey I’m married still rubing in people’s faces I do [Laughter] try there’s Envy’s house yay it’s it’s still in one piece why haven’t you moved yet Envy you haven’t got far to move I don’t he’s he is in game but oh if he doesn’t die from starvation well you know what wouldn’t be the first time it’s happened nearly happened to you the other day oh you’re joking right you haven’t got much to move mate it’s only a little bit come on I got another bunny yay oh look at him he got a steel door and all and the Fancy Pants indeed look at its place holy [ __ ] man getting colder going to get white out oh look that I can Nick his Tomatoes if he’s not doesn’t onto his door yeah don’t worry about it mate I’m moving on I I don’t I don’t like hanging oh hello there’s a deer running right towards me is friend there he is come here you little bastard nice place you got there Envy it’s looking good man I look forward to seeing it closer to uh to where we are in the summer months looking long enough to pick that place come on in h I’m too far away now it’s a white out happening man and there’s godam white wolves everywhere we should spend the night there oh no that that scares me why I heard he’s a human tripod I did you oh okay Jesus he’s good see he’s got a mining mining thing going he’s mining bottled water that’s the way to do I he gave me he he gave me some you see it’s good to to know the right people there it is cies to uh b b up [ __ ] off wolf [ __ ] off leave me alone get it’s too cold it’s- 7 where we are yeah man ow come here a little chicken I want your soul o it’s getting nasty oh I’m heading back to base he’s got plus three inside his BL his base how many wood burs you got going on two here he comes Jesus bloody hell is [ __ ] god awful out there yep know like she there as well I did yeah I M that’s better warm your cockles yeah warm the [ __ ] of me heart too freaking cold out there how the chickens doing what did I check them oh they could do us some more food they water they are just really are ridiculously hungry aren’t they yep try giving them some tomato I’m going to give them some [ __ ] celp man that I won’t do much for him I don’t care shut up and eat [ __ ] kids that did plenty for them what are you talking about I did sh yeah it just takes away the water a lot because it’s c oh of course yeah just top off the water that’s fine some YY the mega wussy that is Yi hey Yi M for 28 months how you like aska nice ah we are going to be playing aska on Monday morning in fact you want your rabbit oh [ __ ] it’s a burned no no no no lucky it’s not ready Y where go oh there thank you you’re welcome totally forgot about it good J I came into the fire then is it yeah uh Yi yeah uh we’re going to be playing it on Monday we are um oh we are I’ve changed stream yeah yeah yeah it’s some much time it’s a Magic Q and I going to start off and then 44 is going to join since she’s free to do so but yeah I’m looking forward to it I played the demo um I really enjoyed it I immediately thought of um valheim so uh yeah I’m looking forward to it looking very forward to it I think it’s going to be our next big game that we do I think eat up to nothing shorty holy [ __ ] gifted 10 memberships oh my God this is going to go on forever now ain’t it that’s okay it’s all right I I’ve changed the notifications I up you yeah I’ve actually um turned it down mhm you got one dude they are they are they are loud though I 44 you got a gift membership I’m already a member I don’t know how whatever to get double membership surely that’s weird oh that’s cool man Yi 3 2 1 3 2 [Laughter] one there you go you already greatly appreciate it man as always thank you awesome support man oh yeah I wanted to get snow no don’t get don’t get the yellow stuff I’m not going to get the yellow stuff no no no no no I Shan do that are we still in January for [ __ ] sakes we are what the hell man seem be taking ages don’t it it’s taking so long okay you know what I’m going to exit the menu and then going to come back in and see what what day we’re at cuz that’s the only way to check cuz the game could just simply not come up with a decent way of showing where you are in the Year wish it would okay we are day 327 of 365 you telling me we’re not in February yet are we’re not in Fe we should be surely by now it’s 27 days into January why are we not already in February because the year starts in March that’s when we started it does yeah wow that’s weird I should have clicked over already surely Yi how’s um how’s work going dude I I believe you are uh looking again and ab pops yep there he goes giggity giggy G up PE pops oh come on days like forever oh just want this flipping Lake to unfreeze yeah we got cabin St crazy on WE yep what the [ __ ] are you doing up there now oh my Jesus I just so for the top of your head I thought you were coming in for a snug mate I was about to unzip Jesus he that’s not a snog is it where I come from that’s where we start get it where I oh never mind boieo ow just walk into the glass wall yep I do that quite [Laughter] often oh dear empty H exactly you’re on overtime a lot at the moment okay close to 100 hours per week Jesus [ __ ] dude that’s a lot of hours and I bet the taxes are happy with you [ __ ] bet they love him don’t they good Lord 100 hours who the [ __ ] can work 100 hours got sh bless him Jesus no wonder we haven’t seen you dude why have I still got this half a wall here what purpose is this wall doing here because you’re going to put it over here I think no but I got this has got to be opened up anyway oh okay don’t know why you left it there though I I don’t know I what do I know exactly you know I think John Snow that’s right there you go John snow no no I keeping no no it’s not allowed not allowed to yawn tough [ __ ] wow I’m tired that that’s okay that that made my balls shovel up a bit oh how and why I mean that was close dude how close steady [Music] on dude we could so do ASMR and just go over twitch and just talk to each other really closely like that probably make a [ __ ] fortune probably would actually some weird people out there you and Michael should actually do that that’ll that that might work might get some real weird stalkers as well but they’re the ones that pay the most just have like an anime picture of a girl and a boy and then you start doing weird talking soundies stuff yeah guar somebody like it well if people are getting paid to [ __ ] sleep then you know I know talk about it a lot of them do that as well actually what the actual if I had to do that it would be scary cuz firstly I snore like a Trojan thirdly I always sleep naked so there’s always a possibility you might see my [Laughter] nipple speaks naked as well actually oh my God okay the similarity must stop now it’s not right I tell you it’s not right oh God I am I’m I’m not doing well in the food front I really am not [ __ ] sorry it may turn Michael on God knows we don’t want that in the middle of quitus he falls asleep oh boy [Laughter] it’s still janary for [ __ ] sakes I might call it here in a minute actually yeah me too mate me too because this is bollocks just standing around waiting for [ __ ] februry to come around I bet you the moment we log out why did I close the door there’s a massive Gap [Laughter] here oh yeah I think lost a plot I don’t think I had a plot to lose anyway but yeah don’t think any of us did all right Chad oh Yi what the [ __ ] for the beer run well thank you everybody for joining me who did join me um Y and you oh and you’ll see us tomorrow morning as well cuz we’re doing Soul M Soul mask tomorrow morning yes indeed we are we are indeed Yi thank you so very much D it greatly appreciated I appreciate that very very very much and then on Monday we are doing ascar Asar Asar ascar I’ve got a scar right over here under my arm all right R my ball [Laughter] oh my [ __ ] head I’m going to shave my it’s going to be early tomorrow morning though mate think about it what time is it a.m. 7 a.m. my time oh dude you going to be awake yeah I’ll be awake you’re going to bolt out of bed at like 6:55 well I did this morning now my alarm will go off um 5:30 tomorrow morning anyway oh on I probably have just gone to bed that’s UK time right d you better not be going to bed that time in the morning no no tonight’s going to be a normal night like in an hour’s time yeah yeah yeah I might go bed in about an hour anyway so all right I see you up there then all right okay I’ll see you just now [Music] you see asor man I’m telling you we can make a goddamn Fortune sex sex okay cool oh [ __ ] it all okay enough talking [ __ ] right Yi what the [ __ ] are you doing dude get room tell me about it Yi you just paid the whole beer run yeah got be God damn dude not only a member but a mega wussy and now you go and pay the beer run [ __ ] Legend dude I I I reserve a nice cold one I deserve a nice cold one I hear you you’re damn right I do dude I appreciate listen here when you get time again um God knows when that’ll be come on and uh play some ascar with us man I know it’s going to be right up your alley definitely big time Big Time all righty well thank you Yi once again not only for the uh the beer run but also for the 10 gifted memberships uh [ __ ] Legend man if hey wait a minute don’t I have a song for yi I don’t know I all right there we go chat this one’s called lias Die Hard oh wait a minute I [Music] forget oh God he catch tomor storms anyway I’m going to call it so all right py take care take [Music] myat Def [Music] that’s for you [Music] Yi break you’re n just for Ying [Laughter] anyway I swear to God this night when it’s over it’s going to be [Music] February probably not stay stay here can’t hear the song well you can if you come over to the stream stream somewhere that’s what you get when you pay for the beer [Music] runed what I I got it it’s like a nappy oh God no [Music] that was just wrong I come at the wrong time there [Music] oh just wrong it really is [Music] [Music] that is so [Music] wrong wait what what’s that brown spot uhoh uhoh uh uhoh [Music] You’re A romen TRU you really are I know but what can you do all righty Chad there we go funing games done and dusted awesome to have your company as always man I will be uh seeing you tomorrow for some soul mask and then Monday for uh a little bit of Asa I believe just saw a whole bunch of [Music] Asa good to get rid of that one all righty guys thank you so much once again man you’re a [ __ ] Legend catch you all again real soon everybody love you all chiao Chia for

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PC –

Evetech TRIO Elite RGB Tempered Glass Gaming Case
Gamdias KRATOS M1-750B RGB 750W Power Supply
RYZEN 5 3600 (3.6GHz, 35MB GameCache, 6x Cores, 4.2GHz+ Turbo)
Gamdias Chione E2-120R 120mm AIO CPU Liquid Cooler
MSI X470 Gaming Plus MAX Ryzen ATX Motherboard
KLEVV BOLT X 32GB 3200MHz DDR4 Desktop Gaming Memory
GeForce RTX 3060 12GB GDDR6 Gaming Graphics Card
Integrated High Quality HD Sound Card
[NVMe] Hikvision E2000 1TB M.2 SSD Read Upto 3500MB/s
4TB High Performance 64MB Cache Hard Drive

Mic: Shure MV7 Podcast / Broadcast

Stand: Standard SMB Spring boom arm

Keyboard & Mouse: Redragon Mitra Keyboard & Griffin Mouse (backlit)

Monitors: x 2 (1 x LG IPS LED 27″ and ViewSonic Curved 32″ Gaming Monitor)

Soundsystem: Creative SBS 2.1

Headphones: Audiotechnica ATH-M30x

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