Subsistence MP Wussy Server – Season 2 – Part 3 – Live Stream!

look well greetings and hello and welcome back to the channel it is our Sunday subsistance stream that’s right Trip s [ __ ] I just made that up oh all righty yeah we going to get into it and have a little bit of fun for a lengthly spell take a a leisurely little trip we are in February right now which is uh which is a very very very good thing for us because uh we can get back to normality or to a certain degree at least I hope hope everybody’s Sunday is going well wherever you are or Saturday evening or whatever it may be if you new to the channel hey welcome you like the content please consider hitting like and subscribing it’s a free way to do and we like free things on this channel right let’s get into it February we got a lot to do in this next uh session a lot of glass to get but of pearls to get which means a lot of diving and a lot of everything how good does that look oh much better not so Frozen anymore hooray right as you can see we’ve gotten one small little panel done it’s going to take a long time to get that done though that’s the only downside the other downside right now is that um we are lacking uh snacky meat bits there’s no uh veggies to eat except for that so uh yeah we’ve got a lot a lot of catching up to do and um getting things done with that being said we are lacking in our uh Weaponry front bullets and whatnot so uh we got to get our weapons or bullets restocked we got a bit of hunting to get on with like I say everything’s kind of back to normal is we’ll still get the odd uh flurry of snow coming in but that uh should be all good also I uh covered this up as you can see there that’s covered all the way to the back over there so that’s all covered up um I also came in and fed these fellas about 3 hours ago ah free range we got to take that box there we go there we go now they’re out and about that’s why they weren’t coming out totally forgot about that silly little box all righty so we are fully upgrading that front right uh time of day is morning time there we go there’s a little bit of snow coming in that should cover the ground uh Lake should remain unfrozen so that is uh good so which me we can get out there get some sandstone and stuff like that priority would be food um we have got Tomatoes we have got some of that I can always eat one of them if absolutely necessary so uh we can make a little bit of soup and uh and such the other thing is we got to keep on top of all of our special ores that we got to get to keep making motherboards so circuit boards um and that’s going to help us get more wind turbines and more solar panels so um again a lot for us to uh crack on with and we got to keep on top of the power too so there’s a whole a whole lot of stuff that we got to uh keep in mind uh first things first though um it’s not quite time to get rid of the jacket yet so uh we got a little bit of a haze happening I hope it doesn’t affect the water too much so uh it’s time to get that on it’s time to replenish a whole bunch of stuff um before I do that let’s get our pickaxe sorted shall we don’t go diving in with a a quarter pickaxe left I just will not do uh let’s see can we make one from scratch yes we can Perfect all right let’s go straight down H look at that what a way to start nice all right oh there’s another oh this is great we’re going to go for the pearls first um actually we’ll go for the pearls down at the bottom first and Sandstone cuz we can still die from the surface without the tanks uh a little bit at least as is usual I’ll uh spend more time being quiet L you enjoy the game play hey Bliss how you doing dude uh you’re a big time sub player you tell me what’s coming I have no idea what what’s coming what can we expect is structural Integrity oh screw that the stupidity of CG continues it’s very disappointing if that’s what he’s been aiming at very disappointing particularly if it’s an optional thing I think that’s a waste of his time and people who play the game hey West how you doing dude you just left the server a few minutes ago yeah the the race just finished so uh I just finished having dinner so I thought I might as well just poping let’s go up here get this fella yeah Blitz I I’ll be honest with you I’m I’m disappointed if that’s what he’s been working on all this time uh for an optional thing in game I think it’s very disappointing there’s a ton of quality of life stuff that he could have um worked on to make the game better particularly uh what it cost to uh make everything hey Magic Q how you doing man it’s um I I’ll be honest with you if that’s structural Integrity if that’s what it’s going for that is such a disappointment there is so much that he could make this game better and if he’s uh oh it boggles the mind it really does very disappointed and I guess that’ll be his one and only update that he does this year maybe get one in December November December maybe if we lucky but how you doing otherwise Bliss F good to uh it’s good to see you dude map expansion hopefully end of year would make uh a lot more sense but you really ought to like fix up some of the bugs man I the more I played with the latest update the more I don’t like the lat this update with the semiconductors it’s really he kind of actually pushing you to play multiplayer because it’s a lot more doable multiplayer than it is solo I mean the grind is massive now it is absolutely huge it’s a disappointment that that’s what what it’s become 44 how are you doing who me Wes no I’m on the server mate all just replace the dashboard on your truck all righty get my uh my sh together here use blit I don’t even have one for you mate that’s how long ago since we’ve like seen you actually can you do an exclamation Blitz please thank you here let’s do another pass see what we can find Sandstone time now uh 17 pearls is still good enough yeah go for it mate put some stuff up there go for it man it doesn’t matter dude slap it up there slap it where it smells funny my man and how you doing today magic you excited about uh the we coming huh I’ve got a sneaking suspicion that this session tonight or today whatever is going to be a bit tough in that there’s a lot to get done particularly on the food front um food has been well consumed during winter so now it’s time to uh to replenish at the same time got the chickens to take care of and all of that sort of stuff so um yeah got to get those ores it’s a whole lot of Stu stuff happening hey Envy how you doing man it’s summer time dude it’s time to move your base well I mean it’s not frozen over anymore time to move that base dude soul 24 that is a sweet amount yeah let’s not waste risk that tank 24 is pretty good all righty cool Blitz we’ll check it out when I’m out of game those are interested you can go check out uh blitzer’s dashboard on his truck replacement thereof okay let save on that tank nice getting late arvo I believe when we uh when we saw a plane subsistence we pay for many many many many many hours hundreds of hours and then Blitz came on board tell you what he died plenty plenty ain’t that R Blitz I have no idea what that means and and now Blitz is like a he’s like a champion at this game now man and Charlie’s still there the little bastard look at that that’s a blitz built right over there in our first uh server all right let’s put the stuff back that was a pretty good uh dive biggest problem right now for the next day is going to be food food and keeping the fire going which uh we need to clearly sword let’s get that happening uh nice amount of pearls 25 nice we got 34 in stock got to get all of that lithium and silicon yeah Charlie picks on 44 Now 44 has got her base kind of down there so this is Magic Q over here and right over there that’s 44 and we’re all connected up to one BCU one power system and so on so it’s uh it’s all good all right I got to check on these chickens what the [ __ ] was that whoa what the hell that was weird you know Steph oh Steph Jesus what is wrong with me shelene you know why we were saying why these guys weren’t coming out of their hidey-hole it’s really simple there’s little tich box there for free range no wonder they weren’t getting past level three for [ __ ] sakes anyway ultimately in the end it it’s it’s it worked out actually fine because we got this section sealed off and I sealed off the sides over there and at the back there too so uh yeah it’s all good we’re uh races now look at that level four these guys have been stuck on level three and we’re like why aren’t they progressing dumb asses okay fire fire and then we got to get ourselves sorted here folks because we are slacking big time time absolutely slacky look at this fridge not good not good at all yep it’s February mate yeah yep absolutely February styling right now man take that hopefully it doesn’t disappear Fey man it’s warmer it’s time to come on in i’ got a perfect spot for you to build man look at that look at that Headland right there little ALK of there for your penis pool it’s perfect man yeah yeah now we can go diving man you know where we are dude yeah we got a upper upper game here 1.24 coming in really got to get a uh catch a wake up things are uh the last couple of winter days have have not been good in terms of um hunting so uh we got to we got to change it up food is becoming a problem look at that 15° close to the fire I don’t even have that on let’s put that on damn it all right the biggest problem is veggies that’s the last of the veggies that I have prepared so uh we got to look at getting soups I guess we can boil some eggs right is this water which I’ve just drunk [ __ ] sakes why could you just use that water it’s going to get purified whil it’s cooking anyway God damn it how’s your ATV Blitz that’s what we want to make right there but which one the one that isn’t broken riding over a little Pavel what a waste for e and has arity hasn’t sorted out the problem with the uh durability of it still a [ __ ] up right oh really not as bad so you don’t go over a little rock and that’s it 10% damage or something not what I heard huh okay but it was exactly the same he needs to do a lot more than just mining adjustments [ __ ] hell so the egg counts as protein [ __ ] stupid you know what I wish I wish YouTube wouldn’t have done these live reactions thing gets in the way I can’t see what what’s said now must made me cry watching the stored electricity Disappear by the second nothing ultimately what we want is uh to make that chicken stew cuz we’re going to get premium chicken or Red Chicken biggest problem right now it’s carrots potatoes what we have there’s potatoes there there’s a whole bunch of potatoes here Tomatoes Buckle carrots okay got to plant plant some carrots in the next one H oh boy okay [ __ ] sakes any what to get carrot seeds Jesus that’s [ __ ] terrible and what were you doing to lose 10,000 power down to nothing using your uh refiner or yeah I’ll wait until you guys are in then you can sort it out then meantime I’ll uh I’ll FL along and struggle for ooh tasty little Gentleman Jack Daniels nice nice to burn the throat like that very nice at least that is done uh I think the next day we’re going to go box hunting um snuff out a couple animals uh pick up whatever we can to feed these goddamn chickens try and get this [ __ ] sorted as well sun’s coming out sun’s out bolds out you know how it goes for as what now Roomba what the [ __ ] is roombo dude a game venial disease what in sweet [ __ ] is going on oh there circular robots yeah I wish Jesus just expensive man thought he had a problem with his knob end try to relate to somebody who had the same issue for for fancy pants dude that’s what that is Fancy Pants can’t afford that [ __ ] dude always wanted one they look fancy man too rich for my blood it’s time to do a little bit of hunting oh doggos and a little bit of snow all right enjoy din the still doesn’t help me Blitz you forget I’m in South Africa ah you’re in the mood are you in the mood to move your base all right let’s do this I’ll help you let’s go I’ll start with the bottom pillars first bring the uh structural Integrity first and then we’ll just watch the base fall apart how about that oh yeah cool Blitz thanks man I appreciate it dude I’ll send my dress we’ll get you moved yet Envy we’ll get you moved do it do it that’s too big man look at that it’s too big rabbit yeah but that’s that’s by your own choice dude for I nice one Blitz better better make sure she’s uh you know not doing a little something something you know what I mean all right plane where did you crash I do think she had you dude she got jiggly with somebody all right let’s get back to base yeah getting a bit of a wide art here hey buddy hey buddy yeah you can speak SP Ive for for right could have start on the carrot front now fun all right let’s see if we can go Nick some carrot seeds from these [ __ ] neighbors of mine perfect thanks cute for it is cold in game it is cold here clear clear clear sky R now Sunset about to happen here but with winter oh it is cold when it’s clear least the Whisk is there to keep me warm oh do love that burn well we got 400 left so uh winter was actually pretty mild in the usage of that we did through a fair work of the field bricks though but still um we managed quite well and I’m loving than you know Q mentioned this the dynamic weather that he’s come up with is so good oh so good at least he’s got something right a lot of potatoes a lot of potatoes for for for for looks rather nasty out doesn’t it he he for for for for for for well look at that for once it’s down low that’s not too bad where that’s at might it be in the morning for for for for for for for for oh let’s see if we can get there in the storm yeah I would need that yeah would need that either all righty see if we can do this he she she for for h yo how’s it going man all right how’s it do been waking up still waking up ni so when when does this new job thing take into effect um and why what do you mean why well why why does he have to cut the hours back well because the the sales are down 12% for every store so the whole company is down 12% oh okay yeah yeah he’s like even talking about closing two stores oh [ __ ] yeah so I’m like right now is the time to implement my plan which is now I just work Tuesday to Friday and I have uh three days off and celery cut nope no celery cut that’s a bonus is there’d be illegal anyway oh right okay all right just be right back yep did the plane crash close very close well I mean it’s just above W area in compar when usually is you know when I came in the last time it had crashed right outside my house basically oh wow yeah but I guess somebody was already on the boxes were already gone so it was how long ago was this oh quite a uh two days ago oh okay and then when was on uh just before that uh crashed on the side of the mountain um on the very upper edge of the mountain where there’s like nothing it’s just rock uh so I climbed up there I could only get one because one of the other cases was stuck to the side of the cliff and you couldn’t get to it ah yeah I tried I tried so hard to get it that’s annoying and it was so far down I didn’t want to break my leg and die yeah yeah rather just get what you can get and don’t risk it yeah so I got one box got a shitload of ammo and that’s about it well basically right now shitload of ammo I mean couple ingots here and there in the air tank but yeah I don’t know why he’s giving stuff that we can build over I don’t know either give rare components that we have a hard time building like circuit ports yeah or or give us some refined ingots of the ores that we can’t get yeah yeah I know I’m surprised he has introduce gold into the game and having to use gold on surfaces don’t give him ideas please it’s bad enough go g yeah Blitz it Blitz said the next update structural Integrity yeah that’s what I heard too what a [ __ ] joke yeah you’re going to watch the base fall apart that’s stupid absolutely stupid wonder how he’s going to implement that yeah cuz that’s going to be how high you can build yeah g I don’t like that idea yeah actually I think most people don’t like that idea yeah then again we know he doesn’t give a [ __ ] so well he’s not building the game for us he’s building theame I know at least I think he is I I want to see I want to see him play it I want to see him play it as as it is now and I want to see what he thinks of it I would like to see yeah I’d like to see him play his own game I’d like to see him do a Q&A live on on his channel while he’s playing the game while he’s playing it yeah absolutely can you imagine cuz uh I don’t mind the fiber change and the medical plant change it does slow you down it does uh make you uh stop and pick yeah I I’ve got no problem with that look around yeah you where do you it look like you dropped a box back yeah I did but it’s it’s fine are we still in February or is this March we’re in February still [ __ ] yeah we in February last night when I came home yeah deep into February cuz I went out and it was just like a white out went out to get firewood well I mean that’s that’s how it is right now it was so white out that I could barely make out your house Jesus yeah yeah it’s pretty bad it’s pretty bad up see is is adding a patch to the inverted Mouse setting God I hate that they invert most oh just makes flying near impos hello Mr moose get him you get it man he’s heading towards your base there we go swimming over to you to the bridge you can trap him in now he’s running in your yard no he’s right outside your base dude get him get him I’m not in game yet oh come on man stuck in the stuck on the on the bridge I can only go as fast the cable let me enter oh he’s stuck right in the little Alco by your base excellent base strikes again man that’s white I hear yeah Shide your B oh hello he stuck under right my stairs yeah that’s it easy dinner dude nice moose M that was sck shots in the head and not one a head shot good figure yeah hilarious nice okay so 44 have and I have been working furiously on uh uh on getting things cooking uh but we are wul short on everything that’s going to help us make circuit boards ah wul R so my it’s C here Jesus I’ve got at silicon and that’s all I have um I’ve actually got four made circuit boards we just got to make the wind turbines and everything I’ve got uh electronic components I’m still trying to work on making my heavy clothes yeah yeah get that done well it’s B late now yeah make them oh they make them then yeah still need to make them for next here do it do it do it s boards can come over here okay if you want to go diveing four pearls and Sandstone is I think two two put air tanks left only if you want it you don’t have to who what me you yeah go to the cave get some crystals deal with a little bit of batt alicious the Cave’s all yours he touching that cave you love the cave go on nope you know you want to not at oh what is it about the caves that you don’t like um cuz they cave I mean that’s fair but there got to be more of a reason than that uh I just don’t like caves I can go into caves to a certain point but uh once I get Beyond let’s see the light the entrance I I don’t like that okay I can’t even watch cave move oh really yeah that bad huh like The Descent and whatnot there is H chenny chicken chicken chunes CH chunes yeah chicken Cho chies look you even got camel pants toing yep anything I got to do is change my helmet oh yeah yeah your helmet there we go that’s better special be yeah Special helmet for a special boy yeah let me head out and see if I can find a lock box didn’t F there I thought I do oh I bought the other Cana stuff I thought I bought the helmet with it’s not yeah I want to get that uh that Predator skin looks awesome there okay for Envy moving base I see good job dude oh is he moving close to us again yeah he’s going to move close to us aren’t you mate yeah no sitting down that’s it bad bad boy oh now he’s turning his back on me all right okay fair enough turned his back on us huh yeah that’s it we’re not going to extend the walkway to that little rock over there that would be ideal wouldn’t it woohoo lock box let’s go weapon SPS come on no [ __ ] sakes of course not yeah of course not be asking way too much wouldn’t it it’s still winter time so you’re probably not going to get how are the boxes actually been pretty good I got one piece of cloth in a box I I mean there there’s been a good mix of bad and good but I’ll be honest with you I’ve mostly got good boxes which is unusual for winter I you know you you all know ability to paint the walls you have to refine the coil or something what [ __ ] painting I mean only come up with something better than paint what do we get to paint the walls yay I’m so excited for that paint the wall wow paint the walls yay oh Che at that arrows in the fence oh I’ve never seen that before excellent I’ll take that then thank you six arrows left okay it’s like we were talking the previously it would be so handy if you just give us a a stronger solar panel big a solar panel make it more expensive but you know especially now with what it takes to get one solar panel or what jeez [ __ ] off wol along with new furniture or items to place in the base really really do [ __ ] all on the furniture as it is what’s the point of giving us new furniture the people waste time resing up their base have you seen what it makes to to make sofa dude a lot yeah when there’s that [ __ ] could be put into meaningful things dressing up for your base is done after you’ve got the yeah exactly exactly that’s what the majority of the people are asking for yeah this he’s not doing it by what’s requested he’s doing it like you say for himself well let’s put it to chat okay right chat what do you want if he had to if CG had to say to you what do you want in the game what would you ask for three things three things only go oopsie I did not obviously the the better power or improved power I mean okay so what would you ask for three things go the obvious one The Improv power yep um uh fix all the bugs yep or things like that um and improve the you have more options on land instead of having to go under water all the time right so we’re talking about that like a water cave or something stuff like that yeah the airplane is in the right direction but I think very much so very much so there could be more to it than that yes agreed because what you’re getting out of it yeah it’s like and the uh the improvements to the power the like the upgrades um I think can be diminished somewhat I would change the crystals to Glass I would I would restructure quite a few things why do we need rope for a fridge like little things like that could do a lot of improvement agreed very much so not necessarily make it easier no no no not at all in fact what I would like to see him do is make Winters harder I would like to see that to me the winters are too easy make it r really hard in winter like I would definitely I definitely um introduce like um white um like um wolf packs not just single wolf pack every now then roaming wolf packs yeah roaming wolf packs that could be kind of interesting but then you figure out their pattern yeah well that’s fine figure out their pattern but still make it hard cuz to me it’s just too easy in winter but if you’re going to make something hard you’ve also got to make something easier yeah there’s there’s not many predators around in the I’ve always said from the moment I started playing this game how come there’s not a water Predator yeah that way you can introduce a new G system for land people don’t want to go water polar bears yeah see I’m not so sure you know if you think about it it’s winter time how come we got Mountain lines why don’t we have snow leopards you know I don’t want to kill I mean it’s not a massive ocean so it’s can’t can’t exactly have orchids can we well it’s not an ocean they’re Inland Lakes yeah the’re Inland Lakes so you’re not going to have orcas in Inland Lakes Red’s just saying or you know you could have like um the Ogo Pogo what is the Ogo Pogo uh I know who is W no no not not the person o poo the the uh mythical creature that lives in open like muskies muskys in the water would be good to eatting Pike so so I mean if you if you seriously look at that if you’re going to introduce muskies then like I said with everything that you do you got to have a counter yeah an alternate way to get to the caves up the mountain say and then in winter it’s difficult to get to the cave so make it accessible via the bottom through the through a crack in the ice or whatever or vice versa in winter it’s easier to get to the cave through the mountain obviously because then the water is frozen over in winter so whatever you do you got to have an alternate now to me I like you said the power thing make it more expensive if you want to have a bigger solar panel but then give back us having a decent power input then and by all means take away the stove hack you know and put other settings into the game like adjustable settings so that you can adjust to make your game even harder or adjust the amount minerals that are allowed to spawn things like that that can definitely make things harder is adjusting how much resources you can pull out at one time and adjusting um what sunen lens does is um it lets you adjust how quickly or how slowly uh things respawn uhhuh so you can set it to Everyday respawn right uh it default is every 4 days well it’s it’s the same with valim say with valheim you can tell it to um when you do your resource collection that you get double yeah but that’s kind of cheap yeah but then what then so it is having sliders to adjust your game so you know it’s it’s cheating but it’s not cheating why do I need planks to make a lockpick you know that kind of [ __ ] yeah it should should be metal should just be metal exactly so instead of four scrap make it eight eight scrap eight scrap and an Ingot yeah exactly and then have it last or not one lock pick but maybe two two or cuz it’s a metal ingot exactly yeah it has a durability slightly by yeah to make it last yeah yeah exactly you can use it like twice or something yeah cuz those and they’re very expensive so now that’ll be down for oh I need eight more weapons Parts ooh I’m going to do it this is going to be the session that I do it can to get my lever action yeah oh yeah it take takes 20 weapons Parts dude that’s a big [ __ ] ouch yeah it is considering that they’re bar Queen yep what’s up with the have you got a um a a dodgy internet tonight what my internet yeah no why yeah every now and then your vocals kind of go into like a robotic like you’re part of the Matrix or something wait are you part of the Matrix [ __ ] aren’t you which pill did you take well I certainly didn’t take the red pill did you take the blue one how you feeling cous a bit of a blood rush going on oh my yeah we’re just about ready to pick them out all of them out just about they can stay in there for now and and food recipes man come on come on we need food recipes here CG [ __ ] sakes we’ got potatoes there’s like a thousand ways you can make potato stuff chips for example from the animal fat come on we got onion let’s make the blo onion deep fryer make make a pot that is a fryer pot yeah make make a pot well we got a pot already so why don’t we just use that yeah yeah I know but I mean you you can you can’t have both you have a choice you can make a fryer pot or you can make a cooking pot or change your stove to have a um a four plate stove and introduce an oil pan that’s even better come on CG come on man structural Integrity really why can I not say that word today Integrity I’m struggling to say it today English is hard are hard yeah words are hard yeah that’s fair all righty let’s see and we speak a lot of slang so level level n these [ __ ] are on level nine come on now fellas get to 10 so I can kill you all oh got such a schy nose Shay is the new mic if you’re there she she is new mic is doing very awesome ain’t it 44 when’s the webcam she’s got one oh hey hey do you know do you want to know something I know what 44 looks like I know what 44 looks like I know what her hands look like I’ve seen the top of a leg I’ve seen the top of a leg the unveiling the camera the the microphone yeah I know what a couch looks like she was wearing gray slacks she going to jump into game and come sort us out that’s what she’s going to do next yeah what are you too shut up you bunch of Muppets see this is this is why 44 I don’t do unveilings of anything and if I do it I do it from my perspective I don’t uh yeah yeah I don’t I don’t that not going to happen okay we’ll leave those be oh she once she’s eaten she’s going to come in and sort us out see what you’ve done Q you’ve upset or now oh you’re having dinner you haven’t yeah what you having 44 what’s for dinner evening sausage oh she had sausage bake yesterday oh I tell you I tell you now lasagna tonight oh my favorite homemade homemade I hope hope it’s not b in oh is that another luck box already it is better be a really good B in [ __ ] this [ __ ] better be good come on weapons Parts oh Jesus honestly really let’s go take him from my house no I refuse to it’s I’m fighting I got dude I got 22 I don’t care how many you got I’m fighting this oh God okay I’ll just drop them off no [ __ ] you won’t cuz I don’t know exactly how many I’ve got kick me off the BCU can’t get in the house what a great idea thank you yeah 44 already gave me three exactly okay I’ll give you two and then you can get your lever action then you can go feed us [ __ ] that I’m doing that already how hell I got my own food I know you have I’m just taking the piss mate I took eight uh carrot seeds by the way yeah no worries go I actually looking forward to Wi the bear is are back yeah food food and fat yeah food and fat and get rid of these white wolves W are annoying they are very oh I can see them but it’s just annoying cuz they’re usually placed in a spot where things spawn yep oh look at that ground changing to White we got a storm coming in yeah I really like that Dynamic feature yeah you can even see it on the plant yeah yeah one thing has gotten right one thing he has definitely gotten right Dynamic weather w got one shot sniff in the air hey what what’s there is that growling near you yeah okay uh sorry I’m uh no no no can barely hear it before no no don’t worry about it mate you can barely hear it I just heard a growl and I thought [ __ ] is that me yeah it’s my speakers okay cool no no don’t turn it down it’s fine can barely hear it don’t worry about it don’t hear [ __ ] it’s go good I turn it up cuz sometimes during the wind you can’t really hear the H yeah I know oh what were you saying about adjust settings that would be nice to have wouldn’t it yeah the wind I find really loud yeah and there’s only uh and a lot of the other stuff you do is very soft yes yes yes I do shene yes I do I don’t deny this oh come on man super just I’m surprised you didn’t work on a submarine yeah the Clos in closed spaces oh I don’t know man oh dude you you would have been the perfect candidate I know with all them fellas in in one tight Place one fart that’ll be over man there is that all those subs nowadays are actually pretty good they been their tight cramp but not as bad as they used to be ooh look at you 44 I’ve ordered a new boot arm the flange mount for my table flange Mount holy [ __ ] fcy wow she styling huh she’s prepared to get monetized now oh yeah she’s uh she’s ready to take on the world man okay where’s that wolf I heard you are you inside the rock you know I’m going to have to do something about that wind of mine never [ __ ] off wolf you tired of these white bastards sounds like our government anyway time for a different story there I’m tired of my white government too I’m tired of my government don’t care what color they are exactly yeah oh EnV I got a perfect spot for you dude come on man stop [ __ ] about move to the right neighborhood I said right chat what I want to see is more women in politics what I want to see is more boobies yeah I’m G to see more women in politics no I actually agree with you on that front definitely I think they would do Dar better yeah Absol I agree wholeheartedly come here Wolfie red you want to see strip in government not quite what we were thinking but anyway each to their own well wait do that too wait R did you vote for Trump oh God just checking I’m concerned I would be concerned too with his with his schedule F plan yeah no I’m just checking because you know somebody who wants strippers in government is probably the one that voted Trump in so that’s all I’m just checking just just want to make sure he so have you heard about his uh plan for schedule left uh no okay so go on then give me the load down I’ll give you the low down on the Quasi HR government HR um y I don’t know what that means but anyway there’s on average about 2 million uh workers that work in certain sectors in the government okay oh yeah yeah we talked about this the other day right yeah and now would you want somebody who has never been an engineer never you know would you rather have someone who writes books running your nuclear plant because he was loyal to Trump no no we talked about this yeah yeah no [ __ ] that that’s the stupidest thing ever and that’s what he wants to do he wants to political size certain positions in certain yeah aspects of the government y which would uh Doom the world I don’t know if there are any more nuclear reactors still running in the US but that’s just one scenario that could happen Okay so now we’re hunting for iron now or imagine the traffic chaos cuz someone unqualified in civil engineering and what not it’s just running it’s basically getting all these cronies in in it yeah yeah that’s what it is it’s all about loyalty y with him it’s all about loyalty it means nothing else matters but loyalty yeah that um sounds like dictatorship to me he it sounds very much like dictatorship yeah first person that came to mind was Saddam Hussein and for a country that fought against a person one person yeah dictatorship yeah but odd is it and it’s basically what a monarch was yeah so the two head towards that direction he was kind of Bly yeah well just saying but there are a bunch of [ __ ] tods in America there sure are a lot of them and I don’t mean generalization there I’m just saying in each country there’s a bunch of [ __ ] dos they’re mixing religion with politics and this is what happens when you do that yeah this is the end result I get a [ __ ] nut job in charge of it just shouldn’t be should be [ __ ] committed to a hospital and also Americans aren’t having enough children really yeah that’s what they’re that’s this whole thing is all about is Americans aren’t having enough children uh this is what he says got we got to stop abortions we have no this is what people have put him in power today oh right okay so the idiots that are in charge currently yes right he’s not not not Biden’s side but these are the ultra right uh rights that are are basically tting uh a Bible in one hand and preaching politics in another and a handful of coin in the other that’s right right gotcha Le this is how I’m seeing it from what all the news I’ve seen and all the talk shows and how does this fall down to that well it does but doesn’t so you’re Happ to not be there in America then for now yeah well I wish we had some more of the civil liberties that they have compared to Canada um just certain things um but what Canada has but the the problem is is that it’s everything’s mismanaged here there’s it’s it’s very political when it comes to building things when it’s come to uh fixing things um people uh the older generation are afraid to change it and the younger generation want change but don’t have quite the power to implement that change okay that’s it’s changing slowly but it’s too slow and then you have someone like Trudeau who started off good yeah but it’s really ending his his rain badly oh really yeah um and both parties make good points but when it comes to certain things that people like and want and and have already and don’t want to lose um it’s going to come down basically to the conservative voters and the undecided whether or not they’re going to vote liberal or conservative okay so in this election in Canada it’s going to come um it really does matter that every vote counts right because we have such a low population every vote matters and what they’ve been seeing in the past is the younger generation who are 18 and older have been voting more okay but that’s a good thing well yeah that’s what we want want the younger generation stepping up and taking their place instead of letting the older generation get older and not so the wiser right the older generation is more experienced in things but don’t have new ideas we need people with fresh ideas new ideas a little bit of common sense a little bit of Street smarts that kind of thing cuz right now the way that we’re heading I don’t know yeah you better read R’s comments in chat if you’re able to make come make sense of it yeah there’s flinton yeah the next one uh the next one refresh I just got the last one I but is uh no did you forget Clinton okay he says and a big stink going on in Canada is happen is they have quarter of those reps are working for other countries that’s right so they say but that hasn’t been proven right but I would assume there there has been a lot of influencing going on this is why I was so against um politicians doing messaging on things other than blackberries because blackberries were encrypted yeah and they weren’t so easily hackable or spied on device um but now they can reach people other ways right it’s not just yeah we just need to stop bickering and get on with it yeah sounds like every other country mate yeah yeah yeah no no like Canada is no different than any other government than yeah like all this is varying degrees of [ __ ] basically varying degrees of [ __ ] with tolerable living yeah like uh I knew that when I left school and started working and stuff like that that I would probably never own a home oh wow really yep just not possible the generation the generation now uh the millennium now can barely afford a home and it takes two of them to do it so what are people doing renting renting a lot yeah and there’s not enough rental housing so that creates the market Jam so what happens rent goes up yeah because they because people will pay it yep now Red House splid Down a little bit but nothing significant yeah sounds like one dodgy slippery slope man like I’m lucky that I’m paying just over ,000 for my apartment do the apartments that come up for rent in my building yeah are 1,500 plus a month that’s for a one oh so you got a good land there yes and no the rent goes up every couple of years as they’re allowed to raise it every year without showing proof that they’ve done improvements to the building without showing proof they’ve done renovations to the Suites they can just wait two years and up at the max wait two years up it again yeah what I’d like to see is that changed right I want you know people are paying good money into a rent they’re paying more than 33% of their monthly income into rent which is which is the government says that your rent should be no more than than that your your monthly expenses for your home should shouldn’t be more than 33% it’s more than that it takes about 55% of your wages Jesus or more to uh maintain an apartment sometimes you get lucky and power is included and the heat is included yeah but your rent is like uh $1,800 a month but you’re probably the apartment is probably a pretty nice apartment that includes the Heat and so and the hydro so that you don’t you’re not paying that as well on top of your rent cuz in the winter time you’re going to be running the heat a little bit more and if it’s electric heat you’re going to be paying a hell of a lot more in power so what is it what is it average salary then like I do well that depends on the profession right of course so let’s say take me for instance so average worker uh depending on what you do if you’re unionized or non-unionized will make all the difference in the job you do right um so on average for people in British Columbia um need to earn in excess of about $50,000 between the both of them together to buy a house and that’s bare minimum a house is like 1.2 to$ 1.5 million depending on where in Vancouver and sometimes more because people are willing to pay because they want the house so bad they’re willing to pay over what the asking prices right and that that unfortunately sets a precedent for everyone else selling their house yeah which inflates the market now bear in mind that uh the average housing price is already inflated by 25% so if you minus that off the uh 1.2 million your average house in Vancouver is still $900,000 so you might as well call it a yeah yeah and then you got lawyer fees and then you got Banks to deal with Y and you got your mortgage and your mortgage can be anywhere from let’s say ,000 to $2,000 a month so you got to be making really good money to be able to afford our he let alone to buy one outright right so for someone like me who’s nonunion who works slightly above minimum wage uh for me to be successful in maintaining a good quality of life yeah need to be making about $25 an hour okay and well most employers aren’t going to pay that right unless you’re unionized right which you’re not oh no hell no why such a bad thing what unionized yeah Union uh um because they cost a company more money right it’s all about the bottom line basically and unions do also ask a lot like they do take money from your paycheck as union fees but in return you have Union protection right um You have protection from uh fire Rings you have protection from layoffs you know there’s all kinds of good perks yeah and if the union is good um you’ve got good pension set out you’ve got enough it it’s all about the pension and the retirements so there are good benefits that you just companies don’t like it because com companies can get held up through Union disputes strikes lockouts walkouts right yeah and if it’s in the public sector it pisses off the public and then the public gets pissed off at the government then the government has right right you know yeah it’s it’s never a win-win no doesn’t sound like it now I should get some more silic uh yeah like I said Q I’ve got four um of these circuit boards here so if you want to make something up using whatever we’ve got to put on the roof go for it are you uh you must be drawing power from my solar panels and yeah mine right yeah yeah oh yeah yeah yeah that’s kind of cool that it works that way I like that cuz with enough resources and materials you could build the whole way around the L so are the Hunters coming on in Spring no we’re not putting them on why are you so upset about that because I wanted to see something different ah okay well don’t worry his update is coming soon no doubt he’ll make things even more bloody difficult oh yeah we’ll have to start off over oh God better not be it better [ __ ] not be I don’t think it’ll be a wipe it’ll just be yeah it just be an up some I don’t think he’s ever wiped he don’t think so yeah yeah if the Hunters on we get more weapons weapons parts for sure but and crystals and everything else don’t want I just it’s so risc you I just couldn’t be bothered we turn them on now they’re going to be there with massive fortresses within a week yeah that’s one thing I would want him to fix the uh the advancement of the Huds and yeah I’ve got to jump out of game and jump back in again the audio just glitched out because I got stuck on the side of the [ __ ] wall over here so now I don’t hear any wind and the generators are super loud wow yeah fix that CG before you update other [ __ ] at painting the [ __ ] walls honestly quality of life um fixes would be nice yeah I agree wholeheartedly really and we got four more days before we head into March 361 days of 365 so we’re just about there and then living is easy easy living easy come on we need carrots damn hello Jesus bloody hell shaky just fell my feet good grief oh straight into my feet I was like hello what a way to start I know I’m disappointed your clothed though I mean you could have come in naked oh look at that it’s snowing typical you brought the snow with you Shaggy I did didn’t I damn it how you doing otherwise I’m doing good thank you good good I I’ll tell you what you want some you want some carrots yeah actual carrots yeah yeah give me a minute yeah cool awesome fix the floating animal says Envy absolutely the animal is terrible the floating boxes in the and animals yeah but they’re running down hill it’s ridiculous yeah although they are pretty easy to catch in the trees yeah better power gain yep yep I’m sure he probably gets that a lot I’m sure he watches his Discord but yes better power gain for what we’ve put in to make happen yeah absolutely they’re not cheap they are not they even worse than what they were in the first place yeah like crap we would already have like 15 solar panels up by now and yeah right that I think that’s what he wanted to slow down with the fact you could build power up so quickly yeah that it’s not a challenge but Q if that were the case if that were the case he would have taken off the uh the power hack on the stove yeah I don’t think he I wonder if he knows well if he does know about it I wonder if it’s because he can’t fix it could be fixing it might fixing it might cause a conflict something else yeah could be does that help it certainly does have than no worries I I can make um I can make nice chicken stew now oh nice well our chickens are dead now obviously yeah they are yeah so we got three slots available I if I find one I’ll grab one cool sorry you saying oh no okay sorry no no I got it in oh that’s what she said boom boom there you go pretty windy out it’s very windy out giggity giggy gig I need to actually get the sound butt for um can I touch oh that’d be quite cool actually oh yeah should be able to get that no problem though good fors a it definitely no one be touch no one can beep touch okay Ste we go only three [ __ ] expensive to make half of wife no one wife no no one pee touch okay this we can do what’s that from any you don’t SC I have ever seen it really what are you f hole deeper they dunking his glasses in the humus yeah in the humus yeah show it’s not the size of the peep it’s the size of the Bush don’t see movies like that anymore oh no definitely not oh carrots or like meatballs andies remember meatballs and pork balls yeah jeez can you imagine making a movie like that these days there’d be a [ __ ] R nerd the nerd yeah even Police Academy dude yeah police good can’t makes [ __ ] like that today man CL yeah absolutely agree good was good oh yeah when good was good and now bad is bad start growing actually what I’d like to see is uh if you fall I would like to see the Ice Break at certain points and if you fall in the ice you’re cold yes that starts to bring your health down yeah sh and I were saying that earlier as well that would be nice but not announce it just let it happen and see what people do oh God yeah that bear [ __ ] chaos what the floor I froze to death what why is this happening to me you know why it’s happening to you cuz you’re a [ __ ] that’s why [ __ ] it up a Wy that’s what I said right in another term all right okay y can’t say it in Canada oh no no you can’t say that in Canada no no song is so hilarious and he does the French one too which is great yeah H such a funny guy was a funny guy yeah yeah how much you take to make a Lockpick uh it’s 18 fragments and two planks and two scrap okay I want to make a pickax pickaxe if a pickaxe costs that much in future games I’ll never playing this game again I’m going to come over and make a um um a key yeah go don’t ask just do I am don’t ask just do hey yes sir do it do it do it do it Dylan get in the chopper I think we don’t have any iron fragments that’s the only thing we don’t have um just so happens we got four here and I’ve got three on the go here so yeah oh you got the stuff okay cool oh I already got it from my place I’ll shut it got I had mouth shut your mouth fat boy hello hello sweetheart get out of it get out of get out of it I didn’t realize sorry got got I got me um thing immed you’re all flustered now aren’t you after that I am look at you walking away all hot and bothered under the collar yeah that’s right well thank you very much hot as it is be bum off you you girls and your sweating heat thingies that you’re going through oh tell me about it’s horrible see a blow go through I tell you you would n we don’t need to go through that bollocks do we no no you don’t need to go through it but I wish you would you know what we’re what we’re going through that’s actually some do some men do yeah they do don’t they I call it manop man yeah yeah yeah the men can go through it as well def that men you pause from entering the body from here on out and that includes um having the mood s BL oh really yeah seriously yeah they really are a bunch of wusses aren’t they they have oh God three bees in one go what the hell is that nice well it’s almost March put come and put them in your fridge uh yeah that’s rest if any boys’s got any glass jars you can make up a whole bunch of No I gave you my um Sandstone I haven’t uh made any I’ve got 47 glass shards there I should make a couple of jars shouldn’t I yeah should be yeah I gave you about 5 59 um Sandstone y you said about making Dam that so better give it to you one empty jar I just got to make it happen make some jars now about the white wolves around don’t we I got 17 blueberries eight strawberries and 17 rose hip oh dude you can make a couple things yourself go for it I got travel mine I was find in so I I haven’t made any jars yet so uh I’ll make some sort as if there isn’t any Sandstone though ex all righty chicken stew in the fridge if you need a big prep up there we go oh [ __ ] yeah I do actually okay next on the list is uh yeah there is white wops around go white woopy yeah they’re still not g yet yeah yeah I saw it least you can see him a bit better now yeah do a little bit of hunting what have we got one Arrow left yay that’s not going to be good enough there a nice there’s a nice white wolf over there if you want him well you can get one of something get one of something or hit one of something oh nice yeah that does the job doesn’t it my heart help a little bit oh yeah okay let’s see if I can bring back a live animal hello white wolf how you doing that’s followed me oh there’s another BR H gra that one oh lock box anybody got a lock key oh yeah I have I just made one didn’t I fantastic right opposite the white wolf oh there look at that nice it’s worth it probably it probably will be no my like no weapons parts wow it’s winter time got three glass panels though oh nice help towards getting your glass bit done yeah keep it for yourself and complete your building make it fancy F man come on I was thinking about moving my plant beds actually down on my Veranda bit making it a bit wider just makes it little bit easier yeah just in case we can join up all the um water thing ah yes well that’s a oh yeah the water pipe be worth a try oh yeah um cost a bloody Fortune though there you go yep uh let’s see what does each pipe cost holy [ __ ] yeah where but it’s all on the placement of the pump yep right y yeah so where you going to place the pump well seeing that I’m in most of the time uh you know where uh the uh oxygen tank is in that little section there oh the for there air tank yeah section yeah put it in there put it in there yeah and then just run it along the yeah the boardwalk somehow make it run because it has to be lined up doesn’t it kind of like squared off yeah it has to be done a certain way yeah and it’s been a while it sure has I’ve never done anything like that so I wouldn’t know hello chick hello little chu chu so what do we actually need as well I just to stand regular stuff there’s four circuit boards there so we can put up at least another solar panel or whatever well as um you put up any more yet at all or not do no I have I haven’t yet might be an idea for you to put one up then CU I put one up didn’t I um last few days I put one up didn’t I so yeah I haven’t got bit and pieces yet that’s what I just said I just gave it away Q circuit boards I’ve got four circuit boards ready to be used yeah and there’s other things to make up all the rest of the stuff so just grab it doesn’t matter who’s got this the the stuff just grab it from wherever and put it up because we all benefit from it so it’s all good yeah so what what do you want me to put up whatever you want uh turbine whatever you want you got the moment well it doesn’t matter cuz it’s it’s all combined anyway isn’t it so yeah yeah long as we get up to the power of um what did we say three at least eventually two two something yeah we were 1.24 cominging we wanted doubled that yeah so whatever you want to whatever you can put up put up yeah yeah and and we’re not upgrading at the moment we’re just putting up and then we’ll upgrade later yeah let me run this chicken back hav found chicken yet does it matter if it’s chicken or a um no at DIS point it doesn’t matter matter okay see what I can find there’s a rabbit there don’t hit it without killing it one webit one oh you bastard you moved bag EnV come move to the dark side L my arrow as well it that’s annoying isn’t it little Chu a little Chu are really not looking good at the moment mind a lot is not looking good at the moment F you [ __ ] damn it he’s dead yeah well doesn’t matter Lo me damn it chicken must I really run you down I don’t fancy running you down I certainly not up here either all right let’s go chicken okay run chicken run let’s do this I got a bunny you got a chunny got a chny a [ __ ] off straight to the wolf you [ __ ] chicken piece of [ __ ] [ __ ] there you go panel yay I’m going to get you I’m going to get you one more one more chunny oh you sneaky little feathered [ __ ] he okay okay got a checken there’s a there’s a bunny in there as well now all righty cool so we got three nice we have put white wolf hello bunny there we go first upgrade I don’t worry about the upgrades dude it’s upgraded once any the mon goes into the upgrades Mo just build yeah what am I doing here I need something to drink and take that damn that CH that chicken stew is the [ __ ] yeah it uh builds you up quite a bit both of them too sow again yep we are two days away after this night we’re two days away ingame days for March nice that’s good that being said I’m going to just take a little break give myself a cup of tea or something like that I’ll be right back for that’s you for we have room for more animal I have a bunny no we don’t okay I’ll eat them we have a maxim at the moment all right I’ll them two got one bunny and two chickens so looks like we need another C there you get Stormy Weather ni you for now for sh for for for than I see the conversation is flown nicely of course it is as always there we go what is this bloody winter again that storm what is going on cold outside she chilly oh God damn that’s a good cup of tea yeah it’s like plus one damn I’m like Envy just got back the Mrs unplugged the internet how on Earth does she have access to get to the internet my internet stayed up though Why didn’t mine go off only people who watched the IG Crow will know exactly what I’m talking about anyway what is going on up there jeez man does look good though don’t it it looks lovely right better feed some of these Critters on feed eh oh what do I feed him Le eat most things yeah but the problem is that I’ve got nothing to eat I don’t even have any um kelp to feed them yeah 4% food I better get them something don’t want to give them they not don’t know what to give them do I cook some eggs and give it to them they eat them I believe they do is kind of messed up yeah exactly see let’s see what they do for give them two eggs boiled eggs she’s pushing it today oh she’s connecting up the Wi-Fi extenders those things are [ __ ] useless man believe me I know oh Shaggy oh Shaggy what is going on tired why you so tired Shaggy I didn’t sleep too bad last night either you have a busy day today not really no from playing morning well I think that um playing that Bloody game morning s did your head in a bit it didn’t mind a little bit bit pain the B to say the least rather mm thought you said that if we persevere hopefully we can get the hang of it yeah I think it’s it’s all take exactly keep trying and see we would be all right you bastards you certainly do eat eggs oh all right is it good for him though uh well he cares as long as they get their food in not really using the eggs at the moment anyway true fry them up and Dish them out might as well daytime is it um yes morning yeah Morning has bre that’s the end of that one I can see you’re on edge today I’m good bit tired hear me now Shaggy why are you so tired man stence I kill you indeed all right my little furry honey pot Adventures there’s another egg for you to eat you sadistic bastards all right see what we can go for Five Arrows what are we going for uh silicon Run Okay chilly out as well I thought about going over to get the um a obsidian run but how cold it’s going be up there not in this wether thinking guess if I can find um the other one then lium La laum that’s a word for lithium lium roseit berries any excesses no going to go straight to the chickens yeah sorry I’m welcome back welcome back you know you gone yeah I was gone for all this time and I didn’t even know you were gone oh sorry that’s okay you’re all good so what time he starting in the morning anyway uh 8:00 there about if not earlier 8:00 your time mhm okay I will join when I can I’ll send all the relevant info to you problem um question for you Q um H contemplate this all you want all right we’re not exactly rushing back to valheim are we um because [ __ ] the ashlands yeah if I could play the ashlands myself I’m actually Ash has kind of made me lose interest yeah likewise yeah agreed um why didn’t you check out see if you can get ASA in place of that valan yeah I could do that because I I I mean I I’m speaking for myself here obviously I’m not going to speak for anybody else but [ __ ] valheim and the ashlands and I’m sure as hell not starting valheim again only to end up going [ __ ] valheim and ashlands again yeah why do they have to make it so ridiculous more multiplayer aspect no I mean I understand that um but there really are alienating a lot of people again just my opinion oh te making my nose run I did say I was coming down with something didn’t I you did yeah can feel it in my nose hate getting sick I don’t even know if Asa has uh private servers yet I don’t know find out I know Soul Mosk does but yeah Jesus that game is strange I mean it’s awesome y it really is a a good looking game but it is that that menu structure is just everything I’d rather I rate with it this morning yeah but I mean it the whole stream started off on the wrong foot anyway it did yes for sure that that definitely had an effect on the rest of my mood for that yeah I know it did so I tried to be kind to you so Soul mask is a nogo no I you know I I wouldn’t I wouldn’t say it’s a nogo I wouldn’t say that I I think it’s it’s understanding the menu structure and the the tiar of um how You’ got to build up your your character and this it’s kind of like the tutorial is is not very user friendly again just my opinion um um a lot of people really like it um I’m not saying I don’t like it I I quite like it I like the way the game plays it looks good it sounds good it plays really well it’s just that the understanding of how the the inner menu works and how you feel about eus Q is how I feel about Soul mask at the moment so if you if you didn’t if you didn’t enjoy the whole tier levels and the menus in um Icarus you will not enjoy this okay so it’s like that is it mhm well think about we’ only played itce our second time playing it as well which I think we need to play it a bit more absolutely correct to get to get the understanding of it yeah absolutely and and more than likely you know leave this to this the screen when you look at it 44 I don’t know how you feel about it it just seems so busy there’s so much in your face there is yeah you know I agree to to absorb like to take in like what where do I press and how do I build and how is it that I can repair at a bench but I can’t repair on me when I’ve got the items on me that kind of thing yeah yeah yeah I I do get that totally tily understand that as well though I was getting quite frustrated with it at some point I work how to do this that the other yeah get sort of rather Harin yeah uh it doesn’t look like it yeah I’m not surprised it’s too early to probably get one you know what a winner G portal would be if you were able to pause a server be good wouldn’t it yeah like I said you go away for 2 3 months or something and you got a server run be like come on just pause it so that I you know time doesn’t lapse I don’t lose two months out of the 300 odd days that I’ve bought for or whatever yep not be for he he he for all got a bit of lithium and a bit of um obsidian as well nice goddamn white wolf a few of them there about the whole animal thing it just takes up so much food resources does inde for for for all put the LI uh obsidian in the um fory thing all right cool for ch just TI holy hell Q what you got going on see you then sorry just making a bunch of lockpicks oh nice s power at the moment 11,000 okay want me to do the thing no I’m going to do it now it’s all good okay problem I have got my um ref one but I have got the um a generator going as well ohe cat it catch it catch it whatever you do catch it all right it’s coming over towards pwn 44 at moment going to go up look it’s climbing crash f crush crush you [ __ ] Crush no I going up up and over numpty oh might be going down no I’ve got some of that area ch oh he did crash where the hell did he crash good luck fellas good luck where the hell did he go there [ __ ] weapon spots in there I’m going to cry the env’s area right over I need to open that area up so I Haven got hardly any of that area over there is there me in yes he is it’s closer to him than anybody else definit yeah it’s getting dark though we’ll get there in time I be CL anyway so he probably be of going getting it yeah if he’s not already on his way might be that dude wanders in the night so he will be on his way there yes didn’t yordi do that too yeah yep he did yep what’s wrong with these people man mental well you did give 10 memberships last night he did didn’t he bless him and paid for the beer R too holy crap me and I got a membership and I’m already a member oh no how did that work out I don’t know maybe just coming towards the um renewal time and that’s probably why it kicked into for you done it automatically renewed any anyway so God what that’s that’s strange that’s all right I guess double membership now I’ll get for that well well I’m sure you find something I’ll allow you to show me your boobies no in Hell mate never never never say never I accept the challenge no you don’t fans only yeah 44 fans only we fan bases of zero one oh sorry that’ll be me no it be my who is this bloke Michael yeah he doesn’t exist just a figment of your imagination ah yeah but thing about that is ch’s already seen what he looks like I have God damn it Q you and I a chance mate he was he he was shocked what I was shocked at the baby face holy [ __ ] so much baby’s face hence the beard yeah oh yeah he lik the rugged rough type huh yeah ke you better startop going some hair on your head dude no never couldn’t do it if I even if I wanted to oh dear yeah close to you mate yeah it’s over the where Mountain area over your way it went down I think it went way up yeah it’s right up it’s where it’s really cold yep couple of heat packs stamina packs Health packs don’t break a leg mate yeah might as well make some uh fls while you’re at it and bring a nice light so you can see well I haven’t uncovered that area so I couldn’t tell you what exactly we’re about to is so I don’t think any uncovered that as far where how far that went I can’t check I’m going to check now I just come to the end of this little run that I’m doing here 19,000 will do for now okay let us have a looky L MV and it literally went where MV places it literally went of Southwest up there somewhere right up somewhere yeah I haven’t the area I haven’t got it uncovered either so like Southwest somewhere it went down like around the harmony area um well he’s in Fraser’s Gorge so fras it’s around fras Gorge somewhere further en fras I have that un covered either no I don’t H he SE there we go there a vog m break your leg I mean don’t break a leg right um hunting is back on very interesting actually yeah good luck dude I think you’re going to need it best of luck there Roger Roger Roger Roger over under Roger under over over under Roger there Roger Roger want to let you know we’re all thinking of you we’re all counting on you you can do it you can do it don’t [ __ ] up what name you guys that’s from airplane just let you know we’re all counting on you airplane oh God it’s such a funny movie Jesus no I can’t stand the dude in it sorry but Leslie neelson no cannot stand that look whatsoever I absolutely hate that L wow wow jeus no I do seriously can’t watch know but I can’t watch airplane with him and it no really can’t well you what do you say to that each to their own I guess I I guess yeah it’s almost as bad as Aiden not finding the carryon forms funny what about Naked Gun no Naked Gun two and a half no oh so you just I can’t watch them films it’s his I think it’s his sense of humor I just no what funny I don’t know I just find something not I don’t know what it is it’s just no watch them she she don’t get it that’s it yeah she don’t get it prob not she just don’t get it not it crashed off map well that sucks his slide of Comedy is actually can be somewhat weird it it is a little bit to me I sort of I don’t know I find it [ __ ] hilarious oh yeah don’t get him funny he’s funny but I just no I can’t do it I really can’t and I don’t know why I SP my tits over here what what was that I believe they call that a Hershey squirt that’s what they call the Cadbury slide oh yeah the ice cream dip we get worse are you like oh my word that’s the chocolate flake chocolate something yeah when you’re out and a b and you slip one of those out you get the whole chocolate flake scenario out cuz it didn’t cross over oh no making it you’re just such disgusting oh god seriously may do one of them again oh my word the [ __ ] the perfect time in 44 what the way you just said it off off the press the button brilliant to flush do my head in right chickens never any Sunstone when you bloody want it is though these [ __ ] guys are eating me out of house and home man better to go find food for them again maybe just have one or two of them would probably be better probably just one at this rate exactly they are expensive to look after anyway they are very food wise it’s nice that you get the eggs cuz then you can do steak and eggs so there’s that so they’re still Piggies they they they go through food jeepers and you also get better feathers too right yeah you get the premium feathers yeah good yeah if you can afford to make the premium arrows exactly Jesus which require crystals it’s iron scrap isn’t it that’s crystals a it is it crystals as well MH yeah Jesus yeah and then you shoot at something and then you miss it you lost your arrow oh kidding me one scrap one iron Shard one Crystal One Premium feather and if you miss and it breaks tough [ __ ] yeah yeah when you when you hit a animal with it anyway do it anyway so yeah exactly yeah it’s an expensive thing in the first place which is actually stupid if you think about it CU usually you can retrieve an arrow kind of like an Icarus get your arrow back I wish you did in this game God and then some be nice but I guess this game is not about living comfortably it’s uh it’s about suff subsistence providing just enough to survive that’s exactly what’s going on y February huh yeah this will probably be the last day of February l where are you what are you I’m over here by this tree head Michael hello Michael the you know what the voice doesn’t match the look that’s the weirdest thing I know like when I hear him now I’m going oh God that voice just doesn’t match him a very I you hear him toally clearly I can hear him now yeah then again that’s just me yeah you could to here in anyway mhm and it’s snowing again okay it’s swing again let’s go oh killed your other buddy so let’s do this let’s go no no no no no no I feel no pain no no no no no no you do do not feel your pain I do not feel pain for 10 men oh it’s it rather nice he puts a piranha down his pants yeah have you not seen it 44 You Don’t Mess with the Zohan no I haven’t oh God you got Netflix I have got Netflix yes yeah it’s on there check netx it might because it’s regional it might not be on yours that’s not on mine uh but if you got a VPN that can fool uh yeah Netflix into thinking you’re in the US so you could probably watch it that’s you know how sneaky Netflix is freaking bastards yeah yep I don’t know why they have to have a regional I mean doesn’t make sense to me cuz some countries allow stuff and don’t allow stuff can you imagine can you just imagine if YouTube got Regional it kind of is but it’s based upon viewership of of region not actual uh IP address like I see more content shown to me of American origin than I do European or any other I mean my days are quite literally spent getting food for these [ __ ] I’m not get having any more animals after this yeah in my solo game it was hard keeping up with the animals yeah myo game was the same too it’s just turned out to be like ridiculous I didn’t have animals in mine and and I the grow beds grow slower in Winter than at other times yeah I’d like to see a mechanical difference between uh an enclosed um Greenhouse as opposed to open where vegetables wouldn’t grow in the open yeah so that um you provide warmth then they grow more plentiful yeah wonder if you have to put a heater in there put a wood burner in there something to warm it maybe maybe I don’t know if that mechanic exists I don’t think that makes a difference you think it would yeah if you think about it you know something like um that requires a lot of heat or a dry climate or high humidity or something like that climate control you know yeah I mean he’s on the right path with the sprinklers sure is that was a big big big quality of life thing that is a a good game change that a so expensive to run out yeah exactly give us the power dude give us the effing power no no power for you no power for you I am all the power you need okay water tank let’s do this so let’s go I got three P for you as well it’s jly cold in this corner cancel that two of them some of that and what metal pipes metal pipes are made what the Shan so that’s what is required iron Zink and copper iron Zin and copper how many parts is it just one two of course it’s two why would I think just one okay too easy yeah is too easy I’m going to make you suffer oh yeah got make you suffer I got to up it by three yeah not only that once we actually get the thing then we have to make the other stuff to make it work yeah [ __ ] hell okay water tank coming in let’s see what chaos happens now oh who’s coming bouncing along shy got some more four pills for you so lovely all righty so we said we were going to put it down here see let’s see grab yourself a lockpick while you’re at it there’s some in the BCU I’ve got one I’ve got one on me so I made one a little while ago and there’s I think there’s four left in the BC I’m not another one yeah okay so now yeah ready to be [ __ ] yourself okay you ready for this so the water intake pipe takes two pipes four scrap and one Metal Ingot then the water pipes themselves cuz God knows how long those are or if it’s just one continuous pipe I can’t remember if you have to make like several hundred of no there is there it will take several pipes [ __ ] me to reach everyone metal pipes adhesive and scrap and then you get the plant bed sprinklers which are metal pipes obviously and for scrap and then alloy sheets yeah got some alloy sheets I mean I’ve got the alloy sheets that’s not the problem it’s the uh it’s the the iron scrap the iron fragments W I’m still uh refining a bunch of iron I’m slowly getting there but mine’s consumed and used for everything else what that swear to God if these animals are still hungry oh lock box look at that oh God they are Jesus Christ seven iron shards three more glass panels all right chickens I have some chicken oh you can’t take the chicken really [ __ ] off have vegges can’t they yeah just had just enough room to grab it all well take about to half our rose hip berries yeah oh what for the chicken mhm yep Jesus they took half of the 45 OU and immediately lost all their water yeah it’s like giving them seawe does the same bloody thing or kelp or whatever looks like another Storm’s in y the warden’s having hot chocolate Jeepers eh nice Y what she got planned for you TR oh God no when she has hot chocolate [ __ ] no M just give her HX Jesus Oh sleep mhm haven’t hads in years Man actually I should never been with a horse I wouldn’t know well I’ve certainly never paid for it so is that however I have charg no I’m just kidding oh dear oh dear me oh de me oh go gosh bananas like bananas my God what do you like quite a few things ban don’t like corn don’t like bananas what is going on with you I don’t know peaches you like peaches no I don’t they’re disgusting oh my God God Jesus there is no help for you app apples I like apples but I can’t eat them I got no front tooth we call that a passion Gap in this country okay bananas bloody big passion Gap then oh got about four teeth miss four front teeth missing I mean I will getting some I will be getting some bench can’t wear them to eat but I can put in my mouth you don’t say it don’t I can hear you Q you want to you either want to say something or you want to piss yourself laughing one of the two don’t do keep quiet behave I know think Darlene’s got Dentures oh so you like that kind of thing huh okay so you weren’t laughing you were getting all giddy huh okay right okay I get it what is up with you Q Jesus get a Griff man he to mute himself too chus just reminded me of of derling and what she used to say what did she used to say go on i c laughing so much good to hear him laugh CL yeah it is isn’t it yeah for sure we’re all waiting with baited breath for but you to tell us what daring needs to say well she still says it it’s just uh personal oh right okay right okay would you just [ __ ] start with that thing God damn it wind it’s also cold out as well one a little bit nipply out oh oh bang bang he killing a wall sure it’s not a bing bong bing bonging oh my I have got a whole bunch of jams being made because [ __ ] those chickens eating up bloody berries I’ve got 11 um rotate Beres if you need them it’s all right you’re right I think I got like 21 I got a tickle in my throat give me a minute is it a French tickler behave Christ man get a grip hey grip on what yeah on what exactly whatever want oh oh why I feel a bit flustered now my world oh God this going to take forever to get this water pump sorted I’m [ __ ] in the midst of giving up just do a little bit of time fine yeah dude you know what goes into making this man [ __ ] iron fragments zinc fragments copper fragments we all come together to do it don’t worry you feeling right there here y Bang Bang oh MV did you get the plane no it crashed out of bounds apparently oh that’s B [ __ ] there okay let’s see where these chickens are now they’ve gone through 25% oh sorry 15% of the food already God I don’t halfy like a housewife standing there cooking all day long my feet oh oh okayo probably bang bang bang bang bang bang I almost walked into what I would like to see is um like snow bu on the roof and stuff like that that’ be Co like what snow bu on the roof yeah snow on the roof oh yeah yeah snow build up on structures that are outside yeah yeah that’ be pretty cool I’d like to see more snow build up on the snow maybe introduce a snow reveal instead yeah bit of a silly ATV yeah I agree well we’re in Canada y hey flood lights look cool in the storm too bad you could make them different color see them from here oh armor them up you can see them from there yeah nice you for CR dang you you’re lit up like a Christmas tree over there anybody would think you’re having a disco this Mosh Pit area that is yeah that’s why sub mhit area there you go just for you I need to booming music to go along with it yeah I got some lithium PL in the background right now oh so is that we right back think get like a drink ready now almost now you for he just curious are the hunters and Rogues and other things affected by The Animals yes like okay so they do change chase them too they do chase them and if the animals kill they get leveled up well they do oh the animals get leveled up yeah okay that’s that’s interesting don’t forget your Tri and berries mate h Michael oh yeah so if they kill the hunters the animals level up just like if they killed us so it’s exactly the same so you know if you think about it it can get pretty damn hard yeah with the animals killing the hunters but but I was also thinking of can you lure animals to the hunters yeah you can and yeah you can and use them as a yep you know sort of weapon against them yep that’s interesting okay [ __ ] it’s such a shitty day outside is it oh it’s supposed to rain and it’s cold and it’s gloomy and and I left some my groceries at work last night I forgot locked up the shop I’m like ah [ __ ] a [ __ ] it I’m not going back for them I’ll get them tomorrow be right till tomorrow then yeah yeah oh I just left some stuff in the bridge what what time do you start work oh on Tuesday yeah um I my normal time 11:45 but also this way I I work eight hours four days a week nice so I won’t be leaving early on those days right cuz I need to maximize my ours yep yep you looking forward to it yeah no I’m just hoping Darlene’s work pick picks up again right now everybody is in a slump right we do have tourists people are coming uh I see new people coming into the shop all the time that don’t live that don’t live in Canada um but it’s not enough right right like they just aren’t spending huge amounts of cash obsidian not like uh it was uh this time last year people were just spending and even during the pandemic it was people were spending large amounts of cash uh because they were getting it from the government everybody’s now feeling the pinch Min is he that’s pretty darn cold yeah that’s yeah yeah I hear you it’s cold sorry Kitty didn’t mean to disturb you look lock pick h for all h for for all live e you I go West how’s it going dude sh I like [ __ ] yeah just a we bit looks a little bit like a Cornetto nice uh 44 is with me Magic Q is with me and envy W greets you all hey Wes yeah see CH ity was ch’s been a little bit quiet on you so we yep well I’m wondering what to do with the valheim server now uh Red Dead Redemption oh if only I don’t have that game oh such a great game holy hell yeah yeah it’s a good game I just wish uh the multiplayer aspect wasn’t so toxic yeah and toxic and everything else oh where is you trying to get all your ducks in a row mate when you move back to humidity City more for you for us oh for us sorry for us so it’s for us for us for ass I’m doing it for ass man I think today is the last day of February hopefully you said two days ago no it was 4 days oh four was it for [ __ ] Wolf Hold Still You [ __ ] all har for him and for her he’s saying hello to you the new perfume from Subs ARA sells like dog and wet fur stop running so far away you little [ __ ] why you running so far Jesus come back here [ __ ] ours for for oh who’s a [ __ ] I don’t know my DA’s calling somebody one though oh dear from that sweet voice I told you she swears I me I’m shocked no caran caran don’t let me down like that me got party M IR fragments Jesus it’s one pipe there’s another pipe hello she this will connect the pump at least all right I’m working on the iron fragments okay a for [ __ ] scrap God damn it I take it you guys are going to be still on I’ll probably be gone maybe an hour yeah I’ll probably be off by then okay well there’s 41 iron fragments in the refinery and there’s 105 in my chest under the workbench yeah well I one touch it plus plus 87 copper it’s it’s all good dude I’m not going to touch anything you need to start running that pipe right I know you don’t trust me it’s okay I don’t trust me either oh dear yeah so water pipes more pipes more iron fragments more everything well you know where they are come and get them if you want them I’m sure he won’t oh you’re right I won’t just build me a stove [ __ ] off did I don’t have to keep running back and forth hi honey I’m home hi sweetheart get naked lithium not with that noise and there’s and there’s eight there eight as well and on that note I’m leaving on that bum note Name That Tune what that shitty one yeah see you guys later all right uh so that’s ASA tonight oh well your morning right yeah 8:00 a.m. my time yeah okay might be earlier just depends on how it all goes well whenever you post your have you posted already yep YouTube will tell me YouTube will tell me what time it starts Co all righty man have a good one all righty bye ciao uh yes yeah it’s very slow going at the moment very very just trying to figure out this water pump at the moment it’s always tricky getting the uh the right input versus output it’s always an issue okay so this has got to go how does this work again there there and this goes to okay now we got to see that’s as far as it goes there so we got to kind of bagle it about to there that goes one way or another um let’s see I think that is out and that is in um [ __ ] it’s so confusing but whatever not enough pipe to make it work for now more pipe bloody oh [ __ ] iron um it kind of has yeah we’re in March first day of March there we go y first day of March be back should be back they are already back they will be back yeah when we uh see daylight again okay I’m going to go get these fragments I got 42 here for your fa Q is um very good at sorting out these pumps and all these things he knows what he’s doing my concern is if it goes um when it goes from the outflow what the question to anybody that’s played this Envy if you’re listening the outflow of the water tank can you have it out going to three separate locations how does it work do you just do you just flow from one garden and then carry on the piping to the next Garden I think that’s probably in my mind how it should work okay where did he say it was um there we go 47 I’ve got it here Stop in the Name of Love there you go where two there oh thank you wel that’s going to help many okay so you got to go from one Garden to another and then back again okay so basically where this water fil pump machine is now is no good I should put it in my base closest to my garden so that’s got to be moved so that mean it won’t be able to stretch over to us to either then will it it will oh it will if I put it here that it’s going to be a lot easier during the daytime that’s for sure course you that in there for now I have to move not that pipe that pipe there that’s got to go to that side there hat when that happens from this thought put it down over here let me see there we go one is we want it close to this window here so we want it kind of like this here that and then you got to take this wire out how do we do this oh we got to take it at the end over there okay it’s all rather confusing going to come over the power hat for you okay so we’re going to take it from here yeah there we go it’s connected there to that okay stay connected connected okay I don’t want to know what is in and what is out here let’s see that is incorrect I believe okay so that’s going to be moved to the other side see this side here that is now correct so now we can wash hands and full up cantens so let’s see not enough water in the tank okay we got to full up why is that not working then be are back yay the Bears are back yay nice so why are you not working late going into the water though AR you a pipe going into the water water it is it is in okay but it’s got a red line which means that it’s not quite right sometimes you got to move it for it to work there we go now it’s working it’s a little bit finicky sound it all right so now we should have running water right here and there we go nice not enough watering tank okay okay what the hell is going on here nice pump should be working but it’s not this is blue ah there we go there we go we are filling up with water I can hear it okay so that’s that now we got to connect up it is look at that Action Man jeez Dam here we go cens can be filled up directly from there now is pretty sweet okay so now we have the AR pipe from there and obviously that’s then got to go into the watering spre thingy so we need that and surprise surprise it needs pipe surprise surprise we don’t have any because we need sink okay now now this is the moment where we need zinc and a lot of Christ enough coer Jesus me a break there’s probably two yes it’s too pipe surprise surprise put that there for now copper see if Q’s got any copper I have in my box underneath my bit already smelted down under there I got check ke first okay closer yeah need to get this dude a stove man I need to get yeah let’s uh well let’s have a look and see what goes into Mak stoves happen he has then he’s upgrading it as well though it he’s got a whole lot of copper and holy [ __ ] Q I’m nicking it all mate don’t worry we did say we did say didn’t they so you did yeah it’s going to take a lot of pipe this holy just get oh these chickens are probably dead now oh no they’re okay they got with some water God it sounds like my Bow’s after the curry okay first plant bed we go look at that look at that fancy pants man a minute get this power F back up y sweet Yeehaw There You Go 44 no now the question is can we run it and as I say that it start to raining perfect okay so now can we run it yes yes you can so you can use multiple connections from the water pump itself okay that’s good then that is going to be pretty interesting yeah the storms are back this is going to cost us dearly these water things are going to cost us a lot an awful awful lot oh really what get the hell out of here man all right wow this is going to be horrendously expensive you know what it’s going to be I reckon each has their own water tank yeah yeah to do that we’re going to need to get a lot more power then really or have to get a stove in each of us so we can actually keep on top of it sort of thing yeah yeah yeah I think you’re right St first m probably good idea yeah let’s scrap that idea then yeah Q each have each have our own um I mean we basic we all just basically joined up for the power more than anything else really isn’t it yeah basically um to to run this from it took it’s taken two and I haven’t even left the uh the The Veranda Bungalow thing outside yet two wires water these [ __ ] things and that takes pipe adhesive better probably making your own yeah probably or or hear me out or we turn this entire front section into one massive um gardening area have space for it I’ve got three beds of my own I bring them over here slowly what do you think here we either we either I mean you want your own water pumps anyway to get water and [ __ ] like that anyway so [ __ ] it just we just okay we’ll build everybody their own okay that’ll be easier um stove okay what goes into a stove stove is for everybody chicken are level seven okay six metal ingots and 30 electronic components each yeah that is six metal ingots being made it is 360 electron I’ve got 19 here here 10 here Jesus okay Electronics let me gu see what Key’s got what you after um electronic components few but not many I got grab mine for you only got about eight or so because I hav’t been finding them every little bit helps I suppose anyway but you know I don’t want to take from anybody that’s anything I don’t think has any oh he does he’s got 16 okay cute so we’ll make yours then C oh I’ve got 11 there we go okay well let’s a start I’m sure we’ll get them oh we will do I’ll go box hunting in a little when it get um better yeah oh yeah yeah I’ll go and I’ll go um over to the field see I can grab over there yeah they should be quite more bit more plentiful exactly cuz it’s March now a it so it’s four Dr these ones five oh just in the chest underneath okay there you go there cool and that’s even without upgrading them yeah okay so that’s going to be one St go okay well at least you come F of water from this thing here so we need 14 more electronic components M okay put this pipe away thankfully that can still be used you know what’s annoying you’ve got the water tank why doesn’t it come out filtered it still comes out dirty you still got to filter it that is so stupid so stupid okay cute your stove where do you want it next Ste your fridge I take it in the corner just in case you decide to get another fridge over here don’t know if he’s in chat anymore I I supp just put it in there put yeah yeah yeah that’s true cooking two boiled eggs I’m going to feed it to the chicken okay cool right here comes the painful part the upgrade the upgrade takes 12 electronic components I’m to pick up to go find some then we got to go find plenty it’s it’s going to take two metal ingots that’s just for the first upgrade that’ll earn the second upgrade get that yep it’s a slow processing it really so yeah yeah it makes sense that everybody does their own thing we’re just all connected by the power exactly otherwise the m just be living under one [ __ ] roof right yeah true there is that okay so we just start getting more power as well so yeah haven’t got the power hack so it’s not too bad at the moment but not to have to rely on that said yeah correct that in there put that in there okay got some more metal ingots on the go good go okay let’s see what boxes I can find and ores although my pickaxe is knacked come on boxes where are you Dum To Butthead so it’s uh it’s whatever boxes electronic components and scrap yay three electronic components already [ __ ] off dog [ __ ] off yeah dogs are taking three bites now not two anymore oh H that’s definitely new why kind of weird yay hello bear hello hello Mr bear back hell sh upy shiff upy come on I screw you then get all them clothes oh oh thank you hello hey blueberries are back yay what is 44 up to we’re looking for boxes yep we’re Electronics Electronics scrap nice yeah I mean actually it’ll come pretty quickly I think it do yeah normally if I can normally if I run around the um field I can normally get about anything between 10 and 15 yeah exactly oh it’ll soon come along but this time day I ain’t going to do that no no no in the morning yeah [ __ ] yeah I heard that blue angel come on now see see poty M come on come on now you’re better than that love come on don’t step down to their level just quickly actually very very quickly quite H headed unlike me her dad ah right I quite headed as well he’s no longer with us anyway so oh right okay he died a couple years ago oh that’s not nice I think it be two years yeah he’ be gone and he wasn’t wasn’t that old but he got as oh okay as well as as well as Parkinson Oh surez by time the End by time it come close to the end of his life sort of thing he just wanted to end it basic he couldn’t they end going being on that like a p p um feed feed thing yeah jez it was not good it really wasn’t not bad actually get it well well that does happen he does yeah we still play friends with wife Miss so much um you need quite a bit of scrap then yeah I’m going to split my scrap in 50 so 50 of it on me Jesus this water is still running and filling this tank up holy [ __ ] give got 101 TR nice all for the cuse all for the cause yeah you know I was thinking the other day um why is it why can you not put a BCU up in your house I don’t know H just remember we had to remove it didn’t we yeah yeah to put the extended down there we go there’s another I don’t think I don’t think put one back either so yeah right there’s them there and drop the scrap in here as well might as well okay there okay that’s perfect I don’t think we need more than that okay okay so we are 10 shy away from making that happen level eight not bad I keep the scrap on me yeah now you can fill up your water using this see what you plant so oh the other ones yeah yeah I’ll make the rest of the sprinklers as and when stes around first MH to Mr bear it’s still pretty cold out here no boxes there you want the mass fabric running uh yeah okay let’s check minus damn it yeah it’s uh it’s pretty cool up there reers goodness me it’s a little bit cold for for never mind I’ve got the P forgot it I had in the uh electrical bch okay uh ingots okay let’s get your stove made okay oh that let’s get these generators on hey let’s take it over to 44s house oh look at a fancy Fanci here huh oh nice going to be a green house oh nice yeah that’s a way to do it and oh then you can move it thank you go anyway yeah I think tomorrow will work on well I will tomorrow after our um ASA run mhm I’ll be doing some subsistance and I’ll uh continue to do whatever I’ve got to do to get those things ready for you okay all the upgrades work on that all right chat there we go we are done and dusted for now I’ll just put everything back in case ke wants to come in and MK about and work on the upgrades for the stoves and all that stuff and I know that you guys for one of the upgrades need circuit boards and yes it does we need electronic components son of a [ __ ] I’ve got four ingots anyway on the go okay I’ve got four on me I’ll put that in the chest below the workbench in case Q wants to come in and Fiddle I’ll leave the scrap in there as well okay or if you want to carry on or do whatever I’ll just turn the mass fabricator off or now don’t want anything to go tits up no definitely not okay it’s all good let’s check these animals come come back and make 16 scraps that be towards both up as well so right make a circuit forward and I whatever is can’t remember yeah we’ve got um I need four electronic components to make one circuit board so yes we are we are so close to having everything all right anyway so yeah and then chat I will be back again with uh subie tomorrow afternoon I might do it as well no I won’t do it tomorrow afternoon I’m doing Dragon tomorrow afternoon sorry oh what you doing wild alone we are we going to do seven days to die because it’s um experimental the 1.0 it’s going to go or we’re going to do some world alone not sure which yet all righty well CH you know what to do not that I want you do to get over to the 44s oh for god sakes I’m just pressing everybody’s button there we go everybody there’s your links everybody that’s important just do it just do it there you go there’s some of the dragon’s doing gen zero I think sorry gen zero resing no no gen zero is um uh shoot shoot um people shooting machines okay turn that off and I turn the generator off as well the thing running there and the light as well there turn off tomorrow morning um it’s going to be ASA for the first time magic un and I first and then the 44 is going to jump in win again I be about 75ish for me so okay won’t be too long after you start we won’t get much done in that time any we probably swearing at each other probably I get annoyed the game as well so yeah no I don’t want that to happen no not all righty guys you have a fantastic evening turned up now yep it’s okay you leave the journeys running it’s fine just just to the power well as soon as we both log out that will stop anyway it’ll switch off yeah exactly yeah all righty chat catch you all tomorrow cheers Envy have a good dude bye see you guys Chia Chow bye bye Chow for

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Evetech TRIO Elite RGB Tempered Glass Gaming Case
Gamdias KRATOS M1-750B RGB 750W Power Supply
RYZEN 5 3600 (3.6GHz, 35MB GameCache, 6x Cores, 4.2GHz+ Turbo)
Gamdias Chione E2-120R 120mm AIO CPU Liquid Cooler
MSI X470 Gaming Plus MAX Ryzen ATX Motherboard
KLEVV BOLT X 32GB 3200MHz DDR4 Desktop Gaming Memory
GeForce RTX 3060 12GB GDDR6 Gaming Graphics Card
Integrated High Quality HD Sound Card
[NVMe] Hikvision E2000 1TB M.2 SSD Read Upto 3500MB/s
4TB High Performance 64MB Cache Hard Drive

Mic: Shure MV7 Podcast / Broadcast

Stand: Standard SMB Spring boom arm

Keyboard & Mouse: Redragon Mitra Keyboard & Griffin Mouse (backlit)

Monitors: x 2 (1 x LG IPS LED 27″ and ViewSonic Curved 32″ Gaming Monitor)

Soundsystem: Creative SBS 2.1

Headphones: Audiotechnica ATH-M30x

Thank you, it is truly appreciated 🙂

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