the speech no that speech was goated bro don’t be ashamed I get why you’re embarrassed though but it’s goated it was a very goated speech the highlight of last episode bro wait yeah I’m like that’s exactly what she said dude in front of the entire family too bro okay yeah dude last episode things went like things were like escalated to the peak careful oh look at the glance though bro D okay he’s extra like he’s like super super super on edge now now that he knows the ball guys why are you so nervous bro just be him okay it’s like he took two steps backwards bro though this is a very uncomfortable situation I understand because I wouldn’t like it either it’s just too many people that I don’t know wait it’s her friends wait no sorry I thought it was her modeling friends that kid who gave this piece wait were they were they like upper classmen cuz they look pretty old or they’re very tall what do you that is awkward that is so I I feel that I feel that I feel that bro I’m sorry that is embarrassing he’s gonna yeah I mean but still it’s the way he feels I get it a private session I mean that sounded weird but you know what I mean oh yeah she did quit the basketball Club really early yeah what are you doing here what you care to share with the class this is so awkward I love it the scoot oh my God not the Koke room bro stop y y stop she’s coming out and saying it bro wait what is she going to say about what is she going to say what is she going to follow up with I should say dude she is sweating bullets both of them okay what are you going to say MH MH and no no it’s okay you’re not creepy you’re just a bit awkward it’s okay I love this I love this I love that he’s exposing his jealousy and he’s curling up in a ball to like to protect himself right like oh she’s going to poke him that is so cute there’s no way what they think happened bro what did he’s actually [Music] see that’s the intro is it going to is it going to spill over into the actual intro a little bit but it worked out didn’t it yeah it I I get it it sucks it sucks but you know I appreciate that they hyped him up even though he was trash at singing yeah why are you whispering to me like what is going on yeah yeah yeah what’s that what’s that a wait a double date are they going to like a dessert place a double date maybe he just wants to mix it up I don’t wait what so they’re like them essentially white day white day white day white day white day right yeah so this entire time she knows him the entire time he hasn’t been thinking of what to give her yes it does that is cute that is so cute oh it’sa with the fire fit bro as per usual yeah it’s actually the second time we’ve seen her without her uniform they both look really nice what the heck yo I swear he’s getting taller bro what would she like I feel like almost anything from him would work but had is so cute freaking adorable she’s so helpful too they look like they’re going out both of them yeah yeah so it’s like plus giving her food is she’s not going to think you poison the food that’s crazy ich a chocolate muffin then again we don’t have white day here so I’m not really sure people usually give each other does she like jewelry we’ve never really seen her emphasize her love for jewelry had is such like she’s being such a good help right now seriously oh is she it does seem that way that would be cute but I don’t see her ever wearing like a hat wait the wrong time wait why why dides why does kazaki look like that what is going I’m confused what is wait what is this negative energy on every side of the room it is but like my guy it’s not like wait why why am I Public Enemy Number One I am I Zaki please what do you I didn’t do anything to you those desserts look really nice yeah but like what I’m not I don’t want to hang out with you anymore I literally don’t want to ever hang out with you anymore because that’s crazy also that looks really good on her yeah yeah don’t force her to eat if she doesn’t want okay never mind she definitely wants to eat I take that back she should eat the earth the earth is crazy oh she wouldn’t feel like inclined to like okay she wouldn’t feel ashamed of eating Kaki is very different from they’re both very different okay really seriously you already know what type of person I am and you’re getting mad at me you know I’m like sensitive about that type stuff oh interesting as well because like okay like I get not wanting to okay okay okay I like that that’s better than his like whole F fetishization thing going on like at the beginning oh color is sad cute that’s so cute a special cutlery set that is so thoughtful oh she did wait so you can get yamama to pix wait so why are you getting mad at me if you guys did the same exact thing okay now he’s going to start getting jealous he’s got skills I don’t yeah okay surely for yeah yeah for sure I’m going to have a heart attack I I mean just because you you’re you are a certain way doesn’t mean you lack something you know what I mean also I think I threw my back out oh Jesus Christ yeah yeah yeah you take your wait did she say wait did she say no wait why wait why does she never take you seriously no but really I wonder why she she keeps rejecting him or like taking him as a joke maybe she’s just not ready for it wait there’s okay I was like the episode is not ending right now there’s like two or three minutes left bro just because you spend a lot of time alone with someone doesn’t mean you don’t want to keep doing it what do you want to do now so cute oh okay why is her sure say I just realized her sh says butter do you really just want to go home though what about the gift it’s white day she seems pretty disappointed like she she really wanted to hang out with you and you just want to go home I think oh my God the goat himself the reverse cabon hey wait is it did he actually get something bro did he get something for her not the ending [Music] theme yeah yeah whatever let’s focus on us so he didn’t just okay so he didn’t end up just giving up and going home okay good yes be dude look at oh my God the parallel bro is this the same bench she’s a same way she’s just as like okay the same thing but like oh my God you’re so shaky I love this the courage no the courage wait he made it no no she’s she’s already eaten [Laughter] it the heck wait what no freaking way he put that inside the muffin that is such an interesting method of delivery whoa hey yo oh this is gorgeous butter put it she’s like put it on me I knew it come on don’t be nervous don’t be nervous iawa oh my God this is please say please say please say the right thing please say the right thing please say the right thing please say the right thing please say the right thing I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die she’s crying I’m going to die wait oh my God adachi adachi does adachi really want to do this she’s gonna he’s gonna give it to uh Sak if adachi and S become a couple I will that would be the most unlikely thing however adachi you need to get set your target straight okay adachi adachi let’s focus adachi okay I love you as a character but let’s just focus what what kind of delusional scenario is that adachi adachi please we need to have a talk it f sir it’s going to oh my please God for the love of Christ the misunder oh wait yes wait please explain before they get a chance to do anything let’s explain the situation oh my God okay this is where we’re going huh this is where we’re going with with things who in the world is that whoa adachi’s mother please I want to marry you what is going on look at that woman the fishnets oh my God shot down gracefully I really want them to become a thing honestly the mom is a w mom bro that is so cute she looked really nice too my God Jesus no no no please don’t read it it’s going to say something absolutely insane it’s aachi after [Music] all I’m just going to watch this I this is so I can’t why is his head so small anyway oh dud oh my God okay they are they are not slick don’t she actually that actually hurt her it backfired it backfired let’s go friends this is so good this is so good he has so many friends now I’m so curious as to what their new layout will be next year in terms of like who gets to be with who in what class you know what I mean I’m either way I feel like I’m we’re going to lose something I want Yamada and ichikawa to like stay together he’s like no I just want to go home bro does he even know how to like what is this Takagi this is Takagi son like what’s going on D this I love this I never thought I would actually see this hey oh my God broke his ankles what is going on the jump shot again and it misses she was underneath the she was right there and she’s like 80 ft tall there’s no way anyone could get around her it’s impossible look how giant she is bro bro that threw her off her game literally I could do she will do anything I want she’s going to block it wait oh she didn’t even try she didn’t even try and he wait wait wait wait wait wait for it wait for it wait for it wait for it bro the alley you let’s go true I mean a a that is so cute bro what is going on how cute yes you can it’s so cute a do it do it do it do yo yo y yes hey hey not the black wings [Laughter] Lucifer yeah move move yeah exactly shrink completely when your sister get in there little Anna you mean giant Anna wait are they going to see cherry blossoms together I love they look like such a they have the same Vibe right now in terms of how they’re dressing call him K he’s call me K yeah did did I hear wrong that is kind of cre wait what is going on it’s going to be a nothing Burger but like it’s still kind of creepy I feel like someone’s behind me it’s your freaking father it’s your dad his dad reminds me of my dad actually like literally you want to come over you want to come over for my birthday yeah yeah she [Music] does that’s the outfit from the opening she’s matching them like what she’s matching their Vibe she said it oh okay K like K yeah oh my God don’t be graceful here bro you know you want everything look at that look at that you you you can’t hide [Laughter] it don’t be embarrassed now kid oh he’s just like me for real speaking of which I actually moved my uh bunny girl Whatchamacallit oh he’s just 14 that’s insane he’s literally like wow age 14 oh my God this is actually insane how young they are what I don’t even remember when I was 14 bro I don’t even remember when I was 14 oh stop the ASMR this man’s going to passed out he passed yeah but I mean my brain my brain my brain my brain my brain my brain my brain my brain my brain my I’s mother okay never mind mind she knows it’s ichikawa now our daughters okay never mind yeah she’s please put that down ew ew This is an exact mirroring yeah you you don’t have to wear them at all what what are you talking about what are you saying wait what oh what a hair tie bro the touch the touch yeah that will do it that that’ll that’ll erase every single thought you have in your head trust me what if they what if they end up like sleeping the same like oh my God oh my God oh my God I see iawa was like at the beginning of this was in his rebellious stage a is he going to Pat him on the head wait hello that is the cutest thing how comforting can you get that’s how you know you have the right one literally like in a normal situation like a normal anime you know thing he’d be freaking out because like his head was on her chest but at this point it’s like more than that you know what I mean ome it hurts my brain wish her a good night please probably not on the lips but still like the cheek I don’t know how protective and like caring both of them like it’s it’s so obvious that it’s just more than lust and it’s such a an amazing display she was was she hoping for it was she hoping for a kiss wait there was more okay oh it continued right from where they left off okay cool cool cool Jesus Christ wait did he do that or did she do that because that is just like me also this is really cute they’re like a couple getting ready in the morning together that’s fine or just kill bro like that’s fine too you know he’s hanging out oh my god dude hold on he’s hanging out with his friends this is so amazing this group is everything to me I’m I’m I’m telling you look at the Bros oh what are you doing here ma’am the girls Let’s Go the whole gang is here and adachi the boy adachi oh the economy okay yeah likely story story okay now this is it this is the final push this is the final push iawa needs oh I see okay I see I see I see where that kind of links in now the first thing they were talking about he felt that [Laughter] waying oh the movie yeah that she was reciting lines for very cool very very sick dude for real and you got one guy here who has a chance to go out with such an amazing girl you know true that I do I do think she I mean everyone changes to some degree a little bit but like you know no one really does like a roundabout change like that right what wait who is that whoa the day went by with nothing said not the leg shot bro it’s this this like area looks like o the oceo uh filming sent and they were kids her him and Conor were kids overlooking you know you’ll be fine that’s still good but I mean she appreciates it both the same and they’re both very good messages oh that looks delicious I mean not that but you know what I mean the food Jesus oh no what if it rains oh no you know what’s disgusting too B ain’t no way are these people are nuts bro you know what’s creepy yamada’s like a a 14 13y old kid which is insane right no that’s crazy dude this guy’s probably like a grown man dude like it’s actually insane dude oh my God his profile picture oh my God he’s wait is that him yo like me yeah quit making me do this otu ay no way he blocked him out right dude wait what wait really interesting a the praise I love I love like when she gets and her like face light lights up you know I want to know why she started crying as well because it seemed like she has a nice like a good relationship with her dad so it can’t be like related to what she said right like oh cute oh she actually was oh so I guess that’s why she sat down and spoke with her oh she mom knows mom knows bro [Music] a oh my gosh nothing it’s all building W something right all the pain and like embarrassment and anxiety builds towards real progress you know reminds me of uh o noo it’s just the people who’s it’s just crazy bro also relax con go microwave your phone see this is the Oceano Co stuff bro I don’t like these Vibes he knows where she’s filming it’s so but the thing is yamama has been dealing with this I I understand I feel it I get it oh I feel like uneasy yeah I feel I feel uneasy okay that sounds creepy that sounds oh my God she is hey oh that’s your mom dude her phone he doesn’t know it’s her mom her phone her phone might have a whole bunch of like important stuff on it too all right this is this this is nerve-wracking right because obviously we see that like kills her mom but the anx anxiety he must be like feeling must be insane bro I’ve I’ve like I nine times out of 10 you’ve probably felt like this Soul crushing an anxiety of of stuff of things similar to this you know and the overthinking commences just relax calm down breathe please oh is he’s going to go to his house he’s going to go to her house he went over to her house just to make sure dude it’s really late like really late a a this guy is her dad is so nice bro he’s a chef why is heing so cute he’s kind of scary at the same time hey this is kind of awkward without context you know what I mean relief relief oh shoot oh it is it’s his [Music] [Laughter] house respond to her oh my God called her up for him [Laughter] oh my god dude immediately she does even SC that her mom’s they’re both crying oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God the Friend Code oh my god oh the amount of like courage that took bro the way they did it at the same time dude what’s happening now is he going to like go to her location why did she seem irked bro there’s no way that was fast but I still can’t believe what what is what is what is what is going on here ma’am you are I’m speech glass brother yeah okay okay what is going on what in the universe is going on here someone who works with her in her own y the one who isn’t perfect the real Yamada you are the one who knows I’m getting I’m getting worked up oh my God I I I need need to relax I don’t I you are insane you need to like just because it’s not a guy doesn’t make it any less creepy you know what I mean like I I I don’t think she she she will right like has she did we see that no what it’s a good thing I turned down my mic what is the show she’s even like it’s so insane the pictures you post cuz she was there at someone else’s house AKA his house yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I mean well I don’t want to I I don’t want to say yeah yeah yeah yeah because like I don’t feel like that should like there after I’ll talk about it after okayi distance I get it I get it like this was like a good lesson because it wasn’t like as serious as we thought it was but still okay so we’re going to see who is in whose classroom also I have a notebook now oh okay oh he’s just disappointed he’s disappointed um wait so they didn’t look it I need to probably go and look that look at that in the post episode discussion but did he not read her name on the same list or it seems he’s anxious to see if she’s in there or [Laughter] not they’re the same class everyone’s looking at them they’re making a scene a new new new kid okay we got an all new cast of kids oh you’re ridiculous don’t be ridiculous oh she’s in the class the girl who hit her in the face of the basketball only look for my old name in my new class now okay so she okay so essentially they didn’t look for each other’s names they only looked at their own name and that’s why the anticipation is kind of like making them super nervous and yeah um I didn’t really elaborate on it too much but uh at the be I get a chance to because a lot was happening but I got a know now that I’m writing down a lot of things in because as you know I’m terrible with character names and I’m terrible with like kind of remembering probably some key things to sometimes so hopefully this will help a bit all right so I wonder if this episode’s just going to be them exploring their third year like new characters keep distance In Crowd spaces that’s their mission for the year okay interesting okay stop no not a problem at all she’s so teas she he loves teasing them is she not in the same class oh no oh nice sweet oh no there’s no way kobashi got held back they’re waiting they’re waiting the anticipation class one is that their class they’re the class sweet okay so Kashi okay oh yashi is so funny is he feeling bad you might have pulled some strengths okay wait k con con urine okay blonde and pink hair why is she looking at her like that hang around after oh that’s cute oh okay Moria no where are you did he get held back or is he in a different CL what’s going on rest in peace relax okay I mean I [Laughter] meanc okay so they’re in class two uh do she Class 2 I love how she verbally like that’s so cute here’s why oh gift oh gra is it a graduate I mean like a like you know oh okay okay a birthday Del delayed birthday what is that a wallet chain okay if fit him bro you are such a imper they’re P there are no rules for that type of stuff for Anna or would there be a problem a FL okay no shot a flash mob there’s no way is that what we see in the opening no shot dude oh no I’m not sure if that would have worked flash mobs are bit insane absolutely not no oh my God the thought of ichikawa being completely like terrified by is a thing that like hey oh the question the question yo oh the I no way that is real I my book is not going to make it through this yeah class one is crazy s is also in oh yeah true don’t worry about it oh my God he really is acting like one I love that wait what wait he’s in class one as well what we didn’t see any of him he was like not even wait what like I you snuck off during the breaks but like what about during class oh that sucks it really does hey why she she’s like creeping she’s creeping on him I love that oh shoot oh shoot keep it quiet cuz he knows obviously I’m loving that we’re seeing adachi still you know the group the group of them I love that yeah he’s your friend he’s really nice dude he was annoying at the start but he’s really nice now I didn’t really like him at the start but yeah this is where they uh sat down before talking about uh the manga so good so good so far holy crap no cheating no cheating okay rest in peace to Aur Toriyama by the way speaking speaking of key you don’t need to use any key yeah literally does not change your weight okay okay hey relax ma’am K con that’s her name k con yeah stay away from her at all costs literally she will make your life into a living house okay I never heard that term before true nice cover up okay I like that nice cover up dude when are they going to stop this farce this act this Roose Kaa Kana is the name of of uh ichikawa’s sister hey oh the head oh wait what okay oh she’s super quiet it seems but she’s also really tall Panda c y I love this come on this is ridiculous what a great cast so far of new characters okay okay that’s progress dude also we haven’t been in the library in a hot minute I think put it somewhere that’s like a tree like some somewhere cute right but trees grow so that is okay I don’t know how accurate that is I love the dust particles man I’m telling you oh my gosh he using a whole stool oh my God what are you going to write is your voice done changing is it Anna a that’s so cute dude come on man ah the music the twirling but now I want to be closer to you is he going to do it physically is he going to do it is he really going to do it here is he going to ask there’s no way I don’t mind please this is the per come on you can’t ruin it like that I swear to God bro come on please of course ah they’re going to Blue Ball us they’re they’re going to BL wow he’s like I don’t care why are you doing that get away from like need some space some privacy what are you doing what what you are also very tall like and you’re clumsy okay great and you drop pick up the book her name is you Ur you you what I my handri dude I write down my handwriting is so bad even if I write down their names I Ur okay Ur hanawa hanzawa not hanazawa she she’s very interesting she’s like blonde Yamada right like it’s like what is going on here and why is his head so small yeah that’s what I the back of the the back of the classroom she knows she knows what the heck is up with that look H what is going on I see okay like they don’t have to act that coldly right like he acts like he hates her like you know exactly like you’re going to do too much you know what I mean I mean I highly doubt it but like you you got to kind of like lay off a little bit I think I think you have the wrong idea as of April 10th she knows him so well he’s like a like a cat she knows him so well are very important to me I like that yeah it’s like don’t worry about me we’re good right yeah how nice bro oh my God what was she say what was she going to say what was next no say hi don’t it pains me whenever he does that it literally pains me thank you yeah I mean it’s funny you’re already so close right but I know what he means by that she’s so cute a she’s one of those types a a she’s so cute what the heck man I love how they’re new she’s like a blond [Laughter] yam his voice it it kind of sounds a bit deeper sports festival she is n she’s too much for me honestly she is way too like intense for me okay so this is what we SE in the ending oh you have to be our kns our KN in like one of the games that they’re going to play it kind of feels sad because we’re going to get like introduced to these new characters like all jammed in at the end of the season it’s going to kind of leave us wanting more from them uh obviously we’re gonna get that next season if they renew it which I don’t see why they wouldn’t though I wonder how this shows popularity is amongst everything else going on now right like I feel like it still doesn’t get like the attention it deserves right I feel like we’re going get his name not Cavalry battle how does that make him a y to add his defense I love that oh he was going to compliment him okay I love this right I mean not not the fact that they’re taking a piss but I love that even between classes you know they can still interact we’re still getting their interactions wood floors in a bathroom is crazy really why would you ask someone that that is the weirdest question to ask someone interesting oh wow so even then they had interactions like that did we really not see this this was before like the series like started right he left there’s no way okay the first time we ever interacted okay oh come on I forgot his old self was like this bro you’re sick you are sick my friend he’s cringing out at his old self oh wow that looks pretty crazy that’s an insane injury a oh God the caressing hello wait no shot seeing this he’s like he’s like wait wait no adachi is he putting it together he’s putting it together I love adachi so wait what up little Sund this is so cool so is he G giving ichikawa a chance to look cooler in front of Yamada to like give him more confidence I’m assuming that’s what it is right like At first I thought it was like a malicious thing like a jealous thing but Adai I don’t think is like that this guy his inner self is setting him straight yeah right I hate that you look up one video and like it serves you a whole bunch of things you’re not interested you didn’t think he was there like what wait where’ you where’d she even come from why is she that cold is it cuz she’s embarrassed all right yeah okay sure bro like I said before your legs are like two times as long as his bro like you can walk and beat him wait what’ you say wait what’ you say wait I’m assuming she has like gym equipment yeah bro oh my god really what is up with this angle bro okay I this is this is this is not going to end well wait what someone touch oh my God it was probably that dog considering he didn’t even react can he even lift those your dad’s a monster I wonder why she knows too she knows exactly why mhm okay I feel like that’s not the only reason yeah you just wanted to prove yourself he wants to win right but I feel like it’s not just that like right like I love sweet eggs I always my eggs yep please do not lift that the wrong way yes sir I like that I like what they did there what do you mean on what she’s going to make you lunch what are you writing what is that going to be obviously not well actually it’s yam so I can’t really oh my God I wonder what it is I feel like it’s be something crazy like on some your name stuff with like the message in the head adachi boy I I really love this character I hated him at first he’s like I’m not going to lose to this this clown bro oh she’s so pretty bro Ur is that her name okay come on she got to stop doing that she set that up herself she is so extra y okay come on you know what’s wait wait that’s so cute wait the parents get involved too I didn’t even know that really what up with that camera movement exactly I I didn’t like that about him at first but honestly it is grown on me how insane he is he’s putting everything together right look it’s multiple times let’s freaking go class versus class honestly obviously I want ichikawa to win right they want to go inside look at her just looking at Power dude how cool is this you doing it for yourself in Yamada you want to win you want to show off this is so good oh my God the Friendship the friendship oh wow the true feelings come out okay he’s saying that out they’re saying that out loud do they hear them bro he is spitting facts dude he bro he’s literally oh he knows I feel so bad he’s like don’t give him that easily oh my God bro he still respects him enough to like wanted to put up a challenge oh they can’t hear them oh my God yeah it’s like you wanted to battle though you wanted to battle me finish this oh my God this is crazy oh my God adachi I don’t want to lose wait is he he actually kill ow okay so he technically lost because he took the headband and hat off first and she wrote kill on his freaking forehead bro no they both lost right that makes sense right he’s so poetic he reminds me of that one guy from Comey I don’t know why a his mother my isawa is a lucky she’s a licensed nurse all right please please please please for the love of everything holy I don’t please these two please they are destined I want an interaction so bad he got good taste it’s like shoot you child I love this right okay I want to listen to this okay it’s not forgetting that disappointment is the most important part of moving on cuz you learn from that right like you learn you get stronger it’s a lunch it’s a lunch that she made it’s a giant freaking that’s so much egg yeah considering I could probably eat it for 3 days straight it’s probably good like really sweet reflexively I mean whatever that’s a lot bro seriously that’s so I thought it was like an assorted thing of food yours too doesn’t matter at this point though does she care so cool oh my God was that like wow is she finally like just straight up said his name in front of him and I feel like that kill could have been used for like today as well right she needs to relax school trip we’re going on a school trip on the final episode wait are those important dates for her like is she going to film something oh shoot she’s de she’s clearly distraught distracted wait what are you doing here oh yeah he’s in this class okay so cute dude oh that’s awkward no shot you’re going to embarrass my man like that the fact that there’s another yam and we we I remember they they they made that fact clear earlier in the series she’s worried about something her audition or something is on that day yeah you should text her about it who whoa wait what there’s no way if this happens dude if this freaking happens I am done are we going to get that this EP if we are I swear to God no no oh what if it actually happened like this that would be crazy yeah right for sure I really do hope he gets to be with his friends though at least uh Kaki oh wait is this going to be one of the yeah I remember he avoided these things before now he’s looking forward to it cuz he has friends and yam volume 12 jeez oh nice oh bro she knows she knows she’s fantasizing the same exact what if they both like don’t go and like going like a little thing for themselves right a oh come on you should are you sure about you uh is she crying yeah for sure that is that is very alarming you’re not fine oh God it’s like bursting open a the keychain that’s so like you feel you st like you just staring at me like that are you are you okay yeah thank you I like how he’s sitting next to the other y yeah that’s weird isn’t it yeah oh she was embarrassed he didn’t she didn’t think he heard that oh that’s another Kana okay that’s her first name okay oh my God she’s seriously planning she’s crazy [Music] no that’s the last thing I want oh my God yam it is not what it looks like oh my God that is so cute I need to listen to that again oh my God that is so that was so cute oh my God this interaction was too much for me oh my God the mocking voice Bo she missed she missed an opportunity to be with ichikawa oh my god I’ve actually seen videos of this they’re not dogs yam this is ridiculous they’re literally causing be and she’s going Qui Hana is going insane she’s losing oh my she’s going insane oh my God please stop interrup like I want my of course of course not okay can you dude the the air is so H something is ah it feels so yeah look at her face they’re both the only ones not smiling because they’re like a this uneasiness nah there’s yeah yeah you have to uncover that I’m just curious as to what she missed out on I’m assuming it’s like probably a shoot or something or like some type of like audition you know okay come on that’s insane by the way are you just making I feel like you’re making that up that’s how that that is insane oh they’re scheming [Music] bro that’s [Music] crazy you’re sick per second okay this is what okay okay no no no let’s talk he’s going to be like what’s with that question okay there’s no this is not the final episode there’s one there has to be one after this right there’s no freaking way she was gonna wait the an ad an advertisement for is she going to be a part of a live action please don’t say that out loud this is chaos this is chaos like ad like advertisement they’re going to make it into a live action and then she’s supposed to like either you’re an idiot you’re sick my friends you’re actually sick that is that sounds so devious what what does that mean sir that’s yeah that’s clearly not what’s on her mind he’s rehearsing the lines from the book manga I feel like she’s just telling herself that she clearly isn’t she’s distra yeah now you’re putting it together got the part from that audition yes for her favorite freaking work of fiction right I like how he’s at odds with himself now right like she did it for him yeah it’s so selfless of her but at the same time I don’t think like it it’s not really your fault yes I know like literally imagine being able to act out your favorite work mhm yeah literally it’s coming all back around wait not the Kobayashi thing again this is crazy wait no shot dude this is [Music] so he’s going to before I start I just want to say I am so so nervous as to what’s going to happen in this episode I have zero clue but I am hyped and devastated at the same time that this is the finale actually this time and who knows what’s going to happen after this so with that being said let’s just jump right into it are we going to get a kiss are we going to get some type of like progression with their relationship in this episode and to end off the season who knows but we’ll see I guess and I can’t wait no matter what happens right we were literally in the craziest exactly the craziest position on planet Earth bro of course her first why yamama first bro he’s right there he’s right there ignorance is strength bro how is he even breathing under there it must be so hard to breathe bro God is testing my man ichikawa I don’t know if I were in ichikawa’s position right now at his age in like the situation he’s in bro until they find themselves it’s exactly what like what they’re doing you know ma’am you’ve been letting it Brew this entire time I’ll tell you that say that iawa don’t say that iawa how are you going to break out of there I guess you can walk out like when every when everything’s dark sir yeah please for the love of God you do not want this happening here it be so freaking embarrassing oh God come on what kind of question is that in this scenario right okay no it’s happening bro there’s no shot bro it it has to happen wait what is bro that was the craziest I will not pause I will not pause I’ll will not pause yeah yeah they’re huge all right ichikawa the fact that ichikawa even had the Str that’s why he was like soaa you’re sick ichikawa is a stronger man than I am the amount of strength it took to not progress there is unprecedented oh wait this is the um what are those they called to Tori Tori Gates or something you’re ridiculous uh but that’s the thing we saw at the ending it’s too much pressure for him I I I definitely feel that he should do it though right especially since he he brought it up himself right and I think he needs to address it gorgeous I think he needs to address it you haven’t aside from last night but even then that wasn’t really a longone time is she crying under that mask is she crying under that mask or at least Tey I feel like she’s using it to hide her her face yeah using get hi her actual emotion he knew you’re not yeah why are you apologizing poor thing there’s such a thing as being too selfless to the point where it harms yous tears and why I love her why I love her oh he put the mask on to hide his face that is such a good thing for her to hear right he was right he was but now he doesn’t need yamama to like constant like she can do her own thing you know I know she feels like she has to protect him right but like he’s grown enough at this point after he met her yeah why his face Kachi yeah like literally exactly he has grown so much in front of her eyes and she hasn’t even noticed like that so many things have happened he admitted it wow no he she he didn’t mean it like that yeah that’s what I wanted to say in all that I I hope I kind of said it a little bit in between the lines you help me see how beautiful it is what a gorgeous [Music] momento wait that’s the first time he said it to her corly bro come on run run guys run away wait are they GNA are they going to do Har and Kaki with the with the confetti man okay that that answers my question it doesn’t matter yeah it’s an emergency it’s a work emergency like I said in the post discussion last episode you have all your snacks there you have everything look at her face you know what her priority are they’re both so way to ruin the moment come on why are you like this I love you but why are you like this that is cute though but why you put it what is the fist B no it does come on man but then kobashi doesn’t know right she she didn’t ruin anything because she doesn’t know so I can’t blame her right it’s just a friend looking out for another friend and I admire that I love kobashi for that it’s just as the viewer it’s like bro on time you’re insane please stop seriously I love har I really do so much she’s so like you know assertive I hope I pass the entrance exam is he trying to get into like a a prestigious school or something or just like a normal entrance exam she knew she knew he was looking at this is so good right it’s so good it’s showing him being by himself look at this he’s having fun with his friends right very nice very nice a I hope it all works out you still want to see her yeah yeah oh my God the remix all these moments that is the place they met right is the place she’s there she’s there it’s exactly how they met eating chips oh she doesn’t know okay I feel like she’ll be fine though but even if she didn’t get it at least she went after it right she the way she’s the way she’s speaking is seems a bit different the confidence look he loves that he really loves that they both made each other realize who they are wait is she going to ask she admitted it I’m going to die she’s doing [Music] it oh my God that’s so cute and awkward [Laughter] dude seriously they’re going to end it like that they’re going to end it like that this is absolutely beautiful dude she confessed everything at that moment bro that’s crazy that was the last thing I expected what happens now bro [Music] [Music]

Today I’m reacting to The Dangers in My Heart Season 2 (S2) episodes 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, and 13!

Here are the timestamps for this reaction:
Episode 7 0:00:00
Ichikawa and Yamada go on a double date, and he gives her a White Day present.

Episode 8 0:12:59
It’s Ichikawa’s 14th birthday and Yamada spends the night.

Episode 9 0:22:53
Yamada films her upcoming movie but loses her phone, then later, both Ichikawa and Yamada tell her parents they like each other.

Episode 10 0:34:16
It’s a new school year and Ichikawa and Yamada are fortunately in the same class. We meet a lot of new faces including KanKan and Yurine.

Episode 11 0:46:15
Ichikawa and Adachi both compete for Yamada in the Sports Festival.

Episode 12 0:57:04
Yamada and Ichikawa both go on their school trip together, but it turns out she plans on skipping her very important audition.

Episode 13 (Finale) 1:05:52
Ichikawa and Yamada both confess to each other, then Yamada kisses Ichikawa on the cheek after asking him out in the library.

Click here for FULL, UNCUT & EXCLUSIVE reactions:

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  1. With all the reaction channel terminations as of late, I will be transitioning to this upload format from now on. This way, instead of YouTube potentially striking over 3 videos at once, at MOST they would now only be able to strike one or two videos at a time (from a single series). Credits to @wesandsteph2822 for the idea (love their reactions btw).

    I haven't gotten any strikes yet, however I would rather be proactive as opposed to reactive (ironically). This may only be a hobby for me, however I do value my precious time and it would be a shame to have it all go to waste. As usual, everything (and more) is up on Patreon and although sometimes I do fall behind there as well, videos will ALWAYS hit there first — uncut and uncensored with full post episode discussions.

    I haven't forgotten about any of you. Thanks for everything as always. Working on the rest of Frieren, then next will be Jobless, and after… I have no clue LOL. Guess I'll decide at the time.
