#17 [初見実況] 断章 : 開始から 運命に抗えロイドバニングス!そして終章へ [英雄伝説碧の軌跡Evolution][PSVita]

Welcome to Mosan and Ojiya’s game commentary channel Please wait a moment until it starts Loading [Music] WheMA Te W he Game commentary will begin This time from the beginning of the 17th first look commentary fragment au Legend Blue Miracle Dion It will be tsv It ‘s Fuji Elementary School I had surgery for my tonsils back in the day, but since then it has become difficult for me to catch wind.The junior high school and high school classes are in session, so I’d like to get started.My name is Ekobamo and I look forward to working with you today. I’m going to do Masu au Legend Blue Miracle Evolution PSB version Last time, I went to Yona’s in Chapter 4, Day 1. I went to Yona in Koaku , and I went to the Geofront Sea area. I entered from the University of Tokyo. So I went to the back, defeated the boss as usual , and ended up going to terminal 4. That’s the end of the story, and I took the shortcut lift to buy. Well, I went outside, so that was the end of the first day. I think something happened after the first day, and I think it was the next day, but I was gone. So it’s the second day. On the second day, I went to the guild before. The reason why I went to the guild was because there was this or that incident with Arios . As part of the declaration, Arios became the Secretary of Defense, and the Defense Force was also changed , so it really started to look like a 20th generation boy. I was in a state of confusion, but in the end, I went to the guild and Michelle at the guild didn’t know about it either. Of course, the people at Adema Bracer didn’t know either, so … As we were doing a lot of things, we decided to go to Mishra, so we went to Michelin, and it turned out to be this or that, so Lecter, Lecter, and Kirika met at the old Ruba Stone. Well, the Empire was involved, and I couldn’t say that I wasn’t involved in this matter, but it became a matter of not having anything to do with it.As for that red constellation matter, I was even more worried about it in the afternoon. It turned out that the army was going to attack from that country, so I started thinking about it, and after that, I realized that Rieter was like, uh, that’s right. I heard that Eko was involved in a series of swords , and then I went to Michelin, and then I went to Mishra , and then Kia disappeared, so I went to Mishra.Arios went to Kia. He took her with him, so he ended up going to Mishi, and then there was the matter of strict plans, and it really turned out that a series of swords were involved.Well, that mirror. Is it the castle? I went to the top over there and there was an event, and there it was, right there, Mariabell, and there was Mariabell, and Mariabell and Tita, after all. I wonder if it was Quis, or something. I mean, it’s related to Auriol , and he said something like it was about restoring the justice system, and it’s Kia. Kia became the key, and in the end, it looked like a robot 3 The body came out and defeated that powerful country and the imperial army, and I guess that’s where it ended, and at the end, Arios was the one who killed Banning outside. So that’s over, but it looks like some kind of fragment will start after this , but my first guess is that we’ll see a little bit of information about Arios and Burning’s sword, and Banning’s sword. Let ‘s get started right away. From this day forward, the Cross Independent Country has developed its own diplomatic strategy based on the power of absolute invincibility. In other words, all wars advocated by the Federation of Zeria Continent Nations with Crossibel as its head. This framework of denying the government and guaranteeing free economic activity was very attractive to the winning countries and trainees who were suffering from the pressure of the Imperial Republic.Liber Remilia, who initially objected to the overly forceful method, At the same time that the Altia Report found itself in a situation where it could no longer go against the trends of the times, an economic pope appeared in the Albert Republic who fired a punch at Crossbell, and anti-immigrant terrorist activities began to intensify. In the Elboa Empire, a civil war broke out between the aristocratic faction and the convinced faction.A civil war broke out here and there.At first, the Iron Blood fell to the religious order. And Ouroboros, uh, Crossbell, uh, with the cooperation of everyone, we announced our position to the flying new gold or the national government, and by the way, that’s the line’s miracle package. I guess they’re going to start a civil war just because Word was out.The timing of the Miracle on the Line may have coincided with the cat’s timing.The cooperative stance of all members of the Black Line was announced to the government at the delinquency ceremony. Now President Dita’s ambitions have been stopped, and all the powers have become [Music] Taoshi Ah, if we don’t open things up like this, it ‘s really boring. If we leave it to those kids, Shirley and the others won’t come and judge the country. Looks like it’s only the beginning of the Special Forces , but Lloyd hasn’t shown up yet. He’s been captured, so maybe that’s the case. Dad , it’s about time for Shio to tell you something big is about to happen. It seems like Kana and Wagoku are becoming whiter [Music], and if they have that much free time, I wonder if they’ve gotten into trouble with the little boy.If he turned into a human, Bardo wouldn’t be bad, but if he stays the same, he’s weak. And besides , it looks like he’s going out somewhere today.If that’s the case, I’ve met all the other guys, so at least I won’t be bored.It seems like he and Charlie aren’t compatible. I feel like I’ll never be able to win against my sister, and I can’t. I don’t know, but it’s so rotten. Apparently, he’s starting to move towards Mainz. [Music] I feel like he’s a 7 and a woman. I’m a little concerned that so many women are coming out.Maybe they’re strong.I’m also a little concerned about things like the terrier report you saw.I don’t think so, but when it comes to confessions, there aren’t a lot of women. I’ll leave it to you.The legend of the wind must have gone back to Culver.I sensed some movement in the direction of Amorica.It seems that the Kusbe raider was also hiding there . I don’t really care about that guy anymore It looks like he ‘s still going to entertain me I don’t care about that mega thing anymore [Music] I’m so excited After all [Music] Arcandcher Colline Ah [Music] Bar Fu That’s it even in my 40’s The only thing that has changed is that I now have gray hair as a souvenir.If you look at celebrities, it seems to be increasing around the age of 50, so be careful when you get to that point.I came back so beaten up. Damn you, Bardo . You ‘re Bardo. Really, Bardo. [ Music] Why were you really worried? [Music] But I’m glad you’re okay , and all the seniors were seriously injured, some of whom were able to get out of the hospital, but they never came back. It’s okay even if you don’t give me one. If Bardo -san is here, Bardo will definitely be himself. Lupa is a pain, but he won’t chase my ass again. It’s a lie, right? Because Bardo-san, Bardo-san is the best head you can always rely on. That monster that messed up the Onigami is a lie, isn’t it? Stop avoiding reality, Valdovarez. I can’t believe you’re coming back. I won’t let the city fall in love with you any more. I’ll do whatever it takes to stop you. What the hell did he want to do? He turned into such a monster and messed up this sudden death, and not only did he destroy his beloved underlings like that. It’s too bad for the wind.Now that I think about it, the bald boy is a stranger, and he ran away with his tail dancing, so I don’t know why. Don’t make fun of those two. They’ll definitely come back. Oh, I see. What a bald guy. We went somewhere together. It seems like there are some circumstances. There’s a mission to fulfill. What am I doing? So we’ll leave town, but we’ll come back eventually. I don’t know what that means, but we just believe in the two of us. We’re competing against each other. I don’t know if it’s written like that [Music] I see, it looks like there’s going to be a continuation of that time [Music] I want to settle the matter [Music] And now the cause plan has already set the stage for the Empire. I’ve moved it, and from now on, I’ll just have to wait and see what happens for a while as planned. I’ll ask you to stay with me until the stage for the empire progresses . [Music] Well, at this point, the power of Zero’s method has disappeared into the phantom method. They’re on par with each other, and even show potential that the original didn’t have. How far can they evolve? Let’s do something black. It’s Dr. Norinori [Music] Now that I think about it, it seems like they’ve finally started to make a move, but it’s actually in the later stages. Yes, there is a difference in our position. Things we need to clarify for the future. I will leave that to you. I will continue to collect data on the Zero method. The ultimate interface between people and God. [Music] ] [Applause] [Music] [ Music] Kia -changi has been like this for a long time, and Chan-shizuku’s eyes are fine now. Thanks to you, I can see with the power of A. Thank you so much. [Music] Yeah, that ‘s good, but it’s because Shizuku and the hospital staff have been working hard. Kia is only in the final push, so I guess that’s why we have the power. It would be a waste if I didn’t make good use of it.If I could fix my eyesight , I would be happy even if things like this didn’t happen.I’ve been blind for a long time, and I’ve been a cheap burden on my father. I don’t know, but I’m so happy that I can see your face like this, but I’m so happy that Hiya-chan can just stay the way she is. After breaking up with Lloyd and the others, I was forced to go through a lot of trouble, and I think it’s definitely wrong to do something like this. Thank you to Mariabel, Rieter, and my father . I love you so much. It’s okay . Arios hates me for killing his wife. It’s my decision , so I’m on your side. Don’t worry too much. [Music] And the fragment goes beyond the false paradise. Oh, is this Lloyd? Nox Kochi has been arrested. [Music] Yeah, the other members of the support family are being protected in another place. [Music] Masu Lloyd is the only one like this. I’m sorry for sharing the place with you, but you’re the one who’s keeping us separate, but the word "protection" is a strange way to say it.What on earth are you trying to protect me from? [Music] Yeah, you’ve already realized that. There must be someone who was the real mastermind behind Mr. Crossbell’s attack. [Music] I wonder who hurt your little sister in the hula . Still , I still don’t know who the policemen are, and I don’t know who the real mastermind behind Mr. Crossbell’s attack was. [Music] I’m getting confused, but Kuberu will really be destroyed by the Empire and Japan [Music] I don’t think it’s okay for Noelkia-chan to stay like this.The power of these unknown people. The same goes for borrowing a weapon , right? The Empire was the one to solve the problem, and the military was forced into action. If it hit, hundreds of people could have been killed. If it were a weapon of mass destruction, it wouldn’t be a problem, right? Sorry, Mr. Lloyd. I don’t think I can say this to you . I don’t think the exchange period will last that long. [Music] I’m sure Crossbell will be released once he overcomes his danger. I see. So please be patient for now. [Music] ] Please, at that time I couldn’t respond to your harsh words.Not only that, but I didn’t even realize that Kia was thinking about me.I was just at the mercy of my busy schedule.I couldn’t protect what I really needed to protect, even if it was Arios’ feelings. I thought I swore to myself that I would become the person who killed my brother and find out, but it ‘s the governance. Are you the one who killed my brother ? Ah, that’s right [Music] I’m sorry. Thank you for everything. I love you. Everyone , I’m sorry, my brother. It seems like we haven’t been able to catch up at all. But what should I do ? That ‘s not even possible. Hey, Bardo, that’s not Garcia. The leader who cornered us and stole us is being attacked in a place like this. It’s starting to get ridiculous. Leave me alone. No matter how you look at it, it’s your own fault that you’re here, and it seems like we were just lucky to be able to arrest you guys. It’s not like we’re capable. It’s not like we’ve gone over the wall [Music] It’s understandable , but from what I’ve heard, it seems like the situation is ridiculous.The president of the IBC is behind it all, and now the president of a dictatorial country, Red Zodiac, and the National Defense Force. Even controlling the wind is a real enemy.It doesn’t seem like it’s going to be a perfect triple role.It’s just not possible.Right now, the right thing to do is to wait for the storm to pass.Let ‘s fight back in this situation. You must be a timid idiot. I can’t help but laugh when I look at your brother. Come to think of it, he’s already acquainted with my brother. I wonder how much this is. He was a troublesome young man who didn’t hesitate to take the keys even after I threatened him , but when I bumped into him at a food stall, he just kept coming at me . He didn’t look like the kind of guy who would die even if I killed him like a big brother. It didn’t happen , he left so easily, you don’t understand the world. I wonder if your brother kept resisting for a long time. It seems like he was sticking his neck out for more than just the whip. From the corruption of big politicians, to the activities of the Empire and the republic, that bastard. There’s no doubt that he was so powerful that even his movements were shocking. [Music] I think you’re misunderstanding me, but Bunnings wasn’t really a great guy . Sergei is probably better at intertwining and spinning , but when it comes to rational judgment and processing ability, Dudley’s family is better at that.If you think about it, that might be true. If there was a part of Shishibiya that showed up, the most I could do was not give up. Yeah, that probably gave me a tremendous amount of energy to take action , and it gave me the power to fight back against big players. And yet, the people around me There was no dream in the air that I couldn’t see, and there was this young image at the time [Music] Listen , if you were a Lloyd man, try to hit what’s in front of you with your body. With your heart, you’ll grasp the truth that’s unique to you. I’ll take it. Then you’ll see what she wants to do. Maybe it’s your brother’s resignation, to protect what’s important to you. It wasn’t just my family, but the city of Crossbell. In that sense, even you Luba might have been the object of protection. [ Music] It may be a little shameful to say that I’m protecting you, but I think your brother was probably the one you’re in right now because of the physical attack. I think he was trying to assess the flow that led to the creation of Cross Spell, and on top of that, the person who thought he was trying to protect Cross Spell itself in his own way is more than just an idiot, isn’t he? Ah , I could never be that stupid. They are brothers, so it seems like they have some similarities [Music] I never thought I’d run away from here, but I won’t . I’ll be working as an investigator for Cross Police Special Support to free all the prisoners and get Kia back . [Music] I ‘m sure Monk Garcia is big enough to see what a man like him can do in this situation. It ‘s about readiness and determination. Mr. Mofu is popular with women as expected, but his game commentary is like an uncle. It’s just that we’re fighting, and that’s the extent of it being brats and acting. [Music] Stop fighting, rich , stop what you’re doing. We ‘re in trouble because of you, so let’s just keep going like this. Don’t kill me, don’t listen, I can’t help it, I’ll step in! Don’t let your guard down [music] Don’t do it, I’ll shoot you If you do any more, I’ll shoot you It seems I’ve gone too far with what I did. You’ve been quiet ever since you came here. Stand back and raise your hands. No matter how much we don’t have enough manpower, we shouldn’t have made them all the same. Hey, are you okay? This is n’t blood. Your internal organs might have burst. Anyway, we don’t need a doctor. Blood or something [Music] Don’t worry , you told me to punch me in a hot scene.I thought I was going crazy.It was a hard death.You were the one who acted as a believer.I knew you were really deep inside. Just as we promised, we’ll cooperate until we get out of here.What are we going to do?There shouldn’t be many soldiers here who are worried about construction books.Let ‘s somehow break through the patrols and escape from one exit.One time, okay?It’s been a while. I’m going to let him go wild too, oops, fighting Garcia is really hot, isn’t it ? The pipe I used on Izara, the equipment equipped with the pipe ton is probably solid. The art is all the hit points that can be used for items that can’t be used. Please be careful, wait a moment, be careful with your hit points.I wonder if there are recovery points.It’s a bit tight.Is this going to be used as a lodging here and there?Good, good , this is max.Why is this state different once? Shall we fix things up there? No, it’s a struggle. [Music] What are we going to do? It would be nice to bring back Kia, but in the end, we have to do something about the Empire and that. We haven’t done anything major right now. Oh, I can’t hear it . In this room, Luce and Luce are packed in here and in the room over there. I guess they’re trying to keep the troubles together. I see, let’s do it quickly. They’ll break through before there are any reinforcements. I wonder what they’re going to do. Do you want to bring the other Metsu with you ? There are two of us, so there’s a battle without a treasure chest, so what should we do? No, there’s no such thing as a level 82 Abo, which is good for normal girls, but it’s a fast battle that’s reassuring for 80. What the hell are they doing? I’m going to take over quickly, and on the way home [music], you’ll rush in [music]. I’ll give you a quick kick. Yeah, I can cut it all down. Looks like it’ll be fine. [music] I can bloom. Well, it’s getting a bit more fun now and then , and it’s getting better and better, and I need recovery items. It’s getting harder and harder and it’s starting to get fun. You can’t recover with Curia Curia and control, so you’re the one who ‘s missing out. In the worst case scenario, there ‘s a chance that we’ll have a fight with Noil . The emergency warning system using Eggma . Dotama Mummy Pet shell is here. [Music] I can’t equip it there, so I’ll leave it to Lloyd. I’ll just remove the lever and leave it for now. [Music] No, I don’t know what to do. Don’t move here . When you’re using a skill , it’s like, “Let’s use it.” Let’s use it.” I do n’t think it’s necessary. ] Raiji It’s getting fun. It’s getting fun. I can’t reach you. It ‘s getting fun. I started using warships. I shouldn’t have used them when I was a security guard , but maybe they took advantage of the results of our operations. Maybe it’s medicine. Maybe you’re manipulating me. [Applause] If you feel like you’re feeling better, then look at me. [Music] The president came to see you. Garcia. Why don’t you take me with you if you’re going with me? Chairman, I’m sorry, but I can’t do that. I’ll be right back. Please take care of me , so I’m surprised you’re doing well. She says that her personality hasn’t changed either. There’s a place I want to go to, but I ‘ve done something stupid and I’m going to go now . It’s been a while. It’s been a long time since I played the last movie. Now that I don’t spend money on games and meals , it’s a big loss. [Music] Hart Hartman. No , there are already a lot of important people. Oh , Ernest’s here. There’s even Ernest. Wow, there are so many important people , I wish they would have added their voice here. It seems like the Noh room is almost gone now . [Music] [Applause] I don’t care if you want me to apologize to you again or not. Thank you very much for the Eidos. I’m resting and resting. [Music] Yeah, [Music] No, there’s 5 of them. There are more and more of them. Get them together [Music] Capture them, you’re defeated. [Music] ] No. [Music] Leave it to me. No, I’m getting pretty bad. [Music] [Applause] [Music ] I’m at a level where I can defeat you if I hit the right shot. [Music] I’m fine with just one. You’re so cool [Music] No, I like another attack, so leave it to me . No, Piote’s masti is back, Yoshiko ‘s body [Music] It’s getting fun to beat, leave it to me. I don’t have a master cup or an up. Let’s beat that guy. Let’s go, let’s reach it [Music] Hey , okay, we don’t have much power. That’s right, that’s too bad. Let me go first. You’re breathing hard. Do you think you can get through this on your own? I think it’s possible, Garcia, with your help. I’ll use whatever powers I have. [Music] Peeking out. [Music] So, is Garcia going to fight with me until the end? That’s heartwarming, isn’t it? Luba, who was your enemy, can now be your ally, so Mr. Garcia is called Parje . That’s the only thing about Gnosis, so the gym that resisted is really hot. [Music] You can take a break even if it’s not here or there. You can’t just do it here or there. It doesn’t matter where you are. Just do it. [Applause] [Music ] ] [Music] Did you play with Bet ? Yes, I just opened that PSP version that I had. When I looked at the save data , it stopped at 2 wins. So I guess I haven’t cleared it. I haven’t cleared it . Wow , I saved 8 of those if I could, so there are 2 people : Garcia, a mafia executive, and Bani, who is believed to be a supporter.I’m sure the pride of the army will make me cry. [Music] [Music] Has it already sold? I’m sorry, but I’m going to let you go. [Applause] [Music] I’ll show you how cool it is. [Music] [Applause] Rei, I’m here. I’m really here. 8. No, I just want to play Rising 3. As soon as I get 100. Should I use it? [Music] It’s my turn to defeat it. It’s Mark . I might be able to defeat him. I wonder if that continuous shot is a pill. [Music] [Applause] I want to use it, but I’m not sure how to use it alone. Now, I’m going to get ready. No, it’s tough, but just like normal. Aim for Lloyd. Aim for Lloyd. Aim for Lloyd, you idiot. Well, it’s my turn . [Applause] You can do it too. [Applause] [ [Music] I wonder if I can defeat two rotations with this [Music] Well, I ‘ll endure it, I’ll endure it, I’ll endure it, let’s turn it around. [Music] But [Applause] [Music] It’s too much. The only thing I can use is [Music] Leave it to me. [Applause] Kayoshi [Music] Alright, let’s go. Leave it to me. [Music] Please leave a comment and a high rating. Please leave a comment and a high rating. Comment and a high rating. Please give me a review. I’m going . I ca n’t go . [Music] [Applause] Okay, that’s not good. I’ll let you go first. I hope it worked out somehow. But you’re still a terrible battle. It was quite a battle , but I encountered Garossim several times when I was a mercenary. But to be honest, she was a real monster. Rumor has it that her daughter is also quite dangerous.Even though her fighting ability may be better than those who decided to fight, she was able to use it in an incredible way.[Music] Why do we have to deal with such monsters in the future? Not with everyone at all. [ Applause] I think you can unlock it near the blockade, but it’s in that room. [Music] [Applause] Elephant treasure chest, come on. It’s here, it’s here, it’s here, it’s here. It looks like they’ve got all the quartz. Let’s go. Surrounded by soldiers, I have to get fucked. I do n’t have any left. After all, everyone’s level is going to continue, isn’t it? It’s huge. [Music] Well , I can’t escape from the Foos, so I’ll just ignore it. [Applause] [Music] Well, I want to get 3 Pito Points. [Music] Well, that’s why [Applause] That ‘s a good thing. [Music] I want someone who can see and understand all the enemy laws [Applause] [Music] Yeah, [Music] You’re the type of person who pays all the bills. [ Music] [ Applause ] [Music] I’m taking it. [Music] [Applause] [Music] I’m thankful that there are recovery points. But, you went out to the police academy. Yes, yes, Garcia. This is the end of your friendship. What are you going to do from here on out? You’re going alone. Even with this, Luba-chan’s young subordinates, as well as the president, are running away. If that ‘s the case, then why did you stick with me this far? And no matter how much you do, I can’t do anything by myself.If that’s the case, then I can’t do it either.I have no choice but to figure out the truth.But I have no choice but to do something by myself. I’m going to free the chief and get that moth back. Thank you for taking the time to sit around in a place like this. Garcin’s position: I can’t welcome your escape, but please stay safe. There ‘s no need to worry. [Music] Lloyd Bunny, that bastard’s younger brother has become a pretty good guy. [Applause] He’s definitely going to stop this from getting away. No, it’s cool enough. I’ve already tasted the full power of this Killing Bear’s iron fist. [Music] Masu Eidos’s [Music] Kago Pre-Romaso has come so far. Ah, Pre-Romaso has come so far. Maybe he started chasing me while I was under arrest. Maybe it ‘s related to Kia. [Music] ] It’s all about getting through this, and then aiming for the road that has the potential to be made all over the country.We’ll imagine every possible route, and get through it no matter what . Alright, let’s do our best. There’s no need to fight. Let’s keep going. [Music] [Music] Or [Music] [Music] How far can we go ? Can we go all the way to Crossbeam? [Music] No matter what we do now, we’ll stay here. We’ll get through this. [Music] We’re in danger. It’s too hard to come and wash the car. What should we do? We’ve got to hide and get through this. We’ve found our target . It’s Lloyd Barring. We’re going to pinch him. [Music] He’s a left-handed prince. However, since I use chopsticks and such, I have n’t had a chance to use my left side much lately.I guess I only use it when I play with Nanabu’s ball. [Applause] [Music] [Music] Hey, [Music] As expected of you What should we do with the police? Lloyd Banning, are you crazy? We have no choice but to do this. Don’t attack with haste. [Applause] But no, this is the place. I don’t have any armor on . No, no, no, I don’t have any armor on. For now, put on your shoes [Music] I wonder if it’ll hold up? It’s going to be a while, right? It’s my turn to stretch out . [Music] I’ll decide on the Rising. Okay, it’s okay . [Music] So if that happens, I’ll aim for the cross-belly from the freight line. What’s going on with this freight route anyway? I’ll just stick to the moment and get through this situation. [Music] Ah, I’m being arrested. I couldn’t help but look up. I never thought that someone who looked like a police officer would toy with us, the Holy National Defense Force, to this extent. I’m sure he was a former colleague of Seeker Masaru. As expected. Should I say that? I’m going to disarm you. I’m ordering you to capture it without hurting it too much. I refuse. [Music] Is this thing still able to move ? It ‘s amazing. I don’t know why you’re going to that extent. It seems like you’re a fan of the new shit. Even if one person stands up, Kyoto won’t change.Even so, if someone doesn’t stand up, nothing will change.Not only will I be swept away, but I will also have to see the truth with my own eyes, and get back the people I care about. I’ll never give up No matter how many times I fall on my feet, I’ll stand up and show you [music] It’s a shame for this guy to hit me all at once and let me drop him without resisting Aim for the big leg Don’t give up until the end You Etia Landi Chief Wazisergei , please lend me your strength. Someone ‘s here. It seems like you’ve forgotten one thing you need to ask . [Music] What is this? It’s hot if it’s like this. It’s here. It’s here. It’s here. Now it’s getting stricter . [Music] [Applause] Hey, it’s getting stricter . Those who protect the false sacred place. I’ll take care of the other stuff [music] Do n’t be silly, the holy Kusbe National Defense Force has taken care of it.Now I’ll say the same thing [applause] There’s no need for that [music] I guess I’m getting scared. Hey, this is hot. [Applause] I’m really surprised. It’s been a long time since I returned to my original form. I don’t know what to do . Is this really the legendary wolf ? There are many things I want to say, but I’ll just say this for now. Let’s go [Music] The timing is too good, isn’t it ? The timing is too good. [Music] Can’t we meet up? I’m running so fast with the other members. Wow, that’s faster than the car. That’s the adult animal that Eidos used. It’s too early to think of it as a thing. I ‘m a septe that was once sent to people from Eidos. I continue to exist to watch over those actions. Is it true that we, by any chance, appeared due to an incident in Liberl? Yes, yes, yes, ancient times are of the same type. Reguna, the dragon, is the same type as ancient times. It’s true that he remained to watch over my laws. He’s been removed from the name of the place. Now, I don’t even know where he’s disappeared. What ‘s going on? But then again, to a certain extent, it is true that since time immemorial, Crosstel has been around, and 1,200 years ago, before the Great Collapse, the once phantom world disappeared , and what was done to recreate the justice system afterward. Honestly, even if I wanted to look into it, there was a part that I couldn’t find out.The Judiciary of Eidos was inherited by the black people.Why did the Judiciary come to be left with such a role?Please tell me what happened 1200 years ago and 500 years ago. This is what happened to Kia a year ago.Spoilers and advice are prohibited.Support Yoshihanoko.Eidos’s law.That is the Demiurge, who was called Demiurge, who rules over illusions.What happens today ?Illusions change the recognition of nearness, and furthermore, cause and effect. What the human sect, centered on black people at the time, wanted from the judiciary, which had that power, was to serve as a god on earth in place of Eidos.To know the gods, to know everything on earth, and to do cause and effect. At first glance, it seems similar to Orr, who was able to fulfill people’s desires without limit, but by being given a unique personality, he lived without making the same mistakes, and was able to live in the right way without corrupting people. The ability to lead and the ability to judge With that, you were supposed to be able to guide human beings in the right way.Unless the heart of justice itself reaches its limits , the rise of all people and all worlds.The ability to understand and guide people is the same as humans. Demiurge’s heart was gradually becoming more and more broken and diseased, and he realized that if he continued like this, he would eventually go out of control and hurt the people he was supposed to protect. After much consideration, Judiciary made a decision. He solved the cause and effect of his existence and left this world. [Music] [Applause] That’s the way to make it disappear , but if that’s the case, the people left behind will continue to mourn and fear the disappearance of the region, and then go back and ask why it happened and what the judiciary was thinking about doing it. Obsessed with creating something equivalent to the lost justice, they were of course just fumbling around at first, but over the course of 700 years, they gathered a variety of knowledge and devised their own unique technology. It’s alchemy, a magical technique called alchemy, that creates something, and they’re creating a new law that’s not even on this land . However, hundreds of years ago, the Black Alchemists started playing Noh music. They began to wear the mask of bankers , and the cult members awakened the core that was given to them as their object of worship. It is said that 500 years have passed and we have arrived at the current situation. [Music] It’s an incredible story, but I feel like we’re finally starting to see the full picture of the incident. Satomi Bell is taking Kia to Zero’s justice system. What does that mean? Is it something different from the lost phantom law? Unfortunately, I don’t know about it either. Perhaps Kuroi grasped something in the 1200-year wave of onslaught. By doing so, Demiurge The power of that white humanoid body should be seen as the power of the judiciary, not the power of the humanoid itself . [Music] And the phantom judiciary didn’t have the power to do so much in an instant.The power to annihilate space comes from the attributes of the sky, so that’s not everything . If that’s the case, I can’t even imagine how much potential he has. [Music] Let me tell you one more thing. From what I’ve heard so far, that kid, Konno, is no ordinary person. It’s a homunculus that was created as a core to recreate a region with humans and humans.It’s probably a homunculus brought to us with the secrets of alchemy.We’ve known about it for a while, but in front of us… I died laughing like that [Music] Tangram Oops, I went all the way to the Republic , and I went pretty far from one end to the other . Is this the border towards the Republic? If this were the case, the National Defense Forces wouldn’t reach out. First of all, the people would be tight. Thank you, Fuji. You really saved me . It’s because of the Yui no Ayu that appeared to envelop Cross Belshi. Those who are allowed to go in and out can go in and out as they please. They can’t go there, and those who are not allowed to do so will never be able to pass through. It’s not an exaggeration to say that Crossbell itself has become integrated with the judiciary, as such things have already become a mess all over Prema and Kusbe.Is that a good thing? I’ve heard that it has something to do with the veins that flow underground, but I think it’s fair to say that the phantom law of the past bloomed in order to get to know people and the earth. There are many rituals that the B cult used in the past, such as the appearance of strictness that does not normally appear in this era, which can distort the surrounding space. There must have been a reason why it was used.The knowledgeable personality of the Heavenly Adventurer who sacrificed himself, and that vast amount of information, were sent to her sleeping in the Sun’s Fortress. That’s great, and after 500 years, the core of the judiciary has awakened. That’s all I can tell you. They hatched a plan in the east and created this situation . There are very few options . What if I just flee to a foreign country until the dust wakes up? That’s right. If it’s Calvert, my uncle’s house is there, so it might not be that bad. But I’ll stop. The truth I want to know the most is not yet. Because I haven’t confirmed it, I need everyone’s help to make sure.Randy, and the help of many others.For that reason, I feel bad for sending me all the way here to go back to the other side.Black . What I want to confirm is what Kia really wants to do with that girl, regardless of the powers that have been decided or the pursuers.Probably, she won’t tell me her true feelings unless she gets that girl back, so I see. Yeah, and there’s no way I could leave my Kia in an environment where the judiciary might be under pressure that it couldn’t withstand in the past.I’m going to beat up the president and Mr. Ario for Kia’s sake. It’s definitely amazing to bring him back. He ‘s definitely a parent. He’s Otaho and Oyaba. They came. They came, and then Reese and Kevin came. Kevin was here. I see. And Apas, Reese-san, and you. It’s been a long time, Banning. Well , it’s been about 4 months since we last saw each other. I’m glad you remember. You’re a reassuring person. You’re the holy grail knight of the church . Maybe you’re no longer a problem with the church. This is the Seven Churches. The Grail Knights, a member of the Holy Grail Knights, is ranked 9th in the Dominion, and the Dominion is peace, it’s the Dominion. Thank you again. Are you serious? Is that connected? By the way, I’m in the position of the knights’ official, so much so that the assistant of Kazu is a masturbator. Is he playing the same role as Reese? It ‘s all too sudden. I wonder if he’s been hiding for a long time. When I first met Mr. Crossley , we didn’t say anything to each other. I’m sorry, but I pretended not to know him. The infiltration investigation into the Hemisphere Church was considered top secret , so having her come gave me the full attention of Elda, which really helped. I’m glad I was able to help. In Reese’s case, no matter how you look at it, she doesn’t seem like an ordinary nun , and even the Great Teacher has been killed.I don’t think Kevin can talk about other people.No one in the world seems like an ordinary worker. No, it’s true that there are no living people here after introducing yourself.The reason we showed up here was because you were called by that guy. I guess it’s because of the Lord’s will that he let me do that, so I think it’s really necessary. [Music] Yeah, I know what I was saying, but the Knights had anticipated this situation to some extent. It’s just about the black shadow and Kia’s body. There were a lot of things I didn’t understand, as I had learned from him the other day.It was tough, but the fact that the phantom justice had disappeared and a new kind of justice had been created by humans to replace it was an artifact. I was no longer in charge of the Knights’ role in collecting the items , and if things continued like this, I would have no excuse to intervene, but if someone was involved in this area, even if they were sworn warriors, I decided to resort to using the excuse that we wouldn’t have to fight them. That’s what I was thinking of getting. So, with your cooperation, we can intervene in this case. Let me confirm one thing. What are you guys planning to do with Kia? That ‘s a difficult question . But I don’t think it will work if we cheat. Yeah, I think we should tell the truth first. It’s Zero’s method, but to be honest, it’s far more dangerous and troublesome than All. Even though we can’t see what’s going on at the moment. You who created the situation, do you know what’s going on in the continental countries now? I heard rumors that a civil war started in the Empire, but to be honest, the direct trigger was the destruction of the Imperial Army Corps sent to the Kusbe area. The imperial army also had pride, so they sent in one group after another, but they were all defeated by the puppets, and while the imperial army was in confusion, a coalition of aristocratic forces occupied the empire and the empire by lightning.As a result, the Iron-Blooded Minimum fell to the cult and disappeared. The civil war that has engulfed the entire Shizu Empire has begun to drag on , while in the Republic, a state of emergency has been declared due to the outbreak of the economic crisis and the rise of terrorism. I heard that a state of emergency has been declared. Of course, other countries are not immune to coercion and chaos, especially in areas that have been suppressed by the Empire and the Republic. Meanwhile, President Data seems to be lobbying all over the country for Crossbell. Of course, there is the power of the hinterland, which is said to be strong enough to easily repel the Empire’s army, which is said to be the strongest on the continent. Even if everything were to be sent across the continent under the power of local law, that child who is not in the mood for war would not do such a thing.By the way, that doll weapon is not controlled by the judiciary.It is independent and is under the power of the judiciary. The Patema that was used by that girl named Re, who is probably like a guardian who acts like a guardian, and in that sense, acts on her own regardless of the child’s will, and even more so, there is a possibility that she will be used by people who are not related to her. Regardless of my intentions, I understand your opinions, but I don’t mind that, so I’d like to ask for your cooperation now. I thought I was going to reject your request , but it’s not a situation that I can handle on my own. It’s true that the longer this solution lasts, the more it might make that child suffer , but if you guys try to decide where to go with Kia, I’ll do everything in my power to stop you. No, I’m sure Eri and Tyrandy would say the same thing.I’m just going to be that child’s guardian, regardless of logic or rules . [Music] Even though he looks like you, he’s a really hot brother.I feel like I can understand that you like him. It’s not an exaggeration to say that I love you, but I love you.I seriously [applause] As a Knight of the Holy Grail, I swear by Eidos I promise to listen to your opinions regarding the treatment of that child.Yes, I see. Ah, it seems good from our standpoint.This area is the limit, but it’s up to Floyd.Well, it’s up to Lloyd.If that’s the case, let’s start moving right away.Yeah, it’s a very nostalgic church heaven car. Is that a vehicle? Oh, that’s right. It’s a strategy called Merkava used by the Flying Cup Knights that we had in the third episode . Merkava Stealth. It’s amazing even in Noh. It has a stealth function. It ‘s extremely cool to use this. It’s enough to infiltrate the airspace.Are you mentally prepared? LloydOh, of course.This is the final one.Also, everyone, please wait.That ‘s the end of the boys.I want to move on a bit.It’s only been an hour and a half. Well, let’s feed Nemo-san for a second. Let’s continue after that. Let’s take a break for now. It was fun. It was fun. Well, I’d like to take a little break. Thank you JA JA -sama . Okay, I’m here now. Let’s go. [Music] Well, it’s going to be a long time, isn’t it? The last scene is Church Merkava Unit 5. Well, the security guard came out after all. That’s right. I can’t think of just cross-dressing. I thought it would definitely show up somewhere. Also, there are the Esthers that were in the movie. I’m looking forward to seeing how the Esthers will turn out. As you can see, the dolls have changed their names. I just changed the name of the line, but I can’t help but get rejected, probably with the help of the squirrel.However, the da I received from Rufina-dono is quite impressive.Rufina even called me Yoki-na, Mr. Graham . You seem to have a certain color, Lloyd-kun, I think it’s going to be tough, but in the current situation at Tekari and Crossbell, we can’t rely on help from outside, and if you have a key , I understand the bonds you’ve cultivated at Crossbell up until now. I’m going to give you an order to the cord, Mr. Roy, and Mr. Ellie, please. I know, of course [music] So, I activated the engineering camouflage function. Of course, it’s not perfect, and there are disadvantages, such as slowing down when you use it. However, if he enters as it is, there will be no chance of winning even if he fights squarely with Toda, so the more he is attracted to Unit 5, the more he chooses to take advantage of that opportunity. When Kappo-go shows us the tsunami of guardians of the Holy Grail [Music] ] [Applause] [Music] Let’s take a look. [Applause] Well, it’s the Holy Grail Knight. [Music] It’s Ste . Oops, I’m here. Goldiaski Strategic Doll Final Series New Iotarp Type All I can see is the Ev. All I can see is super gold, so I’m definitely aware of this color because it’s covered in color. [Music] It ‘s Neta Moji. I heard that I was under anesthesia during the peach line surgery, so I didn’t feel any pain. It was just the discomfort after that. I don’t want to do this kind of jutsu when I grow up, but we’ll still meet. [ Music] I managed to sneak in, but the Kusube itself is like a dove. From here on, be careful and don’t move. And the doll will come flying again.Maybe there is a limit to how much we can rely on this flying boat.Certainly, with the size of this ship, if we land on the ground, we will be able to catch the prema in the net that returned it.If things continue like this, we won’t even be able to land. I’m trying to discover the gaps there. The gap between the gap and the field. The field of veins that land there is huge, covering the land itself, but it’s so big that gaps sometimes form between large streams. Even if the gap landed, I wouldn’t notice it.That ‘s why the spot I’m currently at is exactly that spot.Before I lost my senses, I was able to spot it even though it was near the place where the protozoa appeared.Before the strange thing happened. I did some research with APAS, so I stocked up a little and then escaped from Crossbell, which meant I was ready for fall and winter.That ‘s amazing.I’ve been doing that, and I’m only here now , so I think I’ll be able to land in the future. I need to find a gap, so what should I do? There’s a barrier anyway, so I can’t enter Crossbelsie , but that’s right. I’d like to get it down once again. I want to know at least a little bit about the situation at Crosspel, and what’s going on at the U-hospital. I feel like I want to check it out.If you understand, I’ll get off.First of all , what should Ursula do?It’s too late, but why would she help us ?Also, I told you about the dragon of Liberl, and you adult beasts have a connection to the region. I can’t just watch and intervene, but Ishie is causing a lot of trouble, but now that the phantom method has been lost, my original mission has already ended . So much so that she lends a little bit of her power to other people, and that’s why she helped us with the mafia’s military rights incident.Yeah, that’s what it means.You can have unlimited female power, but for a while, you can just be a power like this. I understand that I’m being assaulted by the police, so I ‘m grateful for your help, but it looks like I’ll have to keep this face for a while.When I want to get down to the ground, I call out to Apas. There are some facilities inside the Merkava.If you want to work with Kevin and ask Kuru if you need the functions, that means you have to buy new equipment.That’s right, the game will change.Waji and Tsuto are in the party. Ewaji has learned the S- Craft Akashic Arm.Ebrake, Suito, Aja Guest as a party member, or Enigma 2 as a party member, so I can’t customize Coutts, but I can’t customize the co-op art.Wow! Yes, I don’t have S-Crafta , so I have to be careful. In Merkava, Ito Lloyd will be the only one acting, and the other members will be waiting inside the building. Also, in the camp menu, search for items for all members. It’s possible, but the budget in the shop section is very convenient. Is there a time when I ride the SC’s Ars? Everyone can talk [music], but there is no voice . Let’s talk about confirming the acquisition. Hey, nap question. Wow, that’s awesome. No. 851. There are 8 people who are adjusting it. No, I didn’t have it equipped. It came off after all. No, that’s right. Okay, let’s go with the Super Kobelt. Anyway, since it’s in this condition, I ‘ll have to wrap it up and get ready to go . [Music] [Applause] [Music] Hey, I’m selling new equipment. Well, let’s go buy some. No, it’s also inconvenient that we don’t have that IBC. We don’t need it because we’re on the enemy side, so we don’t need it. Well, that’s fine. Isn’t it good? I think we should increase the consumables a little since we won the final victory. I want to go, but there are quite a few right now, and I think it’s okay if we can finally adjust it.If you have to decide which condition to go with, wait a minute, you can’t sell the condition, no, you can’t sell it . I don’t need it, but there’s a chance I won’t get a cat , so I’m selling it as a lana. [Music] [Music] Hey, are you saying you’ll do something with Kiria? Probably no, I feel like this is missing somehow. Just add a little more . It’s the last lever [Music] Still, we’re like Omen [Music] Oh, that’s amazing Heavy knight No, we can do anything [Music] So it’s not at all If I do these two , I’ll have to look at a lot of things.This area is here, and this one is also the strongest.Romen is out of place.It’s not out of place, but what should I do? It’s going to increase. I’m fine with this until now, but I’m fine with Suisu ST, Randy, and I’ll leave it at that for a while. [Music] But what’s the point? I want to add hit points. Moff-san is full of pranks and says I can’t do everything. But they won’t listen to me, so I’ll tell them what to do. If I do that, I can go to Aceras . Where is the inn? Is this the inn? [Music] It looks like this [Music] Kamuro Motamota [Music] I would appreciate it if you could buy some CP, but I wonder what it’s like. Which one? No, which one? What will I do in the end ? I decided to go down to the black place once. Well, I never expected you guys to have such a background. It was all to cover up the eyes of Archbishop Elda, who was critical of the rival knights within the church. No one would think that one of the highest-ranking knights was the head of a group of delinquents, but I also feel like he used religious-sounding words like " Testament" and "Life . " Yeah, I thought I was going to give off an unscrupulous impression and hide it, but I think we were able to give off a unique atmosphere because we were a team.I wonder if that’s why we were able to turn it into something right away.Yeah, we were able to pinpoint the location of the gaps. It’s okay to be ready when you’re ready. If you wait a moment, when you’re ready, call out and don’t object. It’s like a hidden item, isn’t it? No, it’s not like it’s a hidden item. I remember the earliest time, and ah, that’s when it came. [Music] Outside, it’s good. I know exactly where the site is and the gap where the site can be operated. I’m impressed, but when I’m ready to go down, I understand why. I’ll confirm the location, but [Music] Good [Music] That’s probably it. It’s a gap . [Music] Ah, that quick fishing trip will take you back up into the sky. Ah, if you stay on the ground, you run the risk of being detected. I see . Well, now. There’s no need to do this. Same as Mr. Marble. The magic of the holy grail, Friday of the sky, and the fusion of the earth. Escape to the great eye. Create a small sanctuary once again. This will fix the gap in the force field. It’s a corporation that takes care of us. It takes a lot of time that no one but us can see. Well, I guess they’ll be able to hold on to it for a while. I see. But they’re really related to the church. Judging by their behavior so far, it’s not good. I didn’t really feel it, but the fact that my nephew who was in town isn’t a hobby hasn’t changed at all, so what should I do? Maybe I’ll try stroking him at the hospital, or go check on him, and if I have time, I’ll head towards Crossbelsie. I’d like to take a look at it, too.However, please be careful as things are appearing because of Prema.Okay, okay, let’s go . You can go back Pressure Talk to you Select a destination on the map and go to the location of the corporation [Music] You can do it Ah, the number of places you can go increases. The number of places will increase as the story progresses and you can write them down. [Music] [Applause] It’s a completely different system. I wonder what they’ll do with the motorized person. I want to be able to ride the powered person. In the end, it’s perfect. It’s this area, this, this, that, etc. Yes, yes, yes, there was Hara. [Music] It’s weird over there, but I can’t do it. [Music] Hey, the enemy doesn’t change even if I feel like I’m progressing with this BGM. [Music] Hey, let’s take a look, shall we? Strongly 2000 It’s my turn, Setoe 20009 No, it’s overwhelmingly strong, leave it to Master Coates, he’s a strong level 4, and as a natural result of finishing it, he got a serious 7th shot, and now that’s a technique for the Shinkai group. Is that the one in the treasure chest or something like that?[__]Ah, are you wearing it now ? Wait a minute.If that’s the case, then it’s okay.For now, I can shoot a gun in the RO, which is a little inconvenient, but it’s convenient when I see a cat. [Music] ] [Music] [Music] Finally [Music] Whoa, wait a second, there’s a monkey. No, he’s gotten stronger this time too. No, he ‘s reluctant to do that. The sled won’t attack him. It’s not the same as the previous one. I’m going to register Kayoko’s monkey for the time being. It’s okay, right? It’s a chance. I’m going to fold it. It’s nice to be able to talk to support and support. It’s a waste of time, but it’s a good idea to have a conversation in this state. You’ll be surprised to hear that the site is talking. [Music] Oh no, it’s a little strict, isn’t it? It’s strict, isn’t it ? Live streaming has started. Wow, it’s amazing that you can spread it out by yourself. But I can’t reach this, and I can’t reach it. I can’t use it here . It’s lowered, so should I use it? No, I can’t reach it. I can’t get close. I’ll be blown away again, right? Endless. Don’t be silly , let’s do this . Let’s go. [Music] I don’t care if it’s good or bad. Maybe I ‘ll come here and become an immediate force. But [Music] Well, it’s tough because I can’t do it well. I’m going to go, I’m going to go, I’m going to decide , it’s not the first thing, it’s not the first, it’s not the first, it’s not the first time . Ya, I’m too annoying . It’s my turn. It’s going to be a long game. I want you to stop. It’s still a long game after three wins, so no, it’s a bit too early. No, I can’t unlock it. It’s a waste . It’s a round. I’ll leave it to the round. Oh, please do n’t use it. Now, thank you very much for your Enigma . Will it reach me? My Enigma [Music] Motion [Music] and I hope it will reach you [Music] It’s useless, but it’s impossible [Music] He’s fine. He’s fine. I’ll go. No, I want to go. I ‘m going. Leave it to me. I’m going to decide. It’s loading slowly. I’m scared. I need to restart. I haven’t restarted at all. Let’s go. Let’s go. It’s so slow. [Music] Okay. Alright, let’s go in a straight line [Music] Oh no, I’ll eat this, I’ll eat this [Music] Leave it to me, I don’t know if it’s strong There’s no way I’ll win, let’s go this way Yes, resist Well, let’s recover, thank you Lloyd- kun Eh, leave it to me this time. Yasaki is tough. My [music] is a waste of time. It’s a waste of time [music]. Okay, I need a friend. I think this guy is the only one who can do this with the three of us. [Music] Hey, it ‘s my turn. The interception is complete. Let’s move on. Lloyd’s Brave Smash is Brave. Smash 2 suddenly got stronger, but I wonder if the bus from the town to the hospital would be able to go properly in a situation where there are such people.I think it would be possible to survive if it was a driver of the National Defense Force. It’s possible that the health of the citizens is being damaged. It’s a cause-and-effect thing. If Ursula saw it, she might really cry. Ursula is a saint and a white wolf. Is the white wolf really a website? It actually existed in the medieval era. She’s the daughter of a healer who killed a fisherman.She was recognized as an adult by the church, but she was a kind-hearted girl.In the story, she lost her life, but in reality she survived, and later ended up with a knight, and ended up in this land. I heard that it’s still there , but the facts are more solid than the novels. Yeah, it looks like there’s going to be a small event, so I’ll take a look. It looks better than this tom. It’s embarrassing what happened [Music] But I want to see if the CP will increase more than just looking at it.The narration seems to be over if there are related people or people involved [Music] It’s not Ursula, it’s more like a hospital now. [Music] [Applause] [Music] It doesn’t really feel that far if you’re walking, but you ‘re in a car or something . I thought I could just talk to Appa about it , but it would be nice if the CP went up. Oh, it went up . Okay, it’s perfect. It’s perfect. Elka is already the strongest . It’s so troublesome. [Applause] But are there even conversations at this point ? I’m only talking to Aji, but I feel like the number of friends is increasing and things are getting more lively around here. Are we all together? At this point, we’re all together . Dee, Kevin and Desa may also come. It’s probably a different character . I would have liked them to fight that flow, but instead of them, it’s Matio. Tio and that, Tio and Randy type cop [Music] By the way, it’s obvious that it’s a mistake, so I’m not going to give up on driving.Yes, that’s right. [Music] Well, at this timing, there’s an event that I can’t go to, so I’m going to go out of my way to be able to go . [Music] So [Music] [Music] Ei [Music] I wonder if there’s a barrier because of Eiko. Maybe it’s alright , that’s right. The barrier has been removed. I see, I can’t go because I’m a cat [Music] It’s [Music ] ] Pipipi [Music] Yeah, I’m here just to see that little event. Also, that’s the Star Tower. There’s an event for the Star Tower [Music]. [Music] Pa is the one with the strong boss, and here too I guess there are quite a few of them, including those monkeys. [Music] It’s hard to hit them twice when they’re close to each other. If they’re up close, it’s hard to hit them twice. If they’re up close, they’ll do that with Bonbon twice. Ah, somehow the barrier is broken. No, there’s something. There’s something. That’s not national defense. Wait a minute. No. Is that the one from 7? Is that the girl? Yes, yes , Bols is guarding the door . Is Osamu’s subordinate in a winning appearance guarding the door? Is that what he’s saying here? Since they have money, there is a possibility that they will come later. [ Music] Wasn’t that Miller’s line "Vanguard Vanguard Do"? [Music] No. [Music] Milan-se is probably slightly different. What was it? It’s a bander bander. It’s a vanguard bander. [music] Well, if you go to all the places where there are bells, are you going to go there too? Let ‘s fly. [music] There are some strong enemies, so you can also adjust the level. I feel like I can do it , or I can do it well. [Music] [Music] Well, that’s it for now. I want the party to be 4 people. Instead of having everyone stick together, it’s not like they’re just a mob. [Music] They fought, right? Yeah , probably in a different frame. I think it’s registered, but I was fighting a while ago, so I guess it’s registered , right ? Where is it? It’s level 84. Yes, it’s level 3. I see, so I guess we had a tough time with the three of us.The tough 84th level team came out here and there, so I wondered what the hospital was like.I wonder if the defense is cut off.Oh, there’s a defense, really. I guess the timing was bad [Music] I guess the National Defense Force is on guard duty here. It seems like there’s no way the Defense Forces will find us here. It looks like they’ll report it, so it’s probably best to avoid it. I don’t know when they’ll disappear. I don’t know , but it looks like there’s a vessel inside this hospital.It ‘s like they’re here , or something.I can smell it somehow, and I ‘ve been rescuing them one by one to the point that there aren’t any other members, but I never expected Tio to be somewhere since then. If I get injured and go to the hospital, I’m a little worried because even I don’t understand that much . It might be possible to do it without being found out Oh, that’s great. Is it true ? Yes, there seems to be some way to do it. Well, that’s a cheat. As expected of a reporter. It’s a complete cheat. Even if you try to set it up right away, you need to check on Tio. Well, it’s fun. Let’s kick it with electric lights. Lightning [Music] Let’s just do it normally. We’ll lose. [Music] Or we’ll rush in at least one. [Music] I’ve got some free time. Security is too boring for me, so Banning, who is my spiritual support, is still on the run . What can Taka do with just one investigator? Especially since he’s in a foreign country. But he’s a monster. There’s a rumor that she’s taking Ilia with her, but is it true that the 4th Solidarity members were eaten? Is it just a hoax? Rather than that, I’d like to take the opportunity to see Ilia’s face. Is Ria still there? I’m sure she’s still in the hospital. Oh, that’s how it should be. I want him to heal his injuries and make a comeback, thinking he’s not a scumbag , but that’s just my impression. Lloyd Banning. I can’t believe he actually shows up. He’s a monster. After seeing his original form, I can’t help it. No, I’m not going to fight, but if you’re standing in my way, I’m going to take over all of you at once. I’m here. There aren’t any tanks. Oh my god, we part ways and stop. [Music] I want these three. [Applause] [ [Music] That’s the right thing to do [Music] It’s a strike [Music] Okay , leave it to me [Music] Yeah, it’s my turn [Music] Yay, it’s okay [Music] I’m strong Well , it’s my turn. Holy Grail medal. Give them a false memory by bonding with the gold of the blue-gold engraving that appears on my best friend.I see, I think Kevin would do it. I see, this is a kind of trick of suggestion passed down in the church.Using some mysterious power, you just confirmed that a large and heavy force was approaching.You managed to repel it, but everyone was injured. Bangs, who was temporarily targeted, has not been seen, and there is no sign that he will show up any time soon. There is no sign that he will show up. [Applause] [Music] That’s amazing. The fact that he used the power of Stigma to manipulate him is truly a legendary adult beast . Stigma is a bit of an old tiger . In any case, it’s not perfect, so the military should be wary of what he’ll show in 23 days. I hope you think that you won’t be able to use it from now on. I understand. Dad’s site. Yeah, it’s here. Tio is here. Tia, it looks like he’s safe. Hey , he’s safe. I’m glad he’s in the hospital. Mr. Lloyd asks what’s going on and asks if he’s okay and if he’s injured.If Mr. Lloyd is the same as Kia , I asked him where he’s been caught in the book so far, and he says he’s being chased by the same people.I saw him. I’ve been worried about Tio for a long time , I’m sorry I made you worry, but I’m fine now, and I’m back at Cross Spell with the help of Sight . Let’s do the hula. Also, it’s been a while since I’ve had a hula. I was really worried that Lloyd was okay . He was arrested, so I’m sorry for worrying everyone , but he seems to be doing well. He’s already fully recovered from his injuries. Well, because of what happened to Crossbell, I haven’t been able to go back to work, but I’m really glad I did that . I’ve had a lot of trouble with my outfit, and I’ll tell you about what happened up until now. Let me explain it all to you.Yes, you can speak.What’s wrong with you now ?Is it normal? What ‘s wrong with you?Maybe it’s normal because you’ve always understood the language, so you don’t even realize it . Are you talking in the words of humans? [Applause] [Music] [Music] I want to meet with Koto and Gear too.The biggest damage was done.I don’t get it right , but this situation is also about Moya-chan.Oh, I There are only two things he wants. He wants to see with his own eyes the truth that hasn’t been seen yet, and he frees everyone and takes back Kia. He ‘s totally weird even though he says there are only two things. That’s Mr. Lloyd, so he recovers. I’m grateful that I can.My heart is the same as Mr. Lloyd’s.As a member of the support family, and above all as Kia’s guardian, please take me with you.Thank you, Tio.Please feel free to lend me your strength.Why was Tio brought here ? I think Mr. Pama Mariabel was instructed by Mr. Arios.Yes, I think that if the members of the supporters are divided and kept in the same place so badly that they monitor each other in different places, they might unite and lobby against Kia. It seems like Ellie and Randy are probably in different places as well.If they were in Mr. Crossbell, it would be impossible to free them, but since they were here, it seems likely that they were in the city. Well, it looks like they’re trying not to get close to Yoya-chan. Is there a chance that Gamon is over there ? Can you please take me with you too? Fran-Fran-san , I can’t fight like you all. I don’t have one, but yes, I still think I can do quite well as an operator.I hear that I can’t play the role of Reta, but I hear that everyone is traveling on Ma-san’s flight.Would you like me to help you? Support Lloyd-san , it’s true that Merkava is short-staffed. That’s helpful, but I’ll have to let Lloyd make the final decision.I hear that Fra’s sister is currently working for the National Defense Force.If she comes with us, she’ll be in conflict with Noel.Do you know that? Yes, of course I don’t want to fight with my sister, but I still do [Music] [Music] Crossbarfalk I ask for your cooperation [Music] Thank you very much, Fran-san. That’s great. I think Apas’s work will become a little easier. Looks like things have been sorted out. It’s time to go. Please be careful. I can’t help you directly, but as I work here, I’m praying for everyone’s safety. Thank you. That’s enough. Ceci , thank you very much for your help. I’ve always been indebted to you. [Music] Your cute face is huge. Come to think of it, Fran, you don’t have to pack your things. Yeah, you should bring a change of clothes. I wonder if that’s the case. I have to hurry up and pack my things. Please wait a moment. [Music] Yeah. [Music] It looks like it’s going to be quite lively. It’s going to be a bit of a mess inside the mailbox. It’s going to be the police school. By the way, if you don’t mind, please wait. While I was there, I went to say hello to all the guards, but maybe they both woke up safely. It seems that Ilia is still unable to walk , but the guards seem to be recovering well. Okay, there’s no point in just waiting around, so why don’t I bother you? Oh yeah, I’ll join you too , so I guess I’ll just wait here. Well , the party is over, so I’m done with the party. It’s ok [Music] So be kind to Se-san even if it’s not good [Music] I went silent but Se-san is stroking me and I’m embarrassed [Music] I guess I’m a little jealous [ Music] Well, I can buy this, poop. I’m selling it here at the same time . No, it’s expensive, it’s expensive, I don’t think it’s good to have such a pathological condition this time. By the way, it’s 300 or so cheap, because at the moment I have a lot of it. I guess I have to do something about the equipment or equipment. [Music] Well, for now, let’s take a look at Tokonbate’s architecture. Ah, Tio has also reached 80. Isn’t Lloyd the only one at level 80? No , Lloyd has to do his best to catch up. [Music] Can’t go now? Let’s go [Music] Masu [ Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] H, you’re so kind, aren’t you? The nurse [Music] You ‘re on my side too [Music] Shisori has a strange injury. [Music] I do n’t think it’s from the 33rd floor. Both of them are 3. [Music] Yeah. There was a time when a girl had a problem with me. It was heaven. I want to go back to those days. [Music] Zeko Fran. I’m changing clothes. Change clothes. [Music] I feel like I haven’t changed my clothes, so I guess that’s the case. Please don’t look at me. I won’t look in. I’m here, so please take care of me. No, I don’t want you to change your clothes. [Music] ] 302 Is it a bad time ? Please come in. Excuse me. Ah, you guys are not supporting me. [Applause] It’s been a long time. What kind of police officer are you? Who are those beautiful ladies? Madam. Maybe you’ve gotten in the way. I’m surprised you suddenly started again. This is Ms. Para, the inspector’s wife. She came to visit me a while ago and has been staying for a while. It’s nice to meet you. My husband always takes care of me. From my husband and Tio. I’ve been listening to their stories from time to time , and they seem like very interesting people [Music] I’m honored to receive your compliments. I don’t think they’re complimenting you, but I’m sure there’s a lot to be said, but could you please explain the situation to me? I understand. [Music] Something more serious than I expected has happened. Also, from what I’ve heard, it seems better not to report what happened here to headquarters. Yes, it would be helpful if you could do that. Well, I don’t care either way . Okay, but I’m sure Lloyd is wanted, so what’s the situation in Kebkloster city anyway? I just heard from Lemond, who came to see me , but the Suber police are completely a military stock organization. It seems that he has been taken in. His work hasn’t changed, but now he ‘s only being sent to do chores in the city. I guess that’s the case, but considering the current situation, it can’t be helped. But the deputy chief was surprised to see such an attitude. And the fact that Chief Dudley is silently obeying is something that only happens here.Apparently , the police officers, including Sergei and Dudley Lemond, are secretly working [music].It seems that the chiefs are keeping it a secret, but they somehow managed to find out the current situation while listening to the police. I guess they’re looking for a way to break through. Maybe it means that no one is silent. I wonder if there’s hope in sight. It seems difficult to get in touch with people in the city at the moment. It seems like you can leave it to us. We should try to find a way to overcome the current situation in our own way. That’s what you guys are all about. Actually, it’s going to be pretty tough, but try to make up your mind somehow. I’ll do it as soon as I get back. If you’re going to join up with Cell and the others , leave it to them and Raymond and the others for now and slowly heal your body.I’ll never force you to do anything until you sense it. [Music] Hey, I get it, it’s pretty bad, I just want to say. Did I mention that ? It seems like Kev can’t get over this wife either. He’s blessed with a good wife and the inspector is a happy man. [Music] [Music] Hey , everyone, have you changed your clothes, Fran? Have you changed your clothes? Yeah, Fran. Pack your bags. It ‘s over . That ‘s right. It’s been a while since I saw Fran in her uniform. It feels like she’s following Roro. Me too. Were you all visiting Inspector Donna? I just finished. I usually visit the inspector as well. Before I leave the hospital, I thought I’d say hello to Kev, especially since he helped me out of a dangerous situation, so if I don’t thank him again, I’ll see you later. Well then, let’s go visit Ilia-san. I see. [Music ] Yeah, yeah, no. Either one of you can come in. [Music] Excuse me. [Music] Oh, Tio -chan. It’s not my brother, and I’m sure it was you. Iria-san, it’s been a long time. I’m sorry, but I came to visit you with my hands. Don’t worry about it anymore. Look, look, all three of you are here. You’re welcome . You can eat sweets from your fans. There’s a lot of people here. If it’s cookies, they’re still within their expiry date , so I’m sure they’re popular. Excuse me for that. [Music] I see. You guys. It seems like a lot of things are going to be difficult. I’ve heard a lot of things about the curls themselves being outrageous, but yes, we live in an era that can only be described as outrageous. It’s frustrating not being able to move your legs. I’d like to see with my own eyes the expression of gratitude, but as for Iria’s body, well , Sera’s teacher doesn’t know whether she’ll ever be able to walk or not, and she’s assured me that it’s 100% impossible. Isn’t that right? Ah, if you look at me like that, it’s going to get dark all the way around, right? If you think that it’s no good, that’s all there is to it. It’s the same with theater, but there’s always an answer somewhere. No matter how painful or hopeless it is, there will always be something noble as long as you don’t give up. [Music] That’s amazing. Are you really that great ? First of all, from what I’ve heard, spicy miso ramen will be popular in 2023. My husband has a lot of spicy miso, so I think about it a lot, but people like me are creatures that can go as far as they want for something important.That ‘s the strength of a person. I think I’m one of the most greedy people out there, but I think other people are basically the same.The members of my theater company, as well as everyone else, have always wanted to meet that girl, Ilia. If you happen to be there, please let me know. What is the most important thing to you? I realized that you can’t help but try hard in the face of something that is important to you. When I meet Rishi , I will definitely tell him those words. Please. [Music] [Music] It feels like she’s doing her best. [Music] [Music] Yeah, that’s really outrageous . As expected, she’s also called the Flame Dancer. Wait a minute, wait a minute. I froze. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Can we do this? Ah, I’m glad. I’m glad it was only for a moment. It’s scary. In fact, I guess I’m just like the Princess of the Sun from the stage. I was also brought here and I’ve talked with Ceci several times. It really cheered me up.I really wish I could find Risha somehow, but I guess that’s just a coincidence with Eidos.I’ll call out to Fran-san and let’s go back.Oh yeah, we’ll meet up to do [music] , and Cele will too. Turn on the lights and look in front of Ursula Hospital [Music] Taaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Shortcut is nice! On the way home, Towaa finds a gap in the force field in front of the hospital and fixes it with a corporation, so Merkava comes to pick her up. The number of wanted monsters that can be received by the fairy is increasing rapidly.[Music] Etio and Fran have joined, and Emerica’s terminal means that there is a wanted demon who can receive the wanted demon fairy. A certain terminal is available, so please use it [Music] . I’ll upload the data to that place. Yes, I’m done. I’ve got the coordinates. It’s fun, Kuber Northeast Area. Morimura . That’s amazing. Armonica and the two of us. Of course I have the ability to do such a good job just by coming here, but I’m still inexperienced in having a professional operator [Music] , but I think I’ll be able to find a place to get off efficiently from now on. So, what are we going to do? Let’s go to a new point. Ah, I think we can check the status of the forest camera as well. Maximum destination village. We’re going to head to our destination while maintaining our aerophysical properties. [Music] Are we going to go to the new point? I get the impression that it’s going to be a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of an exploration . It wouldn’t be possible without the cooperation of [Music], right? [Music] Oops, Tia’s account, Wow, I can do it with Pom. Even in times like this, I can do it. This is definitely written [Music]. [Music] No, with Mariabelle. Even though I can’t play, I have no choice but to use the previous data , so I guess I can’t play Apas at this timing.What kind of [music]? [ music] Is there a terminal in the cab?I understand. Wait a minute, let’s set it to 200 first [ Music ] Let ‘s see, it’s not hot, right ? [Music] Yeah, the first one is Tio, it’s pretty big. I have to buy some equipment too. Well, I have it, I have it. That’s great. I see, I have it, so I don’t need to buy it . That’s good . I have to stop here. What did you put on this and that? It’s better than all conditions. No, this is amazing . It says 25% chance of occurrence. [Music] I can’t say anything about it. I think they put it on the 4th eye. [Music] I was putting water on it for some reason.I want to put this on.I want to use it to recover or recover.I want to put on an EP or something like that, but I don’t want to use it. Kakokoha Kesune [Music] Well, fighting is prohibited at all. I’d like to mainly support you. [Music] Is this it? Oh, it’s here, it’s here, it’s here, it’s here, it’s here. It’s here, it’s here, Ursula. I feel like I’m going to be able to go first . I’m going to Oak Village and Almonica. I’m going to go to Mine. I can’t go to this yet. It’s super, so it’s okay . I would appreciate it if you could put it all together, but I’m on the enemy’s side, Mariabell, and people from the enemy’s side are mixed in. [Music] Well, even if I can’t go here, I have to do this first. Where should I go and play it above ? Move. It’s so troublesome [ Music] , it says [ Music ] , so it’s not a forest. [Music] Let’s get started. This type of thing is probably boring. Leave it to me . [ Music] It’s not easy to make friends. I’m going to Mr. Suro. [Applause ] I’m going. [Music] Let’s go. [Applause] [Music] I guess I ‘ve given up. [Music] [Applause] Oh my gosh, it’s frozen. Maybe it’s frozen. I went. I’m glad I went. No, I’ll reload next time. I’ll definitely do it. I didn’t reload at all. No, it’s scary. [Music] It’s too scary. Yes, the memory problem continues. That’s right. If you keep running it for a long time, that’s what happens normally [Music]. [ Music ] Well then, let’s use Armonica Murabe next time. [Music] [Music] Let’s report it, let’s report it. Thank you for your hard work, everyone. [ Music] I’m going to have a good time . Maybe that’s what happens when I finish everything . [Music] I’m looking forward to it. I’ll think about it next time. Well then. Thank you for watching. Bye [Music] Bye. Thank you for watching. If you like, please subscribe to the YouTube channel and rate it. Thank you again. [Music] Masu

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