Masamune-kun’s Revenge R Episode 6 Review 政宗くんのリベンジR

I’m not goingon to lie episode 6 really kind of shocked me really a lot with mon Revenge are season two episode episode 6 with this review I I really want to personally want to say this is that that I will get into some of the important parts basically this in this episode and here in a few minutes I want to talk talk about talk about this date between aen between uh aen and also and also Mon Mon I’m still kind of wondering if monil is still planning on doing that Revenge and I’m kind of curious like if if he really actually is going to be basically going be doing this or basic basically he is not I really do not know if he’s looking he’s looking for basally just doing that or maybe he’s just really is really is not I really hope that the MC character really does not focus focus focus on that because I really hope that’s not going to really go basically be the case and stuff like that and I’m hoping that he really does not because I I said this many many times before and many times before but I say that’s what I will say is getting revenge getting revenge is not something not something that people should should do because it’s it’s something it’s something that if you think that this that this revenge is going to help you out in real life it’s not going to solve it’s not going to solve no problem it’s not going to help out it’s not going to really solve solve really much of basic what’s going on basic Bas of this anime and stuff like that I mean if you do want to get revenge get want revenge but you have to think about this like this also too because if you were to Bally want to get revenge you have to look at the person look at the person look at that person just and just say like just say like maybe I shouldn’t do this or maybe I shouldn’t or anything like that because it could could cause a a effect based on this person because if you think that this is something that you’re right that you are doing but to be honest with you if you think that really is right but guess what it’s GNA be wrong and probably going to bite you back around the other Corner the the other corner and you may never know you may never know revenge is kind of like going right around in circles like Revenge can go like this or Revenge can go like that and the reason why I’m saying that because it just it just goes around it just really does it’s not going to solve anything it’s not going to really basically help help the pro the progress based off of you or anything or anything like that I don’t think that Revenge should not be taken lightly but revenge is something especially revenge is basically it’s kind of personal and it’s pretty serious and stuff like that but I would advise that people if you were to go down that route it’s not going to solve anything it’s not going to make you a better person it’s just going to make you a very miserable person that’s what it basically feels to me I do want to say basally in this episode based on this episode is that I think I find now I’m now begin to understand what’s happening to the MC the MC character which is mimun mimun has hives he has hives now I don’t know what hes of Bas really is or anything like that I think I do I’m not not really so sure but hives can be something can be something that that anybody could get not like an early young age or anything like that it could be any any any of that Al also as well too but I want the person want to say is is that if you get stressed or get so worried or something like that and of the of those different of those things then yes then yes you then yes you probably will get hives and stuff like that but I’m kind of curious about like is it something is it something that should be taken seriously to be honest with you I think it really actually is is some kind of and stuff like that that basically people do have I don’t even have hives I don’t I don’t even have it I really don’t know what kind of what kind of pain that would basically do to you but one thing I want to mention is that I think was the last episode also I showing something like you know basically when I when I saw what I saw was he was throwing up his sleeve and he has like these bumps he has these bumps on his arm I thought there was just pimples or something like that that you basically actually have but even though I was wrong basically this in this this of this EP of episode 6 he does have hides means that HIDs are basically are bumps on his skin and they could be very very effective but one thing I really do want to say this also well too if I was if I was the one person who that had had hives I would basically be very very cautious about like who you touch or like your your girlfriend your mom you that whoever it is and stuff like that because or or anything basically above that you you don’t want to touch nobody because if you touch you touch somebody then that’s some basic of that person will basically get hides themselves also well too that’s why that’s why it’s never a good idea to really actually do that and just to Bas think think that this is okay to do but even though I like how money he does want to he does want to have that love interacted with with a but the problem is face is that like I said before if he were if he were to touch her then that means that means that’s a very good possibility she could have high that she could have eyes kind of like it’s kind of like a a a affection not was a affection but a effect like when you have when you have uh the chickenpox happens all kids or any of her different ages sometimes people do get second do get get it to second time but I know it’s a very uncomfortable because I had it when I was a kid and stuff like that and I want to say this also well too because if you were if you were to have like if you were to basically have chicken PO for a second time you don’t want to touch nobody because if you touch if you if you touch anyone if you touch anyone that touch anyone that can spread on to somebody that can spread on to them possibly spread out to somebody else and something like that that’s kind of like basically you know basically when we had that that worldwide uh Co thing or something like that you know basically what happen something like that because it Go spreads from here there and there and everywhere and something like that and that I I just generally just wanted to want wanted to say that but I think that hives is basically something that this is this is what M has to think about he has to really had to think really hard but even know not just basically a part of just basic of that but Ain Bas as herself she doesn’t understand she doesn’t understand like why why is this why did he why did he left her but the reason why he left her was not like basically like leaving her behind but even he broke down he got sad because he got depressed because he said that because he said that I can’t risk I can’t risk myself I can’t risk myself given ay the hives that I have which that means if he were the Bas to do that that means that means she would have hives also as well too just like I said just like I said like when you get sick or anything like that and you pass it to somebody they get sick and then and and so on and so on and so on and that that’s that’s what basically is a part of basically having some kind of disease or some kind of effect that may happen if something that and just like I said before when it comes to like with chicken pops like that if you’re a kid that you had chicken pops you cannot touch anybody or anything like that even though because if you did because then then they will have it all well too or anything like that I think all of us had our own fair shars by getting the flu getting sick or anything like that you know that we all have our Fair shares and stuff like that but when it comes to something very a a a contagious kind of stuff it can really it can really ruin I wouldn’t say the relationship or anything like that I want to say let me just let me just let me just say this okay I understand M his heart in the right place okay he doesn’t want to hurt nobody okay I totally do understand that I respect that really a lot for com from much and I don’t uh definitely does understand that basically what it feels what it feels mean is that he does he does love ay he does there’s no secret about that there’s no secret about that he does love a but like I said before his heart is in the right place and the reason why is basically because of that just like I said before I don’t mean to repeat myself is basically that he doesn’t want to touch her he doesn’t want to kiss her he doesn’t want to hug her because if if he were Bas with do he has he has this probably has some kind of condition that causes him that like I which which I think it is basically high but I think there’s something more to it that that we really do that we really do know but you have to understand but you have to understand yes like I said before his heart is in the right place but he doesn’t want to take that risk by giving highs giving to a because if that were to happen that mean she would have gotten it because if she would have gotten it then she would probably get upset with the MC and so like you never did tell me that you had ties why did you do this to me and stuff like that and now I’m going to be affected all well too and effective I think it’s the Fear Factor in my for what I see is basically that he does wants to have a good life he wants to have a wife he wants to have kids he wants to have a a girlfriend whatever is and stuff like that and he really does he wants a decent good relationship with what ay I totally do do definitely totally totally do definitely do understand that but you have to understand where he’s B has has come from from from within and even though like I said I know I’m repeating myself over and over again but the reason I’m saying is because reason I’m saying is because his heart is in the right place he does love ay and I’m happy for him and I really really am but I don’t want to see ay get his heartbreak heartbreak because because because he cannot interact like what other people is do and Stu with that and he feels like he’s being cursed but you have to remember when he Pro uh his sleeve up you can just tell by the bumps spes steing down his arm so yeah so uh emotional episode I’m not going to lie it really really was I mean it really shot me by surprise really did but yeah it was uh I guess that’s it for for this uh episode um I’m for you uh tell me what you guys think and yeah hey guys there take care all day uh don’t forget to subscribe please consider subscribing uh please hit the like button give me a thumbs up and please hit the notification also let me you guys watch more videos and please leave your comments and I love you guys take care hope a long day take care God bless I love you guys please safe and stay blessed love you guys take care bye

#masamunekunsrevenger #政宗くんのリベンジR

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