Everything GREAT About: Dr. Stone: New World | First Half

if you love Dr Stone and want to see more of it covered consider pledging on my patreon linked below and vote more in it also greatly helps to keep the channel going thanks so [Music] much nice to know that they’re now at a point where they can teach this to people born in the new world these two in the background playing a tree [Music] he actually does a legit good job of copying his voice I must [Music] say essentially showing how they came to recruit people to their C by explaining what happened in the past and what they’re trying to do to fix the future only went and said the [Music] thing unexpected and serious looking art style change him laughing to himself at the notion of whatever the mind of magma could come up with ends up being insanely legit instead credit to the animators for going ahead and packing this scene with characters and then beautifully detailing them all even animating a few [Music] too the raft he was planning to unveil to take Halfway Around the World his own ship design which blows theirs out of the water no pun intended and legit got me wiped up seeing an old school looking pirate ship of sorts I ain’t ever going to stop giving this Legend a win he’s so old now but still going strong and I for one absolutely love to see it loved his work since he did Old Man ROM in rezero years [Music] back animating most of this quick montage but also making it look realistic as obviously building something of this size would require a huge plot of land near the water and so [Music] on credit to the music as well it’s still from the other Seasons but I really enjoy it and it fits the vibe and tone of the show as a whole perfectly I think I like how he also uses his brain to figure out who will be the best fit for certain roles even a former enemy like her and in the process gives her a new purpose too by helping them also though not to be forgotten [Music] come I don’t normally do this but take one for syo being in the anime all these years later I’m still such a big fan of his same with Subaru from rezero season three hype by the way yeah credit to the Maga for coming up with a good way to not have them be able to just revive everyone easily also credit for making their reactions look so different depending on how they were feeling at the moment it happened and what they were [Music] doing I love that as they’re essentially discussing if it might be best to get him but he’s also got this floor by on the other hand and he’s just over there going with him [Music] anyway style-wise that gets a win it looked so awesome how they did that and a smooth rotating shot just prior as well you wish you got me from Love is War one of those Ops that’s so good it needs Max Wiz a great song from start to finish and the visuals were breathtaking tons of clear effort ped into that Easy [Music] Choice it’s pretty cool how quickly he looks around and puts two and two together figuring out his situation faster than most do [Music] that was hands down one of the best jokes in the entire anime to date this dude is as impressive with things to do with sailing as senu is with anything to do with inventions [Music] this anime totally has an element that it turns out I enjoy so much it’s the whole inventions aspect same as in bookwork with mine and recently Malu in the Apothecary Diaries another thing I totally love is how this is a real place and it legit looks like that too so much time and effort clearly goes into making this new world feel familiar in a sense [Music] this dude finding out a way to get rich quick already in this new world in like a day or so dropping a win here and purely because it really reminded me of Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood and that’s a win where I come from the whole scene is nicely done him hearing a waterfall heard leaping up and spotting it and they’re running through the forest towards it brilliant to include this how the world has massively changed during all those years such a stupidly good-looking visual so damn good how he’s going to build something that flies or likely floats and I for one I’m absolutely here for it what a great combination of creepy visuals with equally creepy voice acting right there we’re totally building some hot air LS let’s go this legit made me laugh out loud when I saw it so [Music] good well now that was insanely adorable wasn’t [Music] it as adorable as the last one was this one was totally full of coolness well that was a totally fun new segment wasn’t it I don’t even care they can have another one for the next episode taking place 30 seconds after the first one I just love to learn I love it she thinks she’s getting some simple little thing and he builds her this instead that adorable reaction [Music] though such a sweet moment magma kind of treated her like she wasn’t a woman and then we see this side to her later on it was cute I liked it really took a lot less time for fashion to return to society than I thought had to give my boy one for looking proper Dapper [Music] there that’s so good using his own plan against him I tell you this special episode is great for [Music] Laughs I’m weird I love that they have a base set up away from the main base like this I really do appreciate how he does legit math to figure out exactly what he needs to make it work they’re killing him with the jokes but it’s also smart how he uses his head to trick him into doing the work but doing it for [Music] free really happy he gets to go I remember fondly from the first season how he lives for this stuff and learning new things all the time it’s only just the first time they get the hot air loon in the air ah that nearly brought a tear to my eye to be honest people are responsible for some horrible stuff but we also do create some truly wonderful things [Music] too honestly that was Perfection from his reaction to the music to of course the gorgeous looking view from up there [Music] stunning go ahead and take a followup when for that profound reaction as well for context he says but that’s a two-day trip by foot if you really book it and this is the reply just makes you understand how insane flying really is speed wise take one here too for telling me things I didn’t know about Japan such as the direction the wind blows and how they using the wind’s own weird system to travel in the opposite direction I bet if you’re a fan of the channel and had watched this at the time you were thinking anime wind is going to love this really good CGI I just noticed and thought it was really clever how the outside has Meats on it other food stuffs and tools and that I think which of course would be needed for a longest journey I thought it was a nice touch to have Chrome come up with the best way to save themselves here rather than it always being down to senu two wins here firstly him getting his hat back in such an epic style after using it to gauge the wind flow but also how they managed to make a hot Loom ride genuinely frantic and amazing going without an ed this episode to make it even longer have a final win here for this extra long episode well worth it I very much enjoyed it and I loved the notion of how much smaller these inventions make the world nicely [Music] done good choice to start episode one proper right where the special left off [Music] [Applause] you know what I’m not going to delete an earlier win and just because of the positive feeling it gave me but I did get it wrong this is no Outpost it’s their first Village I forgot being clever and using this as a very short recap of sorts man it made me a little emotional sitting their beautiful looking Village for the first time in ages great reminder I totally forgot about the goal to petrify him again this is huge and fantastic I’m [Music] hyped another easy Max wins I liked it even more than the last to be honest better visuals better music and to tip the scale the most so many awesome story events and new characters [Music] teased totally forgot about this new intro song that plays always reminds me of the Lord of the Dance music from when I was a kid picking off the episode with some genuinely good laughs they really have gotten better as the series is [Music] continued wasn’t getting the win until the grilled fish dessert and then grilled fish something and his reaction also if you’re a fan of the channel for a while you’ll of course know that scenes like this of everyone being gathered together and sharing a meal and stories always gets a win there really is something about the old school Tech and they working together mixed with the gorgeous visuals that Hypes me up way more than it normally would going old minecrafty all of a [Music] sudden a most adorable little happy dance loved how they did the CGI animation really good stuff easy follow-up win a short mostly animated Montage they found food and we got another bit of nice CGI animation again [Music] quite the touching moment all of a sudden as we drop the humor for a second and things get more real and down to earth important wind there as well as the future is laid out the need to multiply to find new ways to gather food for people to grow unlike what happened to the Village felt good not running on the spot across a [Music] beach it’s so weird that an anime can make me feel so hyped for such small things like finding wheat but it’s knowing what they can do with it that makes it awesome to [Music] me just had to give one for that for clarity magma says why don’t we just wake them all up and put them to work and she replies with this which I thought was a great logical point to be made I love how he can manipulate people into actually doing the work they should be doing like here but best of all it’s the super over-the-top faces and reactions for it’s so sweet when you find out that he’s basically pushing himself to work so hard to create the food needed to bring these people back for their children essentially oh my God I’m such a fan of how it’s done with the world changing due to the actions of these dedicated humans it’s so green now [Music] I like that he really is deserving of that role assuming that it means he’s now being made leader of the food which was mentioned before uh ah and there’s your confirmation take that win as an extra I love it what a brilliant moment I really do love how it’s all handled with a big goal in mind then broken down into smaller steps that need to be done all building to that big thing pretty simple Ed really a nice enough song decent enough visuals easy win [Music] only they from the past understand just how terrible a job they’ve done meanwhile they love it that they did plus as I mentioned before it adds another step to the process before they can make their trip forgot how great looking these bits are at the end totally fitting the vibe of the show how come the jokes are so good in this season though damn those visuals are Next Level doesn’t matter how you slice it that was a heck of an entrance [Music] baby this anime is basically full of real character not in the literal sense but like hey he’s a character kind of sense and she absolutely is building on that already just like Uso does it for one piece Chrome does the same here bringing that comedy to the [Music] anime I’ve never had it before but how they make it look is actually really quite tasty looking how you going to show up with near photorealistic looking fruits like it’s no big [Music] deal it’s always an awesome feeling when people come to see how insanely talented senu is and she just saw it here that reaction those reactions really plus they made the bread look just like I remember it as I used to eat it a lot as a half German during my youth it looked so good in the close-up shot I decided to drop an extra wind here your boy is over here writing a wind script and casually learning how Bread is made let’s go [Music] you the old man totally went and built a car whilst he was bored waiting for more things to do that right there is one of the best mixtures of CGI and hand animation I’ve ever seen it’s pretty much Flawless how they move in the seat of the thing he looks like he stepped out of the manga pages of Jojo or something that is just awesome really I remember reading about the first camera years ago too so it was a blast from the past hearing the name being [Music] mentioned very sweet once again to see the moment from her childhood which meant so much to her and now she’s being reminded of that [Music] I’m not one for references but I know that’s a queen one and I’m going to go with JoJo part four on that one and likely be way off base adored seeing the photos taken of The beautiful [Music] landscape thankfully that is one reference I very much did get when she said the most famous scientist pose before [Applause] putting it into context what they’re doing and how it works far better than just using your eyes at the time from the air right there we get to see how in real life this would work it would be far from a waste of time people working from the air people looking over photos and guiding a crew on the ground getting to witness how the the camera’s reinvention was super useful for other things such as finding different foods that will help for wintertime Survival on the surface you might be thinking oh that’s a bit silly he’s going to open the restaurant but then you get senu telling us that you can’t keep pushing people they need good food and it works [Music] the sound effects they use for this girl sounded like a video game super win photo realistic bread as well are you mad it’s our first fully animated Montage let’s go I’m actually giving a win here for her not finding Truffles and instead accidentally coming across the oil they’ve been searching for I mean in Truffles via those photos would be [Music] insane a most adorable little bo I googled this and it’s actually true wow I never knew why they can search them out what a good pupster a scenery shot so stunningly good-looking that I’m forced to show it first and then talk over it easy win for finding the oil and learning how they found it in our world over 100 years ago great stuff really glad I get to give a win here for this would have been very unsettling for the board to have helped so much and yet they still kill it and eat it glad that’s not the [Music] case and of course being nice to animals is always a win [Music] that’s great firstly to reference something from the very first episode but also to let us know finally what was in that liquid he gave to him GS P I mean this is getting incredible riding around on an oil powerered motorboat at at the same time he’s talking about making a GPS I’m flawed another big obstacle [Music] past is that not something Sanji always says in one piece in regards to the [Music] ladies like it was so nice she’s going to maybe say she likes him suddenly the signal is interrupted and he says someone is doing it my God that’s awesome why I don’t even care that’s getting a follow-up win that is brilliant someone is putting out why over Mor code constantly why why why making it super creepy was a great direction to take it I think great art style change at the end there too even if it turns out not to be the case the fact that he even asked it Hypes me up to levels not seen before one more for that most epic of endings to the episode this awesome view from bottom to top showing where some people live and where the HQ is and all the techy Tech stuff too [Applause] F and not to be forgotten this [Music] too a great point is made there but a creep one too that there’s no way someone who did that could be alive 3,700 years later but did they maybe do the same thing to themselves it’s so good wow that reveal came and went like it’s no big deal but it means there had to be someone there because when senu sent his own message the why message stopped let’s [Music] go I must say it’s a nice time to keep going back to earlier seasons and mentioning those like the things they gathered back then which now have different uses like here the best thing about the invention side of things is that yes of course I wouldn’t be able to make it but the show makes you feel like you could giving us a better understanding of how they work I won’t FIP this did get more complicated for old High School Drop Out Boy over here but again as in the previous win I do understand it more now that’s really [Music] sick oh my God that’s what it is it was staring me in the face the whole time as well seeing an unseen enemy it’s so good it’s going to be stopped prime example here of how they don’t just find find a resource for one thing create an advention for one thing to be seen once and then never again already another use for sonar two wins firstly I liked the handheld camera type effect being used during the conversation makes animation easier and looks good at the same time secondly it’s because he’s right a threat like that totally doesn’t work on someone like senu and I really love that about him it just drives him more instead [Music] people being able to now eat truly great food and also that well-drawn and fooking crowd of [Music] people I’m is shuing out the blond Lady of win and purely for science two wins again firstly her quite frankly hilarious impression of what he did at the time and also giving him moments to to be smart so it’s not just always senu as obviously originally he was the guy coming up with stuff before senu woke [Music] up take the fact that he did it but also had scream his voice actor seriously doesn’t mess about does he brilliant how we’re then shown how much industry goes into their efforts placing lighting inside cutting in a walkway and of course whatever they’re doing in the middle too for context she says don’t give him too much praise her love an ego basically and he says it’s more about how happy he is that the science worked and how fun it was super wholesome I love it all the problems Humanity faced over the years and he’s using science to solve those old problems it’s just so awesome to watch him do it too oh hell yes that’s what I’m talking about the iron is too heavy the distance is too far okay use a car the way is too bumpy boom paved roads now I have found out how to create roads and everything I just told my wife and she was shocked to that it’s 90% gravel I’m learning so much that’s it for this one ladies and gents subscribe to not miss the next half or if you want to vote in the next season consider pledging to my patreon link down below see you next time Darth weirdo fidy Nick Windam the element Awards Christopher Willis Emanuel Gonzalez fancy Turtle Kean mini Maser Marquez noomi or keeper otar Boni Steelers the Epic Commander Bird Without a word Brandon Crea Brian B Christian tasa command Cyrus David mayos dogos for life dragon storm 35 Ain Winters gurug Guru James tooya Jo Edinson Kevin Alston com Kylie welp Lis bito Mr mansu nightly winter Peter Milligan Ruby Rose sari Zion 44 Shan star Kip the 100s tiger liy Warrior a joker Alexander Schwarz Ali 50 amillo brainless Ben cilia Cedric Cloud Garden Dante Soul Dante’s face dark bloody Soul Devon Dragon Defender ISO francey Garett Vish Gibbs ho l r Hunter Miranda Isel Caldera Jason Davies John John Jaffer 6263 Kai wolfspring Kell KN Kevin NTA Kevin 102 knuckle duster Kai 158 Kyle Jones laaw Lexis Liam Gatti lify Lono Schultz Marvin Matthew blanset Michael Lewis moam mudini Mr fire cool Nathaniel Greg mosa Natsu Dragneel Nick Monaco Nick pel Nagal 1928 OE the mighty Oliver Smiley Rea Oscar I Lopez Owen huren Q flash Chris Harris Ryan dearies psychom aurum sarcastic truth snowy Stan storm 970 TRS Thrasher 340 will sass wilyman

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