
[Music] [Laughter] I hope he passes the toes bro damn oh denin wanted to smoke oh wow he thought twice and said nah awesome okay that’s crazy that he actually thought about it I’m glad she passed him UB just like that wow ubel is just built different all right land okay oh wow she called out that it’s a clone what throughout the exam period your actual body never left your hometown what the hell bro are you telling me this entire time this man land has been in his hometown and his clones have just been doing the exam for him that’s crazy what’s even crazier is that zerio was able to call out exactly what he was doing literally drinking tea in his hometown that’s insane the fact that she called it out like that no way what the hell that’s impressive though warbell okay wow she’s a badass I hope she passes okay glad she passed she’s a badass is it over a lot of good Mages I assume it’s his wife’s grave and thanks to at least Fern was able to get the certification now since she’s passed so uh now they can continue on their journey I guess star hasn’t met him oh so he’s a noble I see oh his mid 20s damn a I see for [Music] oh with himl and the crew I see yeah at least before they part ways I’ve really come to like denin he’s a great character oh damn nice damn who will Emperor dragon the smaller stuff damn I see she does hope to see you again warbel and because of that his actions years later inspired warbell to do the same you know everywhere he goes which is cool you love to see it oh wow really are you serious is OT man Z is so petty God damn bro it’s so petty bro oh wow incredible he sure has oh [Music] he can I see I see so he want so he wants to kill freeden Well that took a dark turn damn wow okay they can be so awkward wow really that’s crazy man wow okay okay that’s good he doesn’t have any regrets which is good that’s crazy right at least that should make him feel better even he’s accepted that they’re awkward man that would have been insane if they actually fought to the death Sensei Brook well there they go so a cleaning spell oh that’s handy love to hear it a that’s that’s a really handy smell a she wasn’t happy about it wow wow bro oh Lena and Cone yeah just like was Z wasn’t it yeah and craft too he used to do that too hter a here comes the song that makes sense I get it it would be embarrassing when we meet again I see ah the journey and continues man this is so good bro you better make a season two mad house God damn it man what a great show absolutely incredible 10 out of 10 music was great characters were great story was great animation of course mad house in the building absolutely killing it and I really hope they make a second season bro cuz matad house I don’t know if it’s just me but from the projects that I’ve watched uh that they’ve done they tend to like peace out after a season is done they did that with one punch man and then also with Hunter Hunter after they went on Hiatus cuz I think they also animated Hunter Hunter correct me if I’m wrong about that so I really hope they don’t do the same with freen cuz bad house are absolutely incredible man the animators they got work in there shesh incredible bro but this was fantastic hopefully if we get another season um I can’t wait to see fre andern and Stark’s Journey continue on uh you know on their way to heaven of course and uh like I said earlier uh in my episode 27 reaction like I really would love to see the party of Heroes Journey you know himl hter Eisen and Fen You know like I’d love to see their fight against The Demon King that specific portion of the story animated because himl wasn’t able to pull the hero sword out of the stone right so bro went in with a regular sword and still was able to beat the Demon King’s ass like I really would love to see all of that animated man a solid end to the season really glad um denin especially of all people is able to pass the third test uh so he can be able to go to his hometown and visit the grave which I assume is of his wife we met a bunch of characteres during this exam period that I really liked and I really hope we get to see them again eventually okay let’s take a look at today’s vocabularies think twice think twice means to reconsider something carefully before making a decision this phrase is used to encourage cautious judgment for example you should think twice before making such an important decision illustrates the use of think twice denin also thought carefully about how to defeat siia but after much consideration he concluded that it was impossible to defeat her it’s really fortunate that denin passed the exam when you have to make a decision remember this phrase don’t hesitate just go for it you’ll understand once you get there think twice think twice part ways part ways means to separate from someone or leave a situation this phrase is often used when friendships or working relationships come to an end for example after years of working together they decided to part ways illustrates the use of part ways fren and her companions also embarked on a journey where they repeatedly met and parted ways with various people incidentally I once had a friend with whom I shared many ups and downs someone I could call a lifelong friend but now he has fallen into darkness and we have taken different paths I sometimes wish I had such a dramatic experience like in a manga or drama what’s that my previous story oh come on there’s no such friend in reality part ways part ways petty petty means unimportant or trivial this adjective is used to describe minor matters or insignificant thoughts for example they had a petty argument over who should do the dishes illustrates the use of petty it can also mean mean-spirited or small-minded and it was used in that sense this time Siri due to a disagreement with frian banned her from the magic Association for about 1,000 years recently many people seem to get hurt over various things on social media but most of these issues are more trivial than they realize I think it’s better not to take them too seriously petty petty hiatus hiatus means a temporary break or pause in an activity or event this noun is used when the usual progress or activity is temporarily stopped for example the band is taking a Hiatus to work on solo projects illustrates the use of Hiatus Hunter Hunter often goes on Hiatus after a period of serialization by the way who is your favorite character in Hunter Hunter I personally like cute characters like Machi and biscuit what biscuit isn’t a cute girl sorry but I don’t understand what you’re saying at all hiatus hiatus awkward awkward means being clumsy or unskillful in movement or situation this adjective is also used in uncomfortable or embarrassing situations for example he felt awkward during his first day at the new job illustrates the use of awkward feran mentioned that powerful Wizards tend to be awkward individuals zier is one but from my perspective F and herself is quite awkward too by the way I am skilled enough to do translation work while watching live streams of vtubers I’ve told a lot of lies in this corner but this is true it might not sound very impressive but it’s genuinely the truth sorry if it’s not that amazing awkward awkward [Music] [Music] embarrassing embarrassing means causing someone to feel ashamed or awkward this adjective is used to describe situations or events that cause embarrassment for example it was embarrassing when I forgot my lines during the performance illustrates the use of embarrassing Himel said he prefers to keep farewells brief because it would be embarrassing to meet again later by the way I sometimes have dreams where I forget to put on my pants or underwear or where my clothes melt away in public leaving me embarrassed these dreams are quite awkward but every time I wake up I’m really relieved that it was just a dream [Music] embarrassing embarrassing [Music] [Music]









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Tailored for Japanese audiences, this video serves as educational content for efficient English learning. Japanese subtitles aid comprehension, and additional sections on the video display meanings of English words and detailed explanations with cultural backgrounds, using visuals. English subtitles enable listening and shadowing practice, leading to gradual improvement in English comprehension with repeated viewing and study.

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