Everything GREAT About: Dr. Stone: New World | Part 1 | Second Half

[Music] one of the weirdest things I’ve seen in an episode of Dr Stone and I found it utterly hilarious why man being painted as the main antagonist is so awesome especially since we have no idea who they are what they’re all about or anything it’s so [Music] exhilarating obviously this is going to lead into a series of scenes featuring flashback but first I had to say it came is quite the twist I must [Music] admit seeing the motivation from his childhood which ultimately led to him becoming the man he is today with the same principles [Music] felt this should get a win because she nicely relayed who he is as a person to the people in the company who hated him she saw him for who he was and saw his drive too the best thing about this is what he literally wanted then now building all these thousands of years later [Music] I doubt senu wanted this outcome all along and so in that vein I feel a win should be given for someone being able to guide the story when senu gave up to a smaller degree there also take a win here for going without an OP this episode to give us extra [Music] content simply put that just looked so damn awesome that building at that view really awesome to see not only parts of the ship slowly being designed and coming together but also it’s a real nice touch to see her photographing the whole thing it’s the road map to building the complete ship they do a real good job of letting the viewer know that this is no easy task that’ll be wrapped up in 6 days or something silly but will’ll go on for months and be very tough to pull [Music] off so cool how this whole process we’re also seeing senu creating other smaller things such as a different way of making chocolate all of a sudden it’s a brand new video and thus I think it’s only fair she gets another win and still it’s purely for s oh snap what was that all of a sudden they’ve created steel just before this but I wanted to drop one for the lingo senu often uses sounding a lot like video game talk to me I like that [Music] call of me deeply shocked that an entire year has passed senu seeing that something is wrong and it’s displayed to us nicely via the shaking of her hands too still a [Music] mystery oh okay so it’s not a case of her being sick or anything but instead that the team will have to split regardless into those who leave and those who stay behind hadn’t considered that oh come on man that ended up turning into such a sweet scene as he made her feel so much better with the knowledge that they will return without fail once the mission is completed [Music] have one for the photo itself too I liked how it was taken in the background with them spread out in front of it good CGI the size of it just wanted to show that because I’m sure that’s a new song for this season and I really liked both how it sounded here but also how it fit the scene [Music] sinu makes an absolutely golden observation I hadn’t considered stupidly that if they sunk everyone is wiped out if they all win a good scene that Witnesses everyone getting their name called out for various tasks aboard the ship and then them coming up it’s backed by decent hyp worthy music got me hyped anyway a good twist there plus I had legit forgotten about their character since it was a few years ago I covered season 2 I Believe by this point brilliant and truly hilarious reactions there from Jen but I’m personally also glad he’s coming with them he’s very funny and he is a trump card when you need it [Applause] the moment they leave and them on the land see them off as well felt like not giving that a win would be [Music] silly ginro legit regretting his decision and swimming out to them totally didn’t expect that God he did it just to score points with them back home to make himself look like a badass already seeing some of the awesome Tech they’ve got on board we’ve already seen the radar but also being able to speak long distances like this around the ship is great oh my word he’s such a talented voice actor as can be heard right there so [Music] funny brilliant ending to the episode as we learned that they’re of course not full steam ahead to the other side of the planet but in fact a stopping here first somewhere very important uh I’ll be honest I don’t personally know this guy really from anything so I wanted to take a moment to shout out the original voice actor again he sadly passed away voiced the Oreo from Hunter Hunter rest in [Music] peace this music got to me the last time too and it’s really only because I love the voice actor’s work and now he’s sadly gone so I wanted to share that with another win [Music] too felt as though that was far too beautiful looking to not get its own that was so good the whole night passed and she’s got through just seven stories it’s a rare one but take a win for doing two massive things at the same time heading halfway around the world but also now looking for platinum the key to restoring everyone hey now adding a nice bit of tension to mystery there without even saying anything as this dude listens in heads off I’m feeling super sus that amazing reaction but also seems I was entirely wrong to feel sus even if they did paint it that way seems the guy’s just nervous at [Music] all good to admit that’s a great twist after we just found out that the people of the village were given names related to minerals to Aid future Generations even if just a little bit [Music] talking about great twists they can totally have one here for this as well I always figured once his father passed away the islands kind of died out not sure why but yeah that didn’t happen honestly these facial reactions being so over the top never fails to get a chule out of me [Music] for context he shook the bald man and said why didn’t you tell us you were one of them only to then immediately feel bad and back down I thought that was a lovely touch to be [Music] honest what I love here is how people say things which almost sound like facts and then other people dispel those thoughts with their own logic so it’s a proper conversation instead too long to show but how they make him feel so welcome now that he’s been honest about his Origins especially saying you really are one of us because of how you think about science was I the only one who also thought like her that it had be like a week till they made it there two wins here with a slight split first of all I loved how her interest in the ship spoke them on like [Music] this but also in spite of the warnings from the girls about how they’ll Bend her ear now as a result that she actually really was into it and that was a wholesome [Music] twist seeing the entire inside of the boat done like this was a stroke of Genius really shows the and scale of it and if we see inside of a room suddenly we now won’t be confused getting to wet the senu even curing seasickness beautiful looking half Roa shot as they approach the new island and are using all of their science tools to get a good look at them under the cover of the storm very smart as [Music] well this goes back to justifying the whole restaurant win from before it might sound silly on the surface but look how it Hypes people up the small things not even just food always potentially a big plot twist there but not sure he looked shocked so I am too I’m glad she did that those two are so over the top funny but over the top so hyped I love stuff like this it all makes sense too not having everyone rush off having most people stay on the ship sending specific people and then this great little boat too my guess is something will happen that forces her to come along but I like how was dealt with early on the pledge to take her back to Japan since she’s just a child and relaying that to [Music] her now that right there is a very interesting twist because either something happened to the island or perhaps the Islanders themselves threw them into the ocean oh snap I totally forgot about that part from season 1 double [Music] twist goodness me if this isn’t getting so tense and awesome at the same time the reveal that perhaps someone petrified the Islanders after the original worldwide one and they’re being watched oh oh my God that right there is the single greatest plot twist of the entire anime today I did not see that coming at all Max wins of course I’m Legit in shock and there is what allows her to stay with the crew for a while I assume bless his heart for saving her as well [Music] such a great moment and I’m really happy that they caught them up in time too damn son the Twist’s really coming in thick and fast now baby glad someone pointed this out he was like a toddler but managed to recall a heck of a lot [Music] [Music] for me the longer the series goes on the more he proves his worth obviously he’s done a lot of that already but even being able to do something like this is super useful for their [Music] side I ain’t ever going to stop giving signs wins seeing the first person from another area I think it’s the first time feels like big news to [Music] me unexpected plus because she’s not the only one on the island what is going on in this place [Music] it gets even better there’s a master there’s a palace she might be lying as well it’s too much even more lore whoever this is might be turning people to Stone it’s so good we need to rise up against the anime not running away whilst crying on the spot these shots looking real good and detailed just have to give them one for [Music] this I’d be completely mad if I didn’t also get the one for that he’s [Music] petrified didn’t think they’d be able to pull the same joke for a second time and have it land even harder than the first but they did [Music] it he really did come up with such insanely useful inventions for this trip like this one and the others make perfect sense since they have no clue what they’re be coming across here it’s easy to say this now this reveal may be one of the things I’ve looked forward to finding out the most in a fair few years of watching [Music] anime great ending to a to be quite Frank bloody fantastic episode oh he’s wallenstein from dami it’s a bit of a joke but also a decent piece of law the master inherited whatever causes people to become petrified Jonathan joar from Jojo elizabetha my wife from a Rubicon also though not to be forgotten [Music] come I mean who’ have ever thought that it was something like this is it something to do with a rope is it some chemical reaction in this part of the world wow I’m Legit so confused getting to see how the younger version of herself managed to stay alive when this happened the massive differences in their reactions is brilliant learning new things about how it works from listening to senu am I the only one who thinks that she is good-looking you see what I’m saying I liked the realism that people had found the ship and made their way over to it like this I didn’t win it the first time it was a passing chuckle but the fact that he knew should fly off the handle again and thus tied himself to her is hilarious this time [Music] I can’t lie that really made me mad to see that happen to our boy Chrome I know he’ll likely be okay in the end but still sudden combat happening all of a sudden he’s right that was so damn clever of her and totally scored the anime A fat win for this also whilst to M it take another for the anti-an anime aspect she was meant to be in the middle of a makeup process or whatever to score entry to the Palace instead this all [Music] happened the first bit was smart meaning the wind before last but then gen hops in and makes it even better totally using his head in the [Music] moment this is something that happened in the episode getting to see the event from their view was very much appreciated by me but also he made that shot that’s [Music] insane it’s seemed so lovely but seeing it in person it was also kind of hilarious looking too finding out that he too managed to just about avoid it for a guy who makes so many jokes for the story this was an insanely touching moment as he sees his friend like this [Music] this a genuinely creepy scene as he notices such a small change on the ship and he’s so massive as well nice touch to see him ducking under the door like this [Music] learning that that little Legend thought ahead and hit the speed boat to ensure they didn’t know anyone made it onto the [Music] island nice that she is considered such a high ranking card unlike him this made me laugh way harder than I’d careed to admit his special move a lovely scene a bit too long to show as he’s about to escape he pauses and thinks of his friend only to turn around and try to take him [Music] along she was right about him when push comes to shove he does come through for them as is shown VI his concern here even he in this trans-like sleep still very much believes in this friend too you’ll love to see it heck yes with all of the buildup you can totally have a win for him following through [Music] take a follow-up win for massively following through let’s [Music] go how awesome the car is should easily kept one two look at it what is this the Apothecary diaries with these photo realistic looking flowers what oh yeah it really [Music] has that wasn’t getting one until he pointed out how we can get plenty from his butt totally gets one that uh is not at all how I figured that part would [Music] go it’s yet another win that is purely for science how are there so many jokes in this part of the Season though I’ve been laughing pretty much the entire episode [Music] I’m glad this was done after so many laughs it’s good to bring the mood back down to a more serious tone for this I think this was really well done she can’t suddenly turn on the charm she’s literally never used and of course it makes for get another funny scene damn son that was really well done to show his guard’s abilities right there or at least not wanting the goods touched or what have you still it was sick I got to say the story isn’t at all how I thought it would go down it’s much much better even little bits like this add to the whole story [Music] nicely again [Music] por R ginro he was so trying not to get picked as well in a very real way inventions being used like this make their side seem almost unbeatable with all the tech and how they use it who is a mod spy looking Kawaii learning how an ear piece like that works was genuinely fascinating [Music] that few [Music] though that catch though how’s she brute forc herself into performing what she considers as a cute pose well I think it’s fair to say I did not see this coming in any way shape or form a drone how come learning all about science in an anime is so much fun though moral from Hunter H Hunter he’s the dude with the giant pipe and smoke Type n he’s one of my favorite [Music] characters not sure I’ll ever get bored of dude’s reaction to her doing this she really is awesome I must say weird win but those screams from the slap sounding like he’s legit in pain when he recorded [Music] it I love stuff like this not much else to say I just really do love it it’s actually pretty cool to go back and show us this as it’s a pretty big step that was shockingly not touched on before now I don’t [Music] recall okay well as much as this made me laugh the previous win was for showing others at least learn to read and write that freaking view though get out of here when someone as smart as senu is really struggling to understand something it just really made me laugh for some reason especially the great face he’s given for the scene could have easily breezed past the scene with barely a mention to the note but instead it was dissected from top to bottom and made more sense of even if not fully solved yet [Music] huge credit to her for figuring out where the capsule [Music] [Applause] [Music] was and then they figured out her message too so [Music] good have one more for a really good end to the episode I really hope the second half gets voted in as it hasn’t as of writing this June 2nd feel free to Pledge on patreon and vote it in boys and girls I’ll be totally real 99% of the time the women in this aren’t up my street the eyes are too far apart but she is that dress too I’m totally smitten and she is fantastic as well take that win I mean how could I not for that ginro level reaction the island itself looking cracking good from a distance very brief not walking on the spot ginro is totally behind like a solid 80% of the comedy in this season he’s so damn funny I swear h this is where he totally comes through for the team when the chips are down and really impressively in this case as well I might add I don’t know if that’s exactly how it’ll work but I’m happy to take the anime as red and so I must say that is a really awesome solution to a great problem for oh my God that was easily one of the greatest reactions in the entire anime to [Music] me I liked that she said it’s just sand but stopped herself instead thinking look at all the seemingly useless stuff senu uses to create wonderful things good on her for growing now [Music] take an easy follow-up win for putting into words exactly what I was just saying in the last win I like how everything is explained away as best as possible for example here senu giving props for the amount of time and effort that it it take to gather this much gold dust [Music] this makes the last win perfect to have mentioned as we learned that his father and perhaps those around him spent literally decades collecting this for their future [Music] efforts ah it really hit me in the gut to see his father like this wearing himself ragged to find senu what he thinks he’ll need in the end even though it made him like this oh that’s so getting its own win what a legend he [Music] was a great job to show him aging so much too [Music] ah damn man that is so sad to see the moment his body could no longer keep up with the daily [Music] demand that is getting Max wins for being one of the most beautiful final moments he could have had as a lover of space and as an astronaut that was really quite something thing s take one more as well for his final thoughts being about his [Music] son the reveal of how much he collected as well insane oh snap that’s a good twist that makes the previous wins all the better because he did all of that for someone he felt was his own son no matter [Music] what duy and simply A really lovely statement there from gen and a massive compliment to them [Music] both that was absolutely badass probably the single greatest acquired moment of the show [Music] Kawai too long to show but gen essentially wraps up by reminding us that this has been the focus of almost the entire show to this date including going to war in season to [Music] such a strong way to hit the halfway point of the season that’s it for this one and please keep in mind part two has not been voted in as of writing this so if you’d like to see it even 10 of you would likely get it voted in link below hope to see you there Darth weirdo fidy Nick Windam the element torwards Christopher Willis emanel Gonzalez fancy Turtle Kean mini Maser Marquez noomi orke keeper otar Boni Steelers the Epic Commander Bird Without a word Brandon Crea Brian B Cameron Christian tasa Commander Cyrus David mayos dogos for life dragon storm 35 Aon Winters gurug Guru James tooer Jo Edinson Kevin hon com Kylie welp Lis bito Mr mansu nightly winter Peter Milligan Ruby Rose sari Zion 44 Shan starp the 100s Tiger Lily Warrior a joker Alexander Schwarz Ali 50 amillo brainless Ben Cecilia Cedric Cloud Garden Dante so Dante’s face dark CL bloody Soul Devon Dragon Defender ISO frany Garett Vish Gibbs ho L Ritter Hunter Miranda Isel Caldera Jason Davies John John Jaffer 6263 Kai wolfspring kellock Kevin nter Kevin 102 knuckle duster Kai 158 Kyle Jones laaw laxis Liam Gatti lify Lono Schultz Marvin Matthew blancet Michael Lewis moam mudini Mr fire cool Nathaniel Greg mosa Natsu Dragneel Nick Monaco Nick pel Nagal 1928 OE the mighty Oliver Smiley Rea Oscar I Lopez Owen huren Q flash Chris Harris Ryan dearies pomi aurum sarcastic truth snowy Stan storm 970 TRS Thrasher 340 will sass wilyman

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    I certainly hope you cover the next cour of this season, it’s even better than this (already amazing) one.

  2. The Jokes with Kohakus looks stem more from her being unemine then ugly.
    Either way I disagree that shes not attractive. Smart and fun so whats the problem.

  3. Byaku is the father we all wanted.
    I had a good dad (tho I only called him Bob his name); but Byaku is a whole other level. I mean he goes so far beyond what one needs do to raise a child.
    Every new scene with him makes me love him as a person even more.
    I bet his friend was a girl that he wanted to marry but could not. No clue as of now; but that's my guess for him to do much for his love of Senku.